Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hearing Voices ~ Mental Warfare?

I hear voices in my mind, been this way for over 25 years; not knowing I was doing it unconsciously since birth and discovered we all do this. Yes, everyone does! That is, everyone that has a mind.

However, not everyone who consciously hears voices in their mind are sane, based on the definition of sanity. Even though their experiences are very real to them, they are not grounded with their five other senses to help them not "lose their mind" ... so to speak. 

They are not trained metaphysicians but victims of their limited circumstances. This is due to their soul/mind age and awareness and why those of young soul or mind (or both) are easily attacked or set up for another's selfishness.

Though I hear and have been taught by other worldly beings, I'm also not inclined towards delusional or gullibility based on my age, mental growth, and training. Age and wisdom does have its merits on occasion.

There are many who can be "influenced" by Internet propaganda and hype. Why? Because we draw to us many things for many reasons and even when there is so much enlightenment going on in the world, there are also the naysayers, the liars, the blockers of truth and wisdom, or "unseen powers" that don't want to be exposed for their wickedness.

People will be set up to be insane in order to debunk or undermine those that are grounded in facts, actuality and truth. The "guides" around us may be the real deal or the undoing of morality and justice. I made a video about these so-called guides on my Atomarane YouTube channel. Take time to watch it.

Spirit Guides vs Familiar Spirits - A Shake Down!   

To continue, how would anyone know what's fact or fiction if we keep, as some say, "killing the messengers"? However, what about those messengers? What "truths" are they sharing and where's the proof of what they speak? Have they validated themselves? Have you ever felt inclined to not have anything to do with someone with no logical reason of why that would be? Maybe someone is holding you back from the truth or promoting your mental demise.

Again - how would you know? You would know by what direction you are pulled in. You would sense it. You would sense something is not adding up to your well-being. 

Or not - because a drug induced or possessed mind cannot always reason logically.

This man (link below) was shot because he was deluded into thinking he had an implant in his brain and decided to take hostages because he was under possession and hearing voices. His act of violence got him killed along with a hostage. He was under psychic attack and desperate people do desperate things. 

Today's News: 
Did he have an implant? Was he under a psychic attack? Why would that occur? Because there are people being taught to fight a new kind of war called mental warfare. They don't need implants to do it, other then their astral projected thoughts to distort and control. I repeat, you do not need an implant in your mind to be controlled, just someone that has nothing better to do but to sit around projecting images, emotions and thoughts ... astrally ... toward another.

Hmmm .... imagine who or what that can be.

Who will an "unseen enemy" use to victimize? You got it! The weak or drug minded soul of an unsuspected, unwilling being of unsound mind for purposeful gain. Not everyone will listen 100% of the time to the "voices in their heads" due to a social or inner conscience of right and wrong, however, not everyone has a built in meter of right and wrong or strong enough to ward off the physical pain of continuous telekinetic attacks.

Until modern day science and doctors realize this is a fact and not some mind fantasy, victims will continually be set up and used, along with being doomed due to their continuous ignorance that undermines these people. I know because, as they say, been there - done that! It's my true story and why I tell mine and other's stories, to break through that thick wall of ignorance, or ... we can continue to bury our head in the proverbial hole.

I don't call myself a whistleblower because these stories have been told throughout history by many others. When will people listen?

Who's in control of your mind, body and soul and why do you keep allowing it?

**Edited August 14, 2016. The news link seems to be missing on the internet but you can read the story here:


  1. I loved that YouTube video. When you said something between the lines of "keep your what ever in your pants", I laughed. I guess it sounds ridiculous for me now, I mean, isn't that a bit desperate for them to feel this way around the people they are supposed to teach?

    Hopefully they will learn from their mistakes so that they can teach other souls.

    From this entry, I guess I have to be careful about my thoughts and keep a neutral-positive environment in my head.

  2. Glad you got a chuckle out of it (video). ;)

    To me, as I was taught, this is crossing a line in guardianship. It would be no different then an adult parent wanting sex with their child or a teacher with any student. The higher ups know this is a big no-no and a good clue in a familiar spirit trying to get it's way with you ... so to speak. It is to actually demoralize their victim. However, I am a firm believer - to each their own - I am just putting out my (their) opinion about it. If they do learn anything from any experience, I too hope they share and maybe more will understand with less heartache.

    As far as thoughts, keeping in touch with our physical reality and what we know is right or wrong. This is important and I try my best to use the Golden Rule in that matter. If I get wicked thoughts like running my car into another car or up a tree, or hurting another without provocation ... these are big clues. Of course, they could be subtle and occur when angry with another and an unkind word can slip ... if this happens when we know we don't normally talk that way ... another clue. When one's mind is in an altered state due to substance use and abuse, one may not be able to stop reaction to another's actions fast enough. Hence another one commits suicide or kills someone.

    Hope that helps ... I don't feel that being neutral too much is truly living. ;)
