Saturday, December 31, 2016

Mental Illness Free-For-All?

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! I decided to end this year with a blog due to a very thought-provoking video I received this morning from a friend (link below). It's, actually, an event that happened over a year ago, but it's the first time I've heard about it. 

To begin with, I'm not writing my blog about the people in it. I'm focusing on something that was mentioned. It was in regards to transgenders and mental illness. It got me thinking: what if we applied this same "redeeming" attitude to anything we may designate as mental illness, as in alcoholism or bi-polar (both mentioned in the video)? In other words, accept and allow. What will be will be. Don't interfere. Let them be and do what they want. If we have begun using the reasoning that it's genetics, why wouldn't that reasoning apply to all situations? 

Now, before anyone starts huffing and puffing, please hear me out. 

For some time, I've been getting "feelings" about our current direction: why we have called some things mental illness, yet have been manipulated into accepting them, now, as normal (and vice versa)? I've even blogged about how our compassion can be used against us. It's perplexing? Why are we placating a rabbit hole mentality in some cases but not others? Are we in denial? This video shows how extreme things can and have become in being bullied into acceptance and the double standards some use to manipulate others. When do we apply the breaks? 

When do we stop being pulled down that rabbit hole with them?

Yes, we should try to understand each situation completely. That doesn't mean we should be bullied into submission. Maybe rejection is just as important or necessary. There should be this little light of reasoning, within all adult consciousness, which allows a check and balance to everything. It's no different than a child trying to manipulate a parent into agreeing over something, when the parent has more facts and should be putting their foot down. Yet, the parent gives into the child, against all sane reasoning, just to stop the whining. Duly noted by the child ... child wins. 

Which has me wondering, lately, who's running the country (world), the child or the parent?

After watching the video, and before you start saying but - but - but, ask yourself: if terroists are mentally ill people, should we allow them to be who they are? If pedophiles are mentally ill people, should we allow them to be who they are? If rapists are mentally ill people, should we allow them to be who they are? When will those behaviors become acceptable too? Aren't we supposed to help people - with any illness - get better?

Or - do we keep making excuses?

Of course, I've heard the argument that as long as they're not hurting anyone, but themselves, it's okay. Seriously? Does that apply to suicidal people? I knew a teen girl who pulled her hair out when she was stressed. Are people who cut themselves acceptable? How do we know that one person, telling another they're hurting them self, for whatever issue they've reasoned, didn't lead others to do similar?

So, to me, that argument is not only invalid it's nonsensical.

The flow of human creation doesn't stop or start with one human being. Think about religious fervor and how it set out to conquer and convert even at the cost of human suffering under the guise of someone's rights. If actions define a person's character, and we find that character to be repugnant, don't we try and change it in order to keep it from spreading?

So - are we being a bully for stopping a flow of thought before it gets out of control?

I've been told that allowing doesn't mean putting up with. As I mentioned above, a child can wear a parent down with whining and temper tantrums. Some parents choose to give into this behavior. This often leads some becoming adults who think they are entitled to everything because of it. Entitlement, in my professional opinion, is a mental illness too. Should we allow this as well? Were they born this way - genetically speaking? Were some also born without the ability to reason? What about those who are always fighting social causes or those who are perpetually angry? What about people who are always in denial? 

Wouldn't all "their feelings" be "genetic" too? 

What makes people do what they do? Do we "allow" them all?  Regardless of how one feels about another, do we allow people to threaten another bodily harm due to a difference of opinion (video)? Is that sane? Where do we draw the line? Are we to walk away from all idiosyncrasies, including the most abhorrent, and become apathetic? I hope not, because having a mental illness free-for-all doesn't sound logical or heathy. 

Ben Shapiro Comments On Transgender Zoey Tur Incident!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Love is Divine

Love is divine and cannot be fitted into some natural blueprint you draw yourself. As you know, nature has a wisdom of her own, and with her laws of attraction and rejection, between the sexes, she renews and carries on this human race through this great mystery called love. She makes people strong to face the many trials and troubles of life and to help us find this life still worth while. It is unwise for people to consider their wisdom higher than hers, yet many try.

Of course, sexual love is a vital force in these relationships, to be freely expressed and fully enjoyed. After all, why do people get married? Yes, underneath all those sweet kisses and promises runs the fire of the loins. But remember, the only reason ever to marry anyone is that you feel absolutely sure you couldn't live without this ideal mate.
You see, a relationship between two people isn't just the starting of babies, but much more. It is happiness, comfort, forgiveness, understanding, unselfishness, and unity. It is the discovery of complete oneness between two souls; the only place where two people can express their love completely.
To nurture this feeling we call love, it takes words, deeds, money, and time to keep a relationship going; with the hope that all you put into it will be returned. It is surprising to see how love can fill the chasm between two people that may be from different worlds, personalities, and beliefs. Without love we feel the full agony of loneliness and discontent. With love we feel peace of mind, body, and soul.
Be practical in your love. Before marriage consider all things necessary for this perfect union. What about disposition, reliability, and whether you agree on religion, raising children, and money matters? These are important things to consider in a relationship, right after you decide you're in love. Most important of all is the desire of the loins. If you are not sure of that, even the rest being perfect will impair a union of souls.

