Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Was Jesus A Vegetarian?

Sometimes, the things I read on the Internet or see on TV makes me go - hmmm. As in ... this doesn't feel right. As in ... this is not adding up. As in ... don't believe this until you investigate further.

I saw where Dr Oz was trying to prove on a recent TV show, that people were designed not to eat meat. This was based on today's human jaw function and teeth, however, haven't we morphed into who we are today from millions of years ago? Who is to say what or why our design was to do back then ... long before Jesus? Hmmmm...

I would not dispute that a "diet and exercise" of that time period would be considered healthier in today's standards, however I feel concerns of death from other sources may have been ever present, in their minds, to be concerned with diet or exercise.

Anyway, in receiving some doubt off the universe, I was guided once again to do research and I found this website with a nice response to someone's question on it and thought I'd share it.

It pretty much sums up what I heard from God many years ago. He said - "do whatever makes you happy and do it in moderation." When I asked further, my reply was that I would reap what I judged. Not what He judged but what I did. Hmmmm....

I realize that I don't live in this world alone and judgements of many things are running rampant. It only goes to say then: whose judgements will control me and my thoughts? What will I believe in and will collective thought be in charge of right and wrong when it comes to what I believe and how strongly I believe?

Isn't that what our past prophets taught ... or tried to ... believing certain things without judging?

Seems difficult right? Until someone comes along to show the way. This is why I think I felt doubt, because if Jesus fed the multitude fish, would he do that if he believed in being a vegetarian, without judging himself for it?

It made me think and it made me question, which had me seeking. This article is what I found and it resonated with me, but it will still be up to you to decide or not.


Answer: Jesus was not a vegetarian. The Bible records Jesus eating fish (Luke 24:42-43) and lamb (Luke 22:8-15). Jesus miraculously fed the crowds fish and bread, a strange thing for Him to do if He was a vegetarian (Matthew 14:17-21). In a vision to the apostle Peter, Jesus declared all foods to be clean, including animals (Acts 10:10-15). After the flood in Noah's time, God gave humanity permission to eat meat (Genesis 9:2-3). God has never rescinded this permission.

With that said, there is nothing wrong with a Christian being a vegetarian. The Bible does not command us to eat meat. There is nothing wrong with abstaining from eating meat. What the Bible does say is that we should not force our convictions about this issue on other people or judge them by what they eat or do not eat. Romans 14:2-3 tells us, “One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him.”

Again, God gave humanity permission to eat meat after the flood (Genesis 9:3). In the Old Testament law, the nation of Israel was commanded not to eat certain foods (Leviticus 11:1-47), but there was never a command against eating meat. Jesus declared all foods, including all kinds of meat, to be clean (Mark 7:19). As with anything, each Christian should pray for guidance as to what God would have him/her eat. Whatever we decide to eat is acceptable to God as long as we thank Him for providing it (1 Thessalonians 5:18). “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

This is the link where I found this reply:

Here is another's opinion:

There were some valid points made in both articles. Yes, a lot of people feel we cannot believe everything the Bible states. We have to take things with a grain of salt as it was written thousands of years ago and some of it's validity is always being questioned. Most will read what they want from it, and that's how it should be, because we have been endowed with free will to reason.

However, Jesus was raised Jewish and may have followed Jewish customs as he grew up. Also, I feel if he was a strict vegetarian someone would have clearly written this down, along the many other teachings that were presented.

Maybe they just didn't think it was a big deal back then, or possibly fish was all they could afford ... because meat may have been only for those that were more affluent ... or the poor used meat only as an offering.

Could it be nothing more then this?


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Psychic Attacks - Teaching Lessons Learned

Many times, I have heard that things happen to people in their life, over and over, because the lesson hasn't been learned. However, I have also learned that things may still happen to us because we "already got it" ... whereas others are "still working on it" and we are helping them learn. We can get the fallout like collateral damage.

We can get caught in the onslaught of their learning and since, psychically speaking, there is no place to hide, we can get caught in another's lessons; sometimes painfully so. I've learned this due to my psychic attacks, some pretty serious which I share in my true story book, and the many reasons and excuses I've heard off the universe.

Hence, some attacks are not only from those trying to understand, but of what some say of not letting go of things that no longer serve a purpose.

