Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Do You Feel Your Mind is in a Fog Around Certain People?

Has anyone experienced being around another, or others, (family, friends or a stranger) and feel as if your energy is being manipulated by another or your senses are suddenly in a fog?

It's a feeling as if your thoughts are blocked or you're saying things that are unfamiliar ... as if someone is "pulling your strings" and it's not for your highest good.

It's a feeling as if a thought has been forced (projected) into your mind and you say it but later, or even in that moment, you feel that was not you. You can even feel it was true (somewhat) but you can't shake that feeling of doubt. 

You may question things like: why did I say that ... or ... why was I not able to think or talk as I normally do ... or ... why was my thoughts blocked ... or my favorite ... where in the hell did that come from?!

It's as if you know the truth but your truth ability was being denied, blocked or subjected to by a fog of deceit. You feel that fog permeating and unrelenting.

Most times, in my unaware days, I would shrug my shoulders and move on because it wasn't that big of a deal or I chose not to make a big deal out of it. 

That is, unless it provoked a retort of ... that's not true ... from someone. Generally, I would say: what I meant to say was ... or ... I don't know why I said that ... or ... I don't know where that came from. Then I would just laugh or shrug my shoulders. 

Now, I have learned, since awakening, that this is a setup for numerous reasons but, generally, to make another feel better about them self ... at your expense. 

Lately, I have certain family members that I sense something is going on around them. When I am around them, I start sensing this fog of deceit rolling in and around me. 

Now, after a few incidents, which have occurred over the past few years, I start honing my senses even more when I start sensing that heavy fog ... almost as if I'm preparing for battle. I'm on guard but I don't always know why or what. 

Of course, I'm only human and have been caught off guard a number of times.  This has made me question my guides later ... where were you? Busy or distracted were a couple of reasons that they weren't on guard at that time. Makes sense. Why should I have problems with family for them to be on guard? 

Besides, I'm sure they have more then me to consider. I know that I'm not the "end all - be all" of their existence and they know I've been trained ... I can tie my own shoes now. ;)

However, after an incident occurs, I have had a few all calls with them to get to the heart of the matter. This is when I discovered what was going on with each moment that had occurred. Live and learn ... and I'm still doing so. 

Here are a few answers that I received after dealing with blocked, projected or subjected thoughts ... not just from family. 

1) There are some who feel inferior to you and want to discredit you. 

2) There are some who want to be on your level but do not want to take the time to learn all you did, so they decide it's easier to be superior acting by belittling you ... we see through it. 

3) There are those who feel they have to bring you down to their level because they cannot deal with the truth of their own ignorance. 

4) There are those who want to use you as a scapegoat to their own frailties. 

5) There are those that want to blame everyone but themselves. 

6) There are those who hate their very existence but instead of getting you to help them (or anyone), it is easier to maintain the hate and subject that hate onto you when you are expecting it less. 

7) There are those that wish to maintain their darkness and your light blinds them from the truth of being what they want to be ... you. 

8) There are those who feel in their heart they are doing something evil and they don't want to be exposed, hence they plot to make you look like you're not in your right mind.  

These are only a few things I've heard and I've removed the names of the ones we were discussing in order to keep it impersonal. It wasn't told to me in order to stroke my ego. I could feel and see the truth in what was being presented. I have some tough, no nonsense guides only because I choose to go to the ones who know the answers and that can be anyone of a higher order. They don't placate egos; they tell it like it is. 

It is not difficult to understand that there are many reasons why anyone can experience this, especially if you are a threat to another's ego. This is why I tell people, often, how these so called mind altering influences can take away our ability to be on guard. Yet, do you know that anger is a mind altering influence? It can remove your ability to reason as well as allowing that fog of deceit to influence you. 

Anger can also be subjective. One must be on guard to that also, especially when the anger is sudden and without reason. Good clue. Yet, someone drinking, per se, may not be in their right mind to catch it. Get it? 

To continue, when you have family or friends around that have family members who have crossed over, and have not gone through a healing in the universe, their energy can be used against you. This can be innocent on their part but in their innocence their minds can be used to set you up ... due to their confusion. That's when you may hear things like ... oh, you must be getting senile like your father (or whoever) ... and yet, this may only occur around certain people. Any other time you are fine. 


Anyway, I will not fault the innocent in their ignorance but will check to see if they were used. That will be the person who gets disciplined. Disciplining is a must in any dimension. People who cross over are not always in the state of mind of "doing into others ... etc." 

I try to be a good "parent" in the universe though. I've learned to not let my anger get the better of me. I warn and advise numerous times before my patience wears thin ... before taking stronger measures that the universe allows. I know to ask for guidance and permission. 

The main reason I do what I do is because of my love of our minds and souls, and that I do not like seeing the destruction of it. I'm here to learn and share ... as most are. Once they understand my real interest, they can put aside their fears of exposure, misplaced egos, or the what ifs ... the fog lifts (sometimes). Lifting that proverbial fog (removing their fears) can take time, understanding and patience ... and their allowing it too. 

It seems to be a never ending story though. When I sense the fog rolling in, all I can say is: here we go again. 


I took this picture on a recent trip, through the mountains, and it shows how I feel about sensing a fog rolling towards and around my mind. 


  1. This totally resonates with me. I'll be careful next time I feel something wrong.

  2. Many people feel the same but didn't understand what could be causing it.
