Friday, August 23, 2013

Holocaust Past Life Sharing - Appreciation Email

------Email Received:

Hello atomarane,

I wanted to share something with you. I had an experience yesterday morning. I asked myself, and God, to give me insight into why I was the way I am in this life. I asked to be taken back to the past life that affected my current life so badly. 

You are not going to believe what I was showed mentally. I was not asleep or in deep meditation,  just relaxed and open. I had my eyes closed and I starting remembering these dreams I had about being in a hideous prison. I think I might have had a past life as a holocaust victim. 

That was the first thought that came to me. It was like a crystal clear message sent to me. I asked for information the memory of the dream I had of being in that hideous prison surfaced in my mind and then afterwards it felt like it was a Nazi concentration camp. It explains why I have a disdain for men in general. It also explains why I am so afraid of losing family members. 

I don't want to sound crazy but I think I have something here. I feel as though I owe you a thank you. The little time we spent communicating, you gave me the courage to do it myself. I even felt so much better after finding out that revelation about my past ... well potential revelation. 

Again thank you Ms Atomarane. Sorry for the long pm. I just felt you should know, since I can't really share things like this with anyone else; because people would think I am crazy. 

Past lives are real we just do not remember them consciously. I was skeptical but your soul does not lie and I am starting to understand dreams or so much more then scientist understand. 

Thank you for the guidance.

My Reply ---------

Everything you said resonated with me. Generally, I can feel doubt, if things aren't adding up, but with your story I felt you were truly being guided. 

Also, now that you understand "some" of your past, it will help you understand yourself more and know that feelings, which hold you back or create any hate or fear, can be released; it can set you free. 

That is one of the best parts about knowing your past, not to put yourself on a pedestal but to free yourself, as much as possible, from emotions that hinder you. 

Bless you, your guides and the universe for helping you. I say you, too, because you did allow it. 

More people are coming to terms with past lives and the emotions they can create in a current life. This awareness is coming out of the closet - so to speak. 

Thank you for the thank you ... and thank you for sharing your experience. May your journey bring you more awareness. 



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