Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Alaska Walrus Haulouts: Media Hype Misleading

I don't know why I'm still stunned when I see and hear blatant deceit being reported by the media. When will the media stop promoting lies? I thought they were to investigate everything and report actual facts. Guess not! Here's the latest of media misleading reporting due to placating big money/big names for advertising funds.

The other day, I was watching CNN who interviewed a guy from the Columbus Zoo. In the interview, he mentioned that 35,000 Walrus had haulout in Alaska, claiming it was due to ice melting from global warming. Even convincing photos were shown. During the interview he mentioned the amount of money that was made, with corporations like WWF, which was in the millions of dollars, to help their causes.

However, once again, I received feelings that I needed to investigate further ... dig deeper ... something wasn't adding up. I started out with a Google search of the information I needed and sure enough, in my searching I found a site that stated: "Blatant nonsense: Media hyped walrus climate scare stories debunked – Claims recycled year-after-year – A Climate Depot Rebuttal."

There is a lot of information to read on this link:

In reading it, I notice another person, a Zoologist, Dr. Susan Crockford, was being used as a reference. So I decided to go to her blog. She stated that: "Mass haulouts of Pacific walrus and stampede deaths are not new, not due to low ice cover." She shares very convincing data to support her statement.

Her blog site:

Another site I found stated that: There normally isn’t any sea ice within 100 miles of Alaska this time of year, and this year isn’t much different from the 1981-2010 median.

Here's the link: A Beached Climate Scam

This made me wonder: why do some corporations feel they have to lie to make money? Is their desperate behavior to really help wildlife or to feed their pockets? How much advertising money is received by the television media to help promote their scams?

Lastly, I appreciate the guidance I receive. I'm thankful for their being ever vigilant in keeping me informed with truth and not being misled by self-serving fear-mongers. It reminded me, once again, to think (research) before reacting.

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