Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Twists and Turns of Karma

Karma (cause and effect) can have many twist and turns and for many reasons. I'll explain what I mean. 

When I was a teenager, I told a neighbor that she had nice things. She said, that depends on what one calls nice. She promptly walked over and lifted up the end of a cloth, that draped her end table, and there sat an orange crate, which she had made to look beautiful with a tablecloth and a few pictures. 

I was stunned but this was a strong lesson that taught me not to assume or be envious of another's belongings. There are things not seen due to being deliberately hidden. 

Years later, I find myself living in a moderate size home that I worked a long time to have. Many things I have aren't as some may think. Some possessions are due to gifts or have been handed down to me. Some things are very old because I try to take care of what I own. Yet, there may be those that will be envious or resent what I have, not knowing my story. This has always bothered me, because I've never felt envious or resentful to those that live in mansions, or who had more than me, any more then I wanted anyone who had less then me to feel this way about me. I don't know their karmic path anymore than any one would know mine.

In time, I began to realize that I don't live in a lower circumstance because my past karma. This life was supposed to be a peaceful existence due to my original soul paying it's dues out there in the universe. I was now allowed to move on, but realized there could still be those who would be angry or jealous and not allow it. Many times this occurred, but I kept pushing forward to have my peaceful existence even under some extreme situations. I concentrated my energies on getting ahead and not wasting them on things I could not control. My path had its difficulties but I just thought I was still paying my dues. I would just shrug my shoulders and move on throughout the pain and heartache. I constantly reminded myself that this is all part of life and resentment wasn't going to be my path. 

I would also, humorously, tell myself that maybe more of me "paying my dues" will allow me a mansion one day, if I wanted it. Who knows, maybe the universe will have those that abuse their privileges of mansion living, revert back to lower circumstances living. If that's the case, should I feel upset that someone has less than me? Yes, it's interesting about people's circumstances and why they're caused ... those twist and turns of karmic flow.

After much reflection, it seems to me that my moderate home is the balance I wanted and needed to be able to live with myself; which is more important. I may have paid my dues and still paying them, but I think I know when to be satisfied and that reaching for the stars, all the time,  may not have the results I truly need for my peace of mind.

Similar to the peace of mind I had as a child. Back then, I had a lot of love but not much material possessions. I didn't know that I had "nothing," because I felt I had all I needed to truly survive. I was happy. I was content. I had the love and care of two wonderful parents that taught us to share and be kind to one another. I learned to appreciate what I had and not begrudge another for what they had. Maybe these people, as I, had already paid their dues and will continue to do so throughout their karmic soul journey. 

However, the main thing I wanted to share with this blog is that greed, envy or jealousy can occur in any station in life, not just in the wealthy. I know because, sadly, I see and read about it nearly every day. Don't covet your neighbors' goods, whatever that may be. You don't know what they did to deserve what they have, including what dues they may have paid in a past life or are still paying. 

Besides, it's not good karma. 

Be more mindful of your twist and turns. 

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