This is why I decided to teach others to empower themselves instead of doing it for them. Hopefully, this will help everyone in the long run, especially due to the serious amount of money I was also hearing people were paying and most had little to no relief.

In teaching, I still learn; I say this quite often because I learn new things often even under attack, because the attacker tells all without possibly knowing it. Their energy gives me clues.

During any attack coming my way, I have learned to remain as calm as I can due to what else I learned many years ago ... someone may be set up to attack me and if I get angry and attack back it could be an innocent person ... and with either gender or any age. I do not want my mind or energy being manipulated that way ever.

This brings me to why I decided to do this particular blog. I have people emailing me all the time, people asking for help about their psychic attacks, and dealing with their fears and frustrations. I see comments on Facebook or YouTube, about someone under attack and what to do about it. Sometimes, I feel I repeat myself and wonder who may know what in taking care of themselves. I even wrote a book to help others learn what I did.

The other day, a friend on Facebook was lamenting over a recent attack and all these things that people say to use, including prayers, which never seems to resolve a thing. Well, that's because some beings don't believe that smudging works and laughs at our belief systems. After all, they have to believe in order to fear or move on and even ignoring may not work because of their obsessive compulsive behavior.

When I saw her post, about not knowing what else to do and nothing works, I decide to post my feelings - again - on why these things continue to occur and what I do; not just for her but all her friends lamenting with her.

This was my response: I ignore or use it's (spirits) energy whenever I want. I haven't had any one leave me alone, in over 25 years of consciously knowing of them and most of my life before I knew of them, due to the fact that I do not allow their truth to become mine, which pisses them off. I told them many times that I will stand my ground and help whomever I choose. Yesterday, I helped someone and got attacked last night after I went to bed. I'm still here, and been through this so often, that I've become the calm within a storm. I tell them often that they are more afraid of me then the other way around. The reasoning behind this is that they are hanging around me ... I'm not hanging around them. This tells me that I have something they want or I would be left alone ... or I wouldn't be here anymore. This allows me to feel free and it tells them that they are not. They should consider this - anyone around any of us - we own (possess) them - not the other way around. We don't fear them - they fear us. This concept keeps them in possession to us - ownership to us - which is why they attack due to their impotence of dealing with us. With this truth, it frees me and keeps them from being free until they understand who is really being possessed. Once they understand, they are allowed to leave with love or learn to be part of my support. It's their choice because I don't make demands on them as I don't want them to make demands on me.

So you see, it is no different then any mentally disturbed or bully personality. You have to be in control - fearlessly and patiently so. You have to set the example.

As I said earlier, these answers are always within them. Their weakness will show you the information that you need to handle the situation. You cannot find those answers if you are too busy fighting back angrily and not listening to what you need to know to fight back smartly.

After I put this information up on Facebook yesterday, things were very quite around me and many lessons were shown last night after I went to bed. I could here the conversations around me each time I was awakened so I could listen to what was going on ... to know and to see that they were still talking about how I, and others, "owned" those that did not "behave" based on what I had shared on Facebook.

They were not happy but many understood. They were finally getting "their lessons learned" and most of my night was fairly peaceful because of it.

Removing fear of this unknown is my goal. Thanks for reading.

If you, or someone you know, needs more information on what I've learned and teach, I also have a download version on my book: Ask Atomarane - Psychic Possession or Attacks. Here is the link on Lulu but you can Google it for Amazon or others sellers.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ruminating Thoughts! Argh!

"Why Ruminating is Unhealthy and How to Stop It."

This article (below website link) headline states it is unhealthy, but I would like to change it to - "it may become unhealthy."

There is good and bad in everything, including in this area. Some obsessions could lead us into a healthy solution.

Ruminating thoughts kind of reminds me of the movie Ghost where Patrick Swayze kept singing to Whoopie Goldberg until she did what he wanted her to do. Some recurring thoughts could be a message that something hadn't been resolved.

Including, but not limited to, when we are sick with a cold and treating it, we may discuss it with others, because it is prevalent in our minds. We are still feeling unhealthy and reaching out to loved ones to help us move into being heathy. Our trials are not over and the negative occurs because we become too fixated on the subject and began to "bore" those around us.

Of course we would be fixated! We want answers! We want to move on! We want to be well! We want our family and friends advice! We want to really be done with it and we're not. Frustrating.

However, the answers may not only be coming from the physical people in our lives. This is when we need to quiet our minds and listen to universal and divine wisdom for guidance.

