Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Racial Profiling: Seeing Beyond Color

I have a few friends who have what I consider an old mind in a young body. I like talking to them because of their ability to use reason and logic as well as empathy.

The other day, one of them shared a video of white authority abuse on black that someone had shared with her. She was saddened by it. I wrote back that it's actually both ways but we hardly see this in our media reporting. I then shared a video of black authority abuse on white.

She's was also appalled about the abuse on the video I shared and stated: "Like, really? And this is the stuff some people just choose not to see. It's funny that some people would rather argue that it's racial discrimination than it is a human issue. It's something either mentally unstable about these people, or they just don't quite see what they're doing wrong. Regardless something needs to be done. It's getting a little too out of hand."

I was glad to see she understood how one sided our media is about this and decided to reply with more information to help her understand what I knew; what I've seen over many years of being here. 

I totally agree. It is out of hand and something should be done but it's a lot to consider to change anything and many won't, due to some misconceived notion that people or the government owe them anything, which keeps them from doing right for themselves ... legally. It's not like we live in the dark ages, we do have many means to help people today. I just finally figured that some don't really want that help because of arrogant mentality.

It's also due to too many thinking they're being wronged by others when the real wrong is within themselves. They're living in a self destruction mode of thinking. Is it racial profiling or are law enforcers working off their energy of being thugs? Then it would be thug profiling and rightfully so in my book. People should look at all the races that our police deal with everywhere ... there are thugs in every race but we only hear about white against black with our news media. Maybe law enforcers become thugs to fight back? It sure looks like what I've been seeing over the years. Bigger cities have the worse crime and the biggest issues with police. Think about it. Their hate and violence energy is bouncing off of each other. That can become a problem when they move out of the big city and take their attitudes into small towns too.

Another problem is that we employ police to protect us against wrong but when someone wrongs against the police it's just another cop killed; the heck with the fact they have family left behind from being murdered. Some use any retaliation against them, by the police, as a reason to use every excuse in the book to create mayhem instead of saying: where can we fix this problem?

As you know, hate only begets more hate. Apparently, they still haven't figured that out or they could care less. They're thriving on their hate and enjoying making others hate too. Let's just keep stirring up the hate pot instead of coming up with constructive solutions. Just shows you how much further in education some still need in order to be humane.

I do agree that there are people doing "bad" things on both sides but, like you said, it's not a racial thing it's a human thing. Humans using their programming to keep being self-centered with the thought of "you've done me wrong" instead of realizing they are maintaining their programming by doing that. Maybe it's based on their hate of themselves but looting only makes it worse. Disrespectful behavior on both sides makes it worse, too. Yet, I can understand how police can get an edge on their attitudes. Most have to deal with all kinds of insane behavior on a daily basis just doing their jobs. Sadly, it's a kill or be killed world they live in but its gotten worse over the years, which makes our law enforcers walk on thin ice. Many have PTSD because of it, there's suicides within the police force too, but no one wants to consider that because it would go against their agenda, which is mostly substance abuse or entitlement related. Anyone thinking they have a right to be arrogant or disrespectful towards the law, or other people's property, will pay the price. It would be easier to understand that, if they weren't intoxicated on mind altering substances or pumped up with their own self importance.

I grew up with the saying that ignorance of the law is no excuse. If I broke a law, that I didn't know was a law, I would still pay for it. Many think they're above the law. They think that if they constantly break it, that the law will change. Sometimes that's the case, but not in every case, or we will have more mayhem in the world, just like the looting in the city of Ferguson, Missouri recently. People will be out of control ... just like a zombie apocalypse. Not a pretty picture. Sadly, it also proves to me how more "animal" we are in our thinking then "human" if we can't change laws without rioting and looting.

That's why children need parents who will raise them with a strong foundation to build on. That's part of our world's problems today. We have parents not being attentive to their children or making too many excuses for bad behavior. They're being too allowing or permissive with their children because it's easier to do that so they don't have to overly participate in their upbringing. Some prefer to spend time with their friends on the computer or spend utility money on drugs, etc ... and then blame the government for everything.

I hope this wasn't too long and it helped you understand what our generations before you have left your generation to deal with. It's not a pretty picture but it's not for a lack of trying from many people like me wanting people to live and do better. This includes respect being given if they want to receive it. When you're talking with people about racial profiling, ask them if they're not doing the same thing. They normally are.

In the meantime, just keep being you and don't let this world turn you against all the good you have within you. That's what life can do to people sometimes.

We chatted a little more about this and she felt people need to start seeing the bigger picture. I totally agree. By the way, not that it matters, but she is African American and I'm European Caucasian ... both born and raised in America. We are trying to see things beyond color ... seeing the real truth ... as many are. If we can only get the media and organizations to see the hate they subconsciously promote, we may finally help mankind move beyond profiling and discrimination so we can call it for what it really is: people doing wrongful or illegal things for selfish purposes regardless of skin color.

Sometimes I just wish God would wave a magic wand and make everyone one color. Then look at us and ask: now what's your excuse?

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