Saturday, November 29, 2014

It's The Truth!

Truth: The true or actual state of a matter; conformity with fact or reality; verity.
My husband is always jokingly mimicking Jack Nicholson's, "you can't handle the truth."

What truth? Who's truth?

Truth, as a friend recently stated, is whatever one wants it to be. This made me think about what I was taught about truth and why I felt this word can cause controversy.

Yes, each person's truth is their truth but it doesn't always mean it coincides with another's or other's truth. It doesn't make it right or wrong, just their perception. It would be similar to a man telling me he was Oriental but had no genetic features as proof of his truth. This would cause my logical mind, based on what I know, to think ... huh? It would have to add up and this means I would have to question his logic. Maybe in doing so, his explanation would make sense ... maybe not.

This is why I like the words actual or factual. It's not so vague to me. Many times actual facts will overwrite another's fantasy, or previous "truth," especially if collective thought is utilized in fact finding. Maybe this Oriental man was raised in limited awareness. Showing another "truth," might be illuminating to him. 

Sadly, some hold so tightly to their truths, even against all odds, due to their need to be right. As my Navy dad would have said: to change an opinion may take the wind out of their sails. 

Oh, and that collective truth. Collectively, another's truth can be abusive or vague: like witch hunts or undetermined science hypothesis which changes like wind directions at times.

Nothing wrong with changing our truths either. Many believed in Santa and the Easter Bunny when we were children. It was our truth but now it's not. We grew up and discovered they weren't an actuality but a representation of a greater picture. Yet, these truths left imprints in our mind. Some choose to hold onto those imprints.

Maybe it makes them feel better because of it. It's their truth. It may not be everyone's truth because there's not enough facts to be real. Yet, they are happy in their fantasy. And, as long as it doesn't hurt me ... mentally or physically ... I allow them their fantasy ... their truth. Just as long as they allow me mine. After all, we obviously crossed "truth paths" for a reason. ;-)

I can go on and on with examples of truth but I'll keep this blog short and just add that all I can say about the truth of me is that I am what I am. Thank God part of that "I am" is being empathic, so I can feel truth too. I don't mean my truth, or your truth, but ultimate truth: God's truth.


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