I would also like to included that a friend posted this word yesterday on his Facebook. I felt compelled to investigate further, because something made me feel as if I knew it but it was more then a "cow chewing it's cud." This is what I must have learned many years ago, what I had in the recesses of my mind.

I decided not to assume and I learned something new. We are never to old to learn more. ;)

It is a very good article to read. One that makes us go .... hmmm.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Mentality of M.E.N.S.

I really don't like labels on anyone yet there are times we cannot avoid it ... it is the verbal world we live in to help us described our feelings. This particular blog is not to malign anyone, but to hopefully understand, and correct it, if possible.

When I was 16, I learned there were three main topics we should be careful about discussing, because they could cause arguments or even wars. These are, but not limited to: religion, politics and sex.

In the past, if we wanted to get emotionally and mentally beaten up, we could start discussing these topics and that would do the trick, not counting the pain of physical contact from someone wanting to punch another in the face or worse. Physical contact couldn't be avoided because person to person was normally the main form of communication, back then, unless we were on the phone.

It made me wonder why any subject could elicit major confrontation, just agree to disagree and walk away, until it dawned on me that it may not be the subject necessarily, but the mentality of the person ... another way to get an adrenalin rush for the adrenalin junkie.

However, some confrontational times are changing. Social medias are helping to contribute to a new form of battle field. Yes, social medias have their good, but the bad is the unleashing of this monster within, possibly due to limited social etiquette that some have, and the fear of physical confrontation being somewhat removed.

From personal observation, social medias appears, to me, to be a different way to do battle over beliefs ... or just to do battle for the sake of battling. As I previously mentioned, a way that initially appears to do less harm to our physical form. This type of mind set is what I decided to call a mental, emotional, non-physical, sadomasochism: "M.E.N.S."

Let me preface that this is no reflection on men because I have seen both genders participate and varying ages. This is also not about "trolls" as these may be people we have "friended" through other "friends" or have subscribed to any personal site and were possibly even nice ... in the beginning.

These are people who think they have Carte Blanche when it comes to dishing it out and, yes, even taking it. Taking is part of their kicks. Hence my feelings of this M.E.N.S. mindset; to inhumanely punch and to be punched ... and relish in it.

It seems to me, that by using this form of social media battling, in expressing one's beliefs, there can be inflicted, as well as absorb, mental and emotional cruelty without incurring the physical contact pain.

I have witnessed full on these written, insanely-bullying and vulgar attacks, including rebuttals, which made me think: would they have said this to a person's face? Maybe not, because that could very well elicit instant physical retaliation; something they may feel they are avoiding.

However, this is misleading because it may still allow physical ailment to manifest due to the disease (dis-ease) from the stress in these written battles. I'm sure this hasn't been considered.

Sure, there are those that use the unfriend or block when necessary, I too have had to resort to this measure, thankfully only a few times, when I feel someone crosses my line of decency and respect.

I don't begrudge anyone wanting to share their beliefs. Generally, most feel they are entitled to express their opinions, which I don't mind if done with an intelligent adult attitude and not a childish temper tantrum.

Normally, if I reject someone's belief, I say to myself, "to each their own" and decide to "walk away" from the conversation, or I may not even participate at all.

However, the need to be right seems to take over on this mindset and the verbal punching battle begins. It's also when one feels they have more rights then another, by subjecting more "force" in their conversation, or using a belittling or condescending attitude, that I have issues. Generally, that is a red flag, to me, of someone's low self esteem.

I honestly don't mind a healthy debate, it opens the mind to new things, but my idea of healthy does not include name calling, false information, condescending arrogance, or ... because I said so.

Of course, even a healthy debate can create a M.E.N.S. scenario, especially if one's feelings are on the line, and from what I've seen they generally are. Hence a "heated" debate ensues instead of a "healthy" one.

That's when one may be picked up in their flow of negativity. They could care less if they are wrong ... the M.E.N.S. must be right or it's no fun. Now the ego is in it for the thrill of the kill, because their pride is hurt and they must verbally hurt back; since they cannot physically punch someone. This, to me, has always reflected a fragile ego.

Fragile egos can be within us all and at any time can surface because of our programming. I feel, if more people could understand these emotional triggers and blocks within ourselves, we may sense it within others. By doing so, we may be able to walk away from this type of situation instead of being pulled into it ... been there done that ... or be prepared to do mental battle if we choose; that is also an option.