Love doesn't always come, even when the soil is prepared and conditions seem perfect. Yes, love is divine, but walks its own way. It cannot be forced ... only followed.

This was, originally, written by me in the Spring of 1966 when I was 18. I was engaged to be married that summer. I revised it a little in 1991. Today, I amended it, before putting it on my blog, due to grammar and punctuation. In reflection, I realize many people channel while writing, painting, or composing. I'm sure this was no exception.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Depression: Empaths and Winter Holidays Blues

In December 2012, I had shared, on social media, a personal experience about unexplained feelings of depression and decided to share it on my blog.

Sorrow is often felt by empathic people throughout the year, however even more so during the winter holidays. Sometimes, it's due to heightened suicides that can occur, during that time, but I've noticed that it can also be worse during any distressing times, like recent world events. This can make it more difficult for empaths. It's like we're hit doubly hard.

It's wise to keep your defenses up, especially if feeling an overwhelming amount of sorrow coming at you and for no apparent reason. I learned about this because it often happened to me as I was growing up. Eventually, I learned that it wasn't always "my feelings" that I was sensing.

The first time that I can recall it happening to me, we were living in Italy. I was only nine and started crying for no reason at all. My dad even asked me why. I replied, pathetically, through my tears, "I don't know." It was the same night that he took this picture of me studying. He thought it was due to homework stress, but I couldn't relate to that. It was a very strange feeling, yet I knew it wasn't over homework. I just shook it off and it went away.

As I got older, the winter holidays always hit me the hardest. I didn't understand why because I love this time of year. It was after I was "awakened," and being taught the things that can go on "out there," that I learned this is, especially, the time you can pick up "sad" spirit attachments, because they may be looking for comforters. Their sorrow draws them to empathic and/or sympathetic people for the comfort and healing they need and, sometimes, it can become overwhelming for us, as well as those that guide us.

Another thing, that I learned, is that the departed may go to God, but God may send them to others to help with the work load: sending only what He knows we can handle. Other situations may bring them to you on their own, possibly due to a past life or current life situation.

In conclusion, I learned an important lesson from my dad: a busy mind doesn't have time to think about things that may be bothering us.  Maybe that's why it's important to stay involved with family and friends during the winter holidays - or any occasion - that may bring on depression. It not only keeps us busy but lifts our spirits from those winter, holidays' blues.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Personal Story: God's Healing Help?

First, I'd like to say that you don't have to believe in God for him to be real. He doesn't need our validation. He doesn't have to be a "he" either, I just use that pronoun due my personal feelings.

Anyway, I'm saying this because I want to share something. My husband picked up a case of water this past Sunday, something he's done often, but this time he was still recovering from a mild shoulder injury from a month earlier. He didn't feel anything, at first, but the next day, he started feeling more muscle pain. All the things we were doing this week didn't seem to be working, to the point that yesterday we discussed calling his doctor to make an appointment because he was still in excruciating pain.

Last night, as we were going to bed, I suggested that he meditate before going to sleep and send healing energy to that area. However, I went one step further, I went into an All Call with guidance and the universe to ask God to intervene. I felt something wasn't adding up because my husband had told me it seemed to get worse at night. Hmmm... why would that be? The more I checked, it appeared that there was something going on with his shoulder which wasn't coming from him. He was under psychic attack. I asked if he could be released from this negative energy so he could heal and then I fell asleep still waiting for an answer.

This morning, he woke up telling me that he was feeling much better but he knew he still had some healing left to do. A little later, he surprised me with this statement. He said, "I prayed to God to help me so I could heal. I told him I didn't deserve this." I turned to him and said, "that's interesting because I asked God to help you too."

Was it God? Angels sent by God? The mysteries of the universe? He's not in excruciating pain today. What do you think?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Taking Care of Oneself

Occasionally, I like to share the wisdom of others, especially from my friends. Janelle is not only a close friend, an avid student of the universe, but also an artist on a couple of my books. She wrote this (below) last year on social media and gave me permission to share it, but today I decided to put it on my blog when I read it again. It's a good reminder to be loyal to those who deserve it, especially to oneself.

Taking Care of Oneself - Janelle Wilson (12-14-15)

I have learned that there is a time to let go to take care of oneself. There is no selfishness in letting go when another wishes to ignore help.

There is also no shame in rationalizing that worry and anxiety will solve nothing.

Compassion however is selfless and an act of love, and it's what keeps people together.

In this life, I've learned that I may not be the person, event, or teacher to walk others to the help they need.

