Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A.D.D. ~ Yesterday and Today

When I was younger, we said that we got sidetracked when something distracted us from a task. It happens. We were told to get our head out of the clouds, if we were caught daydreaming instead of completing a task. If it happened often, we were reprimanded and ask to change our behavior.

Today science has deemed this a serious psychological problem ... a stigma to society. They decided to give it a diagnostic name along with creating medication to hopefully correct it. Sometimes, making someone mildly comatose in their behavior.

In my youth, I was pushed, with positive reinforcement, to change or modify my programming.

Today, it seems that people readily accept it. Many times using it as an excuse (as oppose to a reason) to maintain the programming.

In my youth, I was asked to strengthen my character by working on changing my behavior.

Today, we are led to believe we have a weaker character. We have a disorder which gives many permission to remain in a negative behavior.

I am by no means a doctor but I have been an observer of people all my life. I know there's exceptions to every rule ... a reason for everything. However, my feelings, after thinking about all this, is that I would prefer yesterday's concepts, that I had, than what I observe today. I'm thankful I grew up then. With firm parental and society guidance, I learned to grow out of my programming, without acceptance, excuses, stigma or medication.

Yes, those were the good old days.

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