Generally, ignoring works for most, but not with the M.E.N.S.; they may keep returning to you to continue the argument ... Internet stalking. They want to inflict their mental and emotional pain. Yet, even more, they want you to attack them back so they can then use their martyr (fragile ego of woe is me) routine to instill guilt and remorse in baiting you. That would be just before pulling the rug out from under you by saying things like ... "Gotcha! Fell for that one! You're such a dumbass! You really are stupid!" Then sitting back waiting to read the hateful comments in retaliation, while chuckling. Understand? Things to make it appear you are the loser when what they are really saying is that they are. 

This is not saying this type of "mean streak" mentality hasn't been used in their "physical" past. I know there are cases where physical retaliation would have been curbed due to size or respect. For instance, my ex-father-in-law was ill and would be mean spirited even on good days. However, one day he crossed the line with me stating things about me that were untrue and hateful. Instead of slapping his face, due to age and illness, I just left his house. He probably knew this, which is why he relished his power. It was weeks later before I returned. He never apologized and asked me to fix him a glass of tea. At which, I told him to get it himself as he wasn't crippled. He came to the door and yelled to me that he just wanted to see some spunk in me.

Really? Or did he realize I wasn't going to put up with him anymore. This is still the mentality of dragging someone down to their level by using their position or power to employ mental and emotional attacks just to get their kicks out of life.

Instead of placating this kind of ego, which may eventually bring you down with their tormented soul, move away fast. Don't be pulled into their web of troubled mind and soul. See the signs and move on. On social medias, use the delete and block. That's why it's there. Of course, with the physical scenarios it may be more difficult, but still see the signs and protect yourself.

You may think, well this person may need saving. However, are you, or I, the one to do so? I have been told, as well as learned the hard way, that I am not everyone's savior and I sure don't have to be anyone's punching bag. It took me awhile to understand this due to my caring nature. I eventually learned that by moving aside, if not willing to participate in their mind games, I can release this M.E.N.S. personality, possibly and hopefully, to a better teacher; maybe one with a stronger will; if that was warranted.

Yet, first and foremost this person has to want to be saved, and ask for help, or your time is wasted. Considering they believe it is anyone but them that needs help, this may never happen. There is a touch of narcissism here as well.

In addition, I have learned that I cannot be here for others if I'm not here at all. Learning to save one's own mental and emotional well-being, which effects our physical health, is important too.

I'm not saying we may never do battle, but we might learn to choose wisely; whenever possible. At least, we do have a choice, especially over the written ones and especially if you don't have strength of conviction. However, if you feel you're mentally strong enough to verbally retaliate, that will be your choice.

Hopefully, when the M.E.N.S. cannot find anyone to do battle, because we refuse to take up their gauntlet, they will understand this is not a healthy attitude to have and possibly reflect on self improvement.

Do I ever expect this type to go away? Not necessarily. We are all on different levels of awareness and may continue to do so.

Do I expect this type to wise up? Hopefully. Life is always evolving, and maybe one day we will all learn to give and take without fighting; without feeling the need to destroy one another ... physically or verbally.

Because, as we all must know by now: as you sow, so shall ye reap. After all, isn't that what most generally expect when a verbal punch is thrown, that one may be thrown back? However, most don't relish in it like the M.E.N.S.

Lastly, everyone is battling their own internal battles. Please keep this in mind before judging or writing hateful comments ... do try to be kind. If not inclined to do so, then at least walk away.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Words Will Never Hurt Me? Really?

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Really? 

Even Jesus taught the meaning behind words. Matthew 15: 16-18 "...Are ye also yet without understanding? Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man."

I may have blogged about this topic before, regarding the negative effects on our emotions behind certain words (as well as deeds), but it bares repeating.

Also, could someone's words, even spoken across our planet, have an effect on anyone ... even if unaware of them being spoken? Absolutely!

Can anyone think of a few times where this may have happened?

Furthermore, words that are judge by some as "bad," yet still spoken, may possibly have a stronger effect to those that hear them then they do the speaker. This then would be based on the hearer's judgment of the words. In that case, it would be the hearer's emotions creating more of the negative emotional energy and possibly without the speaker being aware if it. 