In order to take care of oneself, we must let go when it is necessary, even if it isn't easy.

If I understood this years ago, I would have saved myself heartache from those who could have cared less about how harmful they were to themselves and others.

I don't believe anyone needs to hold on to toxic people. I know this because I understand there are those who don't wish to try, and no amount of love can force change.

People have to want to change.

I hope that this insight may help others who are having a rough time on the holidays due to whatever reason.

Keep smiling and be grateful.
Love even if you don't like.
Be gentle to yourself.

This picture, of Janelle, was taken in 2014 at Daytona Beach, Florida. It was on her second visit here to see my husband and I since we first met, via YouTube, years before. She has a wonderful sense of humor along with her philosophical and serious side. Besides the artwork she did for me, you can see more on her website:

Monday, December 12, 2016

Yes or No?

Pythagoras is noted as saying: "the oldest, shortest words - 'yes' and 'no' - are those which require the most thought." This was something I learned through personal experience. These two words require "the most thought" because of needing to know when to say which one and why. 

Eventually, I learned that I had to, ocassionally, step away from any situation that may be demanding an immediate commitment, a yes or no answer, even for a moment or two. Doing this gave me time to weigh the situation. To ask myself if my response was coming from me or if my mind was being affected in order to appease another's wishes.

Before learning this, I was a serious "people pleaser." Saying no was one of the most difficult things for me. Which means, I often felt used because of it. One day, a friend said: "You know, it's ok to say no. In fact, the more you say it, the easier it gets." She was right, it works and I have no difficulty saying it now - when I need to do so. I've also learned not to feel guilty over it as well. In fact, under certain circumstances, the life I save may be my own.

Lastly, this was another difficult but very important lesson that I, eventually, learned: whatever you decide, commit to it and don't look back later with regrets or a sour attitude. If it doesn't turn out as you thought it might, or things don't go well with the relationship later, don't forget that you, ultimately, allowed your decision. Learn from it and move on. If for no other reason than allowing your peace of mind.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Diversity: What's Normal?

Some people think others need to conform to their little box of idealogy. As I told someone the other day, who was interviewing me, I post a variety of things on social media because it's my way of showing how diverse I am.

Yes, I'm a metaphysician, but I'm also a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister and friend to many. I'm diverse in my awareness and creativity. I've been taught many things in my life. Some things, like my psychic awareness, I use to help others, as well as myself, but I also love reading, traveling, sewing, crafting, vlogging and blogging. I may not be the best, at the things that I do, but it, generally, brings me happiness.

Additionally, I've learned to share my diversity while learning from others. If people enjoy nine things that I do but one thing causes them discomfort, then they need to decide if that one thing is holding them back from enjoying the other nine things. If it is, then let it go and move on. I don't agree with everything people say or do and I don't believe they need to agree with me on everything. I, certainly, don't want my happiness causing others to be unhappy. But I cannot control their feelings, that's their choice.

Lastly, mean-spirited people can often rob others of their happiness by pulling them into to their misery. Maybe it's their "normal" behavior, but I'm often reminded of a message I received a long time ago from our Creator, regarding people saying we need to be allowing: "allowing doesn't mean putting up with." In other words, no one's "normal" behavior (including mine) should be, continually, robbing another or others of their happiness. Make the choice to move on - separate - disconnect - cut the cord. As the saying goes: "Life's too short to be miserable."

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Political Correctness: Cultural Marxism

I have a long time spiritual friend, Helen, from Cyprus. Occasionally, she writes something on Facebook and I swear she's channeling some of my feelings and writing them down for me. This day is no exception. I have permission to share her words but today I decided to put them on my blog, along with an outstanding seven minute video she also shared, in order to reach outside of Facebook.

Quote: They have created group upon group of people and labeled them all and then tell you not to label anyone because then you are being oppressive, prejudice, racist, phobic and you are a bully, an attacker etc so basically if you are a white, heterosexual, meat-eating Christian then you are a victimiser by default. You will get blamed for every single thing that happens whether now or in the past because you are not a minority and therefore an abuser and those who say they don't want to be labeled still take advantage of their label as a tool to bully and oppress the above.

If you are any other race that is not white apparently you cannot be racist when you make racist comments against whites. If you are anything but heterosexual then you cannot be called phobic for having prejudice or throwing insults against heterosexuals. If you are any other religion apart from Christian, again, you are not deemed as being Christian-phobic if you insult Christ, Mary or the saints, etc.

If a member of one of those groups, such as a gay man, steps outside the label and model they have created for him, like being a gay Christian for example, then they attack him and bully him down. If a woman stands up and says she supports men and the male role she will be attacked because she is supposed to be in the feminazi group because she is a woman.

The world is suffering from CULTURAL MARXISM and even if you are one of those who has been stuffed into a pigeon hole and labeled, do not succumb to allowing anyone to define who you are.

What is Cultural Marxism:
