Friday, October 31, 2014

Mother Nature (Earth): Serial Killer

Sometimes, I see, read or hear things and go along with the flow for lack of a better reason not to. Eventually, I feel there are times when it's not making sense. This is one of those moments.

Earlier today, I read we have to protect mother earth from mankind's destruction and I heard: who protects mother earth from herself? I received a very strong emotion that the negative forces of "mother nature" are more destructive then mankind has ever been.

Of course, this had my logic kicking in and it made sense. Serious sense. Like any persona, we can have our good or bad side. Parents aren't always coddling and nurturing, they can and have utilize tough love too.

Mother nature is a serial killer? Sounds about right when you think about it. I remember hearing that in a movie sometime ago and it made sense to me then. The H2 Channel had a documentary called Serial Killer Earth, a couple of years ago, that I also remembered watching. I must have just filed it away in the back of my mind and forgot about it. Until I heard that message today.

It made me wonder why we berate mankind for being so destructive when the biggest destruction on earth is the one thing we say we're trying to protect. It has destroyed more things that mankind has used for its comforts and its needs, than mankind ever has.

For instance, we are motivated to protect forests, animals and insects, just to watch fires (among other destructive acts of nature) destroy them. From where I stand, she has no conscience compared to mankind. We make a mistake, we clean it up. Who cleans up her messes? We do!
This made me think: why are we so hard on ourselves for doing so much but with little respect returned for it? It's like she's telling us who cares what you protect, watch me destroy it.

Are we being taught a lesson? What's the lesson? Who does protect mother earth from herself? Why are we worshipping a serial killer? Does this sound logical to anyone else? This mother earth persona sounds pretty disgusting to me. She traps us with her beauty and uses it against us. Destroying what we love and try so hard to preserve.

This doesn't mean we shouldn't still protect and preserve but we certainly shouldn't be worshipping an imaginary persona that doesn't deserve it.

Wikipedia about Mother Nature/Earth:

Quote: World War Z (2013) - Andrew Fassbach: Mother Nature is a serial killer. No one's better. Or more creative. Like all serial killers, she can't help the urge to want to get caught. What good are all those brilliant crimes if no one takes the credit? So she leaves crumbs. Now the hard part, why you spend a decade in school, is seeing the crumbs. But the clue's there. Sometimes the thing you thought was the most brutal aspect of the virus, turns out to be the chink in its armor. And she loves disguising her weaknesses as strengths. She's a bitch."


  1. Sometimes the thing you thought was the most brutal aspect of the virus, turns out to be the chink in its armor. And she loves disguising her weaknesses as strengths. She's a bitch."

    whoa.... thats profound. so is your thought.