For instance, this would be similar to creating an accident but not being personally involved in it. Hmmm ... something to think about. How could someone create an accident but not be involved in it?

To continue, we have all been raised to speak kindly, but as we start becoming adults, or act like we are, we tend to forget this "lock on our lips" of social etiquette. Social medias tend to help in the "loose tongues" department, albeit written and not spoken. My mom use to say, "watch your words and keep them sweet, as you might have to eat them." Eating them as in apologizing. Do that a few times and it should make one humbly think twice before offering to put their foot in their mouth. Should ... because some take longer to learn this simple lesson of respecting to get respect.

Anyway, words thought of as "bad" and projected verbally or astrally (yes even astrally) in any negative attitude can have an effect on the emotional energy of a person, a home, a community, a country ... ad infinitum. Just as the opposite can ... positive attitude.

However, I will stick to the negative aspects in this blog.

Negative energy can have a domino effect creating more negative energy, and on and on it goes. Eventually, this negativity can "beckon" those "sticks and stones" that can "break our bones." This can be anything from a slap in the face, a battle, a war or even natural disasters ... throughout the universe.

Yes, I can hear it now. Natural disasters?No way!

However isn't that what you are doing when you "curse" someone or something? Our thoughts/emotions do create "good or bad." They created us, our families, homes, planets and the universe. They can even create that "bigger picture" we feel powerless to control including "natural or unnatural" disasters.

Yes, most look at the bigger picture as outer circumstances, out of our control, and in most cases a very real impotent feeling when it occurs. Yet, we still allow it, generally speaking, because we have given up our awareness of this power within to clean up any negative energy ... as if it cannot be done.

However, science has proven that this is not the case, because mass meditations/prayers have created remarkable changes in many situation.

It is within us and more then we realize ... and easier then we think.

Of course, no one wants anyone to feel overwhelmed with the family, world or universal problems, especially if feeling this is too much to do. "I'm only one person!" However, if each individual took care of their own thoughts it should have the same chain reaction, yet this one will be positive.

Negative words are from the heart of negative (hurt) people. Just as a child that hurts and may be out of control; adults hurt too. We will feel this emotional density when these words are spoken or yelled. These words spoken can "defile" us; more so when our "inner child" is already suffering. When we are saying them, striking out, we lower ourselves to another's standards; we lower our energy and create more hurt ... more density. On and on it goes. "As you sow, so shall you reap."

We all have choices. We all make choices. Yes, there are many reasons for what we do but deep down inside we've no excuse. We know better. We really do.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Isn't that what they say?

Unless we don't mind destruction and chaos and truly believe it's not our words/thoughts/emotions that are creating our realities.

It has to start somewhere ... let it start within us ... by rethinking our reactions to another's actions.

When someone calls you a name, uses profanity or is being vulgar when verbally attacking you, don't respond in kind. Just look them in the eye, smile sweetly, and sincerely say: I'm sorry you're having a hurtful day; I hope it improves so you don't get ill.

Say it and mean it ... then walk away saying: Feel better soon.

Hopefully the message will set a positive example or give them something to think about other then attacking you.

Yes, there will be those that take "positive lessons" unkindly but never give up. Who knows, you might make a new friend ... after they pick their jaw up off the floor. ;)

I will be off, now, to hopefully practice what I preached. God give me strength and remembrance. :) 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Unique: I Am What I Am

I am not my parents even though I come from my parents, they and I are not the same. I can choose to be like them by being aware as they, if I choose, but we will never be one in the same.

We are not God, even Jesus said this: John 14:28. Even though we come from God, we are not the same. We are all unique fingerprints from one another. We can bask in His light, we can be "connected to the universe" and be "as one" all we want, but we will never be what we are not; no more or less then we may be with our physical fathers/mothers. We will still and can only be who we are: souls on different levels of awareness.

If you need proof of this wisdom, look at the truth of the universe: no two fingerprints are alike, no two snowflakes are alike and no two souls are alike.

We judge someone when we compare them to us and forget to understand they are not us just as we are not our Creator in "Heaven" or our parents on earth.

Why do you think we were advised to judge not lest we be judged? Because we are to understand that they are not us, they may not know as we know, they may still be learning. They can "look within" all they want but they will only see what is within for them. They can only learn from others as we all have done. If we are busy condemning, mocking, or finger pointing, we may still be teaching, but what message are we teaching?

When you use negative teaching, you can expect the same in return. Don't become what you hate: if ridiculed and you ridicule back, that is what you do. When you condemn, slander or become condescending, you lower yourself, negatively, to their level. Yes, you can lower yourself, in a manner of speaking, but only to, hopefully, raise them up to your level.

This would be paramount to going into hell in order to save the devil with love. Get it? Think you can? It takes strength, courage and love of self. I know, it sounds like too much trouble. Right? Thank goodness our prophets/prophetess didn't feel that way and thought we were worthy of being taught with love.

If we teach with love and understanding, then we will reap what we sow, even if not immediately. I was once told by a guide that when we have negative feelings for another and lose control of our feelings because of it, we are under their control. In that moment, we are in their power; possessed or owned by them ... screaming at them as they are us ... just as designed. We are still reaping what we sowed.

This is why there is so much hypocrisy in faiths around the world. People profess to be following their prophets (religion), by following their teachings, but they are not them either and they twists their teachings when they choose. Yes, these prophets, or even prophetesses, taught these exact things that are in this blog, and they are always pushed aside whenever it suits our purposes. We have lost our way and do not want to look at this truth. However, what child, doing any misdeed and knowing it, does?

So, again, we are not God/Goddess, Prophet/Prophetess, or our father/mother, we are ourselves - in this day - in this moment. A unique being of the universe and we forgot to honor this within us.

We are constantly giving our power away to another, or others, because we have not learned our own self worth. We attack others due to self loathing and feeling impotent in how to remove it.

We also forget that there are those that like it this way, for how else will they continue to control what is, apparently, so easy to control. Those same ones that look at people with distain thinking they are above another. They make them feel they are unworthy of love or choose not to show someone how they can love themselves.

These people, who are undermined like this, will be gobbled up and used against us each and every time. We have no one to blame but ourselves because we allowed it, due to many reasons within each of us, but mostly due to us possibly feeling the same condescending attitude toward them because we haven't learn to love ourselves. Learning to know and love oneself may not always be easy, but by doing so and taking this journey, it will teach you to know and love others.

We may not always like everyone, in every moment, but we will know how to know them, and to know them is to love them ... even when they err against us ... because you may see in them what you hide from within yourself ... and there may be your reaction, your revulsion, your true judgment.

A difficult pill to swallow. How can we love someone when we cannot love ourselves? How can they love us if they don't know how to love themselves? It is no different in what we would want "God/Goddess/All That Is" to do the same for us. To love us the most when we are the least lovable. To understand us when we do not even understand ourselves. To forgive us even when we find it difficult to forgive another.

It doesn't matter how many teachers are sent and in what form they take, you will push away what frightens you. However, can you even grasp this fact ... ever? There are teachers here today to help you remove the fear that controls you, but your fear is so strong you hide behind current faiths gone astray which are allowing current crucifying of your prophets/prophetess, as well as the ones they sent to help you understand who you are.

They are here to show you who you are. Not them, not faith gone astray, not others, but you and how to love and understand you. To gain your power of self and to learn how to stop giving it away.

I am not my parents ... I am me and I am what I am.

I love my parents ... but I love me more.

I am not God ... I am me and He knows I am what I am.

I love God ... but I love me more.

No true greatness would want less for their child.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pieces of the Puzzle

Each person, in our life, may hold the key to the answers for our many life's puzzling questions and they don't have to be a "psychic" to do so. It could be family, friends, or even a stranger that you meet along your life's path.

For you see, we are all connected to the same universe and everyone is psychic (we all have a mind/soul), however some are more aware of it then others and some are more knowledgable in utilizing this talent.

Knowing this, I have repeatedly asked my students to remember that we are all pieces of life's puzzle when it comes to receiving information off the universe. That they may not be the only one to hold the key to all life's answers when helping someone.

Many times, when I have been in a group discussion with past and present students, and utilizing universal truth, I have seen this in play often. Each student would receive a feeling, channel that information to the person we were helping, and noticed that not all had received the same information but pieces of the total picture. Yet, in this manner, it would open the door to greater understanding, not just to the person who was being helped but to the students and even the teacher.

I truly believe, based on many feelings I have received over the years, that God/Universe designed it this way to keep people from getting a grandiose ego when it comes to receiving and transmitting universal messages ... to