Saturday, December 31, 2016

Mental Illness Free-For-All?

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! I decided to end this year with a blog due to a very thought-provoking video I received this morning from a friend (link below). It's, actually, an event that happened over a year ago, but it's the first time I've heard about it. 

To begin with, I'm not writing my blog about the people in it. I'm focusing on something that was mentioned. It was in regards to transgenders and mental illness. It got me thinking: what if we applied this same "redeeming" attitude to anything we may designate as mental illness, as in alcoholism or bi-polar (both mentioned in the video)? In other words, accept and allow. What will be will be. Don't interfere. Let them be and do what they want. If we have begun using the reasoning that it's genetics, why wouldn't that reasoning apply to all situations? 

Now, before anyone starts huffing and puffing, please hear me out. 

For some time, I've been getting "feelings" about our current direction: why we have called some things mental illness, yet have been manipulated into accepting them, now, as normal (and vice versa)? I've even blogged about how our compassion can be used against us. It's perplexing? Why are we placating a rabbit hole mentality in some cases but not others? Are we in denial? This video shows how extreme things can and have become in being bullied into acceptance and the double standards some use to manipulate others. When do we apply the breaks? 

When do we stop being pulled down that rabbit hole with them?

Yes, we should try to understand each situation completely. That doesn't mean we should be bullied into submission. Maybe rejection is just as important or necessary. There should be this little light of reasoning, within all adult consciousness, which allows a check and balance to everything. It's no different than a child trying to manipulate a parent into agreeing over something, when the parent has more facts and should be putting their foot down. Yet, the parent gives into the child, against all sane reasoning, just to stop the whining. Duly noted by the child ... child wins. 

Which has me wondering, lately, who's running the country (world), the child or the parent?

After watching the video, and before you start saying but - but - but, ask yourself: if terroists are mentally ill people, should we allow them to be who they are? If pedophiles are mentally ill people, should we allow them to be who they are? If rapists are mentally ill people, should we allow them to be who they are? When will those behaviors become acceptable too? Aren't we supposed to help people - with any illness - get better?

Or - do we keep making excuses?

Of course, I've heard the argument that as long as they're not hurting anyone, but themselves, it's okay. Seriously? Does that apply to suicidal people? I knew a teen girl who pulled her hair out when she was stressed. Are people who cut themselves acceptable? How do we know that one person, telling another they're hurting them self, for whatever issue they've reasoned, didn't lead others to do similar?

So, to me, that argument is not only invalid it's nonsensical.

The flow of human creation doesn't stop or start with one human being. Think about religious fervor and how it set out to conquer and convert even at the cost of human suffering under the guise of someone's rights. If actions define a person's character, and we find that character to be repugnant, don't we try and change it in order to keep it from spreading?

So - are we being a bully for stopping a flow of thought before it gets out of control?

I've been told that allowing doesn't mean putting up with. As I mentioned above, a child can wear a parent down with whining and temper tantrums. Some parents choose to give into this behavior. This often leads some becoming adults who think they are entitled to everything because of it. Entitlement, in my professional opinion, is a mental illness too. Should we allow this as well? Were they born this way - genetically speaking? Were some also born without the ability to reason? What about those who are always fighting social causes or those who are perpetually angry? What about people who are always in denial? 

Wouldn't all "their feelings" be "genetic" too? 

What makes people do what they do? Do we "allow" them all?  Regardless of how one feels about another, do we allow people to threaten another bodily harm due to a difference of opinion (video)? Is that sane? Where do we draw the line? Are we to walk away from all idiosyncrasies, including the most abhorrent, and become apathetic? I hope not, because having a mental illness free-for-all doesn't sound logical or heathy. 

Ben Shapiro Comments On Transgender Zoey Tur Incident!


  1. What really bothers me about the left is that they don't seem to realize they are becoming like the opressors they fought against all these years.

    While I don't personally regard transgenderism as a mental illness, I do believe, by watching the video, that things got out of hand and instead of trying to reason with Shapiro they kind of went boinkers.

    I necessarily don't agree with everything he says, but I also understand where he comes from and has a reason to be a bit peeved.
    Well, to say that everyone one the left doesn't use reason is kind of far- fetched, like saying everyone on the right is untolerant, which is equally untrue.

    But I was taken aback a bit from some comments, especially one on homosexuality and trangenderism- of course it hurt me a bit since I like girls and would feel upset if someone told me it was an illness to be cured. But I also see there is misinformation and lack of understanding on both parties, and that could just cause more harm on the people some extreme leftists are claiming to protect.

    I guess I still think like them if I got a strong reaction from watching the video and reading the comments, or else I wouldn't be writing here. I am not mad at mr Shapiro or at some of the commenters, I don't plan on completely shunning my attraction towards the same gender either. However I think I understand that to earn respect and tolerance I also need to hear the other side. Even if I consider myself to be a leftist, I will not let any agendas prevent me from acting like a respectable human being, especially if it has to do with my personal beliefs.

    I still have a lot to learn about myself, and my orientation might change to being attracted to males, but it doesn't really matter, it's still me and I have a life ahead of me. Just hoping that both sides will be tolerant towards one another, because in the end their agendas will only cause more harm than good if it keeps going this way.

    1. I agree completely with your first paragraph. I've even stated in previous blogs - don't become what you hate.

      As far as the basis of this blog, it's a very thin line to cross when genetics is blamed but excused and not rectified (helped/healed). In this case, all sorts of reasoning could be used to forgive others of their "feelings " due to it. We make laws to protect us and hopefully that will help. However, what if those laws were abolished for the same reasoning being used for "they can't help it they were born that way." In other words, a born killer.

      As you know about my studies, souls are born with genetics too. So, yes, we do carry things forward. We also can change genetics, based on scitific studies. We can incorporate new things due to any new life. Lots of reasons why people do or shouldn't do things. For instance, your like of females. What if it was a soul genetics that you brought with you in a new life? What if it was a powerful influence and you were trying to rewrite it but didn't have help and succumbed to old programming. See? Lots of things to consider that science hasn't gotten into that might answer a lot more questions and help more.

      The guy/girl in the video is not only angry over fighting for the cause but is unconsciously angry over another - a spirit who decided to possess this man's (woman's) body to continue on with its fantasies. The man/woman is unaware of this and hence has a lot of anger being projected to his/her mind. This is a terrible thing to be possessed. It causes a plethora of emotions and some are angry ones. If truth be known, I would be angry too. In fact, I was extremely angry when I found out how much was going on around me during my entire life. I even told everyone - hell, I don't know who I am due to everyone trying to take over me. Well, I actually did and decided that who I was in that moment that I found out was okay to maintain. Yet, I would have done everything to change if I felt I was being led down a rabbit hole of insanity. 😉

      Happy 2017!
