Saturday, October 25, 2014

Timing: A Necessary Importance

Regardless of age, we have to understand that some minds cannot always comprehend what's being taught, no matter how much one explains.

They're either not willing, able, or ready.

It would be similar to describing color to a blind person or the facts of life to a toddler.

During the conversation, one should realize it's best to stop explaining and move on. Not with an attitude of being superior or arrogant but that you're being sympathetic and understanding.

They will understand when their mind allows more ... even if that's another or many other lifetimes. Why get frustrated or angry? Is it really worth it?

I understand about timing because I couldn't grasp algebra in high school; barely passing. Was my mind being blocked from learning? However, in my twenties, I helped someone study algebra, as well as geometry and calculus. I couldn't understand why I had so much difficulty in school; it seemed to flow much better in my mind afterwards.

This taught me a valuable life lesson. Timing is important and necessary.

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