Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sexual Psychic Attacks: Email Response

As a foreword to the email question I received and my response, I would like to say that many already know our world has its dark side. This blog's topic is only one of the things that contributes to it. Hopefully, by sharing information, it will help others relinquish their fears of telling their personal stories, to help them come out of their psychic attack closet. 

Yes, it's an unpleasant topic, for some, but sweeping it under a rug, or burying our head in a hole, doesn't make it better ... especially to those who have experienced it ... especially if it's a loved one involved. Because, anyone not knowing about things of this nature may think a person is crazy, or whatever "psychological" label that may be tagged onto them. I may have felt the disbelief too if I hadn't faced it myself. That, and reading the many stories from people who wrote me with similar scenarios over the years, which inadvertently validated my story, helped me understand the seriousness of this subject. 

Understandably, you may say that there could be those writing me to pull the wool over my eyes, but my awareness is written in testimonials at my website for anyone interested. 

To continue, this person and I have corresponded for some time and is quite willing to learn by asking questions; knowing it could invoke ridicule by sharing personal information, but pushing beyond that fear to open a door of better understanding. Because, there are some (experiencing any form of psychic attack with improper guidance) who could be led into suicidal thoughts, including committing suicide, because of their pain and fears. Some may even be pushed to murder others due to their torment. Hopefully this blog may shed more light on this dark subject, along with creating more compassion to those who experience such things. 

Email received:

Hello again :) I know I always come with questions but I'm under influence, as you know, and as you've been too. Maybe you could help me understand a bit better.

This thing spirit/negative being or whatever it is, is usually massaging my private area, as I've said, and touching me all over the arms, like giving a hug, or stroking my hair and legs and whatnot. Do you know why they do that? Is it to make a person accept them into their lives or just for the heck of it? Like they enjoy doing it or what's the point?

My response (with the help of universal guidance/personal understanding):

It's a multitude of reasons. Some are saying it's for proof that this is done to people. The more people that it's done to, it validates others. To prove this dimension exists and people aren't crazy that's experiencing it. 

It's also due to the hate in the world and the people who have mental issues including psychopaths and sexual predators that may be sent to us to have them learn lessons in better behavior. They think they're around to only torment but forget that lessons can be both ways. They aren't always willing to behave. They don't realize they are being used and are only minions. They go along with the gangs they hang with out there. Feeding off of one another in their slow self-destruction. 

Some of it is to teach us how to protect ourselves and eventually others. As we listen to what's going on around us, they actually let us know what they're doing, why they're doing it, and how we can circumvent their attacks. 

Some of it is to antagonize, to make us want to commit suicide. The strong will survive scenario ... and ... yes ... there are those who are mentally imbalanced that feel it is their job to push people to their limits. These imbalanced souls can still be in physical form and not just spirits.  

It's also due to anyone around you who is holding court over you, sending lower life forms to you to be better aware or used to hurt. These lower life forms may be placed anywhere in our body and in their sleep state can have their minds used to pain us. Sometimes, it could be done unconsciously, because they could be acting out scenarios in a dream state. Sometimes, it could be another's mind that is astral projecting to us while asleep and dreaming; acting out in their dream without knowing they're being used to inflict pain, depending on how close they get to us. Many things to consider before reacting. That's why it's best to be patient.

As I said, so many scenarios that I've heard or witnessed over many years of being a listener to what goes on out there and what's been occurring to me or others. Again, be patient and don't react too fast. Ask permission from higher guidance when you do an all call for help. Let those of knowing guide you and to help those around you to move on. Keep busy with normal day to day activities. It keeps your mind grounded in 3d stuff while dealing with mind stuff. Keep your energies elevated with things that bring you joy ... movies, music or any such distractions. I find some don't want us to be happy, so they may attack more when we do. I talk to them and ask them to release me from their soul; behave and think about the karma they're creating for their future. Similar to a parent telling a child, is this how you wish to be treated?

Hope that helps. 

There can be different things involved depending on each individual. This was only a general list of reasons that I've heard over many years. I also know that ignoring it doesn't always make darkness go away, but awareness can bring it into the light.

I'm not here to save the world; I make videos and write blogs and books because I, along with others, can at least teach people to hopefully save themselves. This blog's picture is from one of my books: Soul Searching For Truth. I wrote it to help people understand that  ignorance isn't bliss. I'm not saying one needs to take all the steps to be a metaphysician anymore than a physician, but we should be aware of everything that can effect one's health as much as possible. Education is part of life and being smarter. 





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