Saturday, November 3, 2012

Timing is Everything

When someone points a finger at your "reality," calling you insane, just smile and remember that three of those fingers are pointing back at them and their own reality. What you represent could be causing a fear within them and their fear could be causing their reaction. Be patient and understanding.

However, if the emotions are not one of finger pointing but sincere concern, then discuss it with them. Open up to understanding their point of view.

Don't discount a "key" that could be opening a "door" to a different or maybe even a better reality ... not just for you but anyone or everyone. Communication is the key for solving things.

Of course, you don't have to accept what anyone suggest, but "guidance" of mine once said: "put those thoughts in a virtual jar on a virtual shelf and every now and then look at them. You may not be willing to accept them now, or ever, but one day you may pull that jar (thought) off the shelf and be ready to understand it (additional reality)."

Like an adult explaining the facts of life to a two year old, not everyone will be ready to hear, or understand, based on their soul awareness ... their current reality.

Also, their current soul awareness could be so mucked up with other's fantasies that they don't know what or who to believe. They need directions with the right key, for the right door, and at the right time.

Any master soul knows this.

Timing is everything.

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