Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Privileged? Don't Assume!

Is anyone else having similar feelings regarding "privileged" comments and memes? As I'm reading these social media posts, I'm appalled in seeing the racial bias from those who say they hate racial bias. I realize some may not want to see things in perspective because they would not be able to hold onto their judgements. Judge not lest thee be judged is not supposed to be one sided.

Anyway, lately I've seen comments about people being privileged with many relating it towards the white race. Don't assume that all whites are privileged or that other races aren't, because your perspective is off. Don't assume that only minorities have had a bad time of it unless you considered those underprivileged whites that have had it too. To do anything less would be ludicrous. I know what it feels like to be called white trash or poor white trash when I felt I was neither.

Thankfully, I'm fortunate to have friends of many races, on many levels of social status, to help me keep things in perspective. These friends have shown me that we all have our trials and are all doing the best we can. I love them because of their kind heart and not because of their physical countenance or financial status (or lack of one). I would hate to lose any one of them due to this insanity. Sadly, over the years, I've lost some friends, even so-called enlightened ones, because of assumptions. Don't assume the color of one's skin makes anyone privileged. Don't assume that even someone that looks well off didn't have, or are still having, their struggles too. In fact, don't assume I'm assuming, you'll be wrong.

For you see, many times, in my life, I've struggled with finances and other concerns. All my life, I've struggle with illnesses that kept wanting to knock me down. Many times, I've discussed, written about, and made videos of my horrendous psychic attacks. Many times, I've dealt with unemployment. Many times, I've been subject to reverse discrimination due to not having the right color skin, not being within a minority sexual orientation, or not speaking a foreign language, because of being "privileged." Many times, I wasn't able to have a job that I felt I was more qualified, then the one hired, due to a company needing to meet a government's race or veteran quota. Instead of whining about it, I joined the military to help me get a veteran's status. I tried to learn a foreign language or get better educated, but I couldn't do anything about my skin color and I didn't choose to change my sexual orientation. Many times, I couldn't even get government assistance because of being told certain minorities needed it more. After all, I was white and I could get a job. Yep, I was certainly privileged. Privileged enough to deal with lots of discrimination, including sexual discriminations. I'm sure you can discern those atrocities on your own. Walk a mile and don't assume.

Did I throw a temper fit, go on a murderous rampage, riot and loot because I didn't get my way; didn't think life was fair? No! I sucked it up and changed my direction, because I believed in the Golden Rule. The Bible told us to ask and you shall receive ... not steal and you shall receive (stealing food, due to hunger, was an exception). So I asked, many times, and many times I had doors closed on me. Eventually, life taught me that I may be knocking on the wrong door or my timing was off. I decided to just keep knocking until the right one opened or be patient until it was my time.

I tried to make good choices, to help me improve. Maybe God/Universe saw those good choices and I was finally rewarded by being able to pull myself up and out of those parts of my life. However, every single day I struggle to maintain my hard earned "rewards" from those who constantly want to pull me back down into their hell, to pull me back down into their misery, to pull me back down to their level ... the level I struggled to get out of by making good choices.

I feel their hate of what I have because of their assumptions. I paid my dues; I'm still paying them every day. Anyone who really knows me, and knows my life story, understands this, and yet, I still do what I can, when I can, to help others. In fact, I've observed that many people are helping, in many ways. However, people who are takers never want to acknowledge this. Eventually, I don't feel like giving, because of those takers, because of those complainers who feel no matter what anyone does it's never good enough, because of those that assume that life should be easy and that everything should be handed to them.

Don't assume you're not paying your dues, based on your choices or those you chose on your path. Don't assume that your not reaping what you sow. It's called karma. Many times, I've questioned my own life by saying: what did I do in a past life to deserve this or who have I angered out there? One of the best things I've learned, in my awakening, is asking permission (direction). Asking if this is the right door to open or is this the right person to help me (or if I'm to help them). I'm finding that this can save a lot of heartache.

Lastly, please don't judge that any one color is more privileged, anymore than any one color classifies thuggery. Take off those bias blinders, open your heart and not just your mind. Look around you and asked yourself, how can I be part of the solution and not part of the problem?

Privileged? Don't assume!

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