I posted this Emerson quote earlier today and soon after started getting messages from guidance.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The messages I received were from guidance challenging me on it. One challenge was: "can you really allow others to be themselves in order for you to be yourself?"
I replied: this depends on each situation. If I am allowed to be myself, and allow others to be who they are, then why are we here? I feel we all challenge one another to look at ourselves and see if this is what we truly want. Also, as you've taught me, "allowing doesn't mean putting up with." I choose not to put up with a bad attitude and I can allow it by walking away.
When I first received that "allowing" message from our Creator, many years ago, the feeling behind it was: we know better but we do it anyway, and no one should have to put up with anything given in a negative or lesser manner. It was then that I realized that we are all here to be a sort of guidance ... a foundation ... a check and balance system to those that cross our path ... as they do for us.
Many times my husband and I have challenged each other's truth. We have a civilized, verbal battle of wills to prove each other's point in order to come to an agreement. If not, we table it ... put it away until another day when we may have better insight to the problem.
In doing this, we have managed to change our opinion or concept on a subject peacefully. We have also gained wisdom from just listening to one another and, believe it or not, we have allowed ourselves to be better or different because of it. We have a mutual understanding of doing this without hate, name calling or belittling.
More should debate in like manner and maybe more would have less wars.
To continue, I felt that guidance was directing me into a better understanding of those around us trying to "change" us. Maybe we should realize that we are all here for change and just stop fussing about it.
Thank goodness for some change or we would all still be cave people ... not that there is anything wrong in that, if that is one's chosen path. However, if a cave person crosses path with a more advanced being, will one change another's thinking? Will the cave person convince the advanced being to be less or more ... or vice versa ... or just go their separate ways, peacefully.
One of my favorite sayings, when presented with a new challenge which I choose not to currently participate in: to each their own.
This is my way of saying, do what you want as long as you're not hurting me or another. You go your way and I'll go mine, since we have different opinions. But ... and you know there is always a but ... if the universe places two people within the same path, there is a reason: to learn from one another. How is one to know if they are hurting another without challenges to their existence ... without examples being presented ... without being taught a different way of thinking ... without confronting ourselves ... without, oh no shall I dare say it, changes?
We are all students and teachers in this plan called life. If we have someone trying to "change us," it may only be to test our convictions to our truths ... just as the devil tested Jesus. Are they then playing devil's advocate and is God sending the messenger? See? Think about it.
Life teaches us, eventually, to pick our battles wisely. Will you be tried and tested, challenged and changed, or will you walk away saying ... to each their own, yet still affected by what just transpired? Is anything really to each their own then? A thought seeded can take root ... can eventually make a change ... because you allowed it.
Oh well, in this lifetime I choose to be different, based on those that feel this way about me, it's what makes me happy. Maybe next lifetime I'll conform ... or not. ;)