Thursday, November 6, 2014

What I've Learned About Inner Peace 

Developing and maintaining inner peace isn't always easy but I'll list a few things that I've learn that's helped me.

I've learned to accept a sort of que sera, sera philosophy: whatever will be will be. However, I will still drop a pebble into a pond to make a little ripple now and then.

I've learned that we cannot control others but we can control ourselves. It's important to treat people as we would want to be treated, even if that's walking away.

I've learned that I owe the person in the mirror to be a reflection I admire. If not, it's up to me to change it. 

I've learned to do whatever I can, whenever I can. I cannot care for another without caring about myself too.

I've learned that bad things can still happen to good people yet good is rewarded when we least expect it. 

I've learned that not everything will always go my way, as I don't live in this world alone. Life is too short to be miserable. Better luck next time. 

I've learned, for my peace of mind, to let go of any negativity and move on as fast as possible. This is a choice we all can allow, by ourselves or with help, because we are worth it.

I've learned that my mind/soul will be the only thing of value that leaves with me when I cross over. It is the main thing I choose to nourish. It's eternal.

I've learned that nature shows us that storms will come and go but the sun will shine again and the seas will be calm. Be patient. 

I've learned that I'm still learning and I've had many teachers along the way. One of those teachers was my original soul which I call Atomarane; a highly evolved metaphysical teacher that showed me how to be the calm within a storm. 

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