Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Diversity: What's Normal?

Some people think others need to conform to their little box of idealogy. As I told someone the other day, who was interviewing me, I post a variety of things on social media because it's my way of showing how diverse I am.

Yes, I'm a metaphysician, but I'm also a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister and friend to many. I'm diverse in my awareness and creativity. I've been taught many things in my life. Some things, like my psychic awareness, I use to help others, as well as myself, but I also love reading, traveling, sewing, crafting, vlogging and blogging. I may not be the best, at the things that I do, but it, generally, brings me happiness.

Additionally, I've learned to share my diversity while learning from others. If people enjoy nine things that I do but one thing causes them discomfort, then they need to decide if that one thing is holding them back from enjoying the other nine things. If it is, then let it go and move on. I don't agree with everything people say or do and I don't believe they need to agree with me on everything. I, certainly, don't want my happiness causing others to be unhappy. But I cannot control their feelings, that's their choice.

Lastly, mean-spirited people can often rob others of their happiness by pulling them into to their misery. Maybe it's their "normal" behavior, but I'm often reminded of a message I received a long time ago from our Creator, regarding people saying we need to be allowing: "allowing doesn't mean putting up with." In other words, no one's "normal" behavior (including mine) should be, continually, robbing another or others of their happiness. Make the choice to move on - separate - disconnect - cut the cord. As the saying goes: "Life's too short to be miserable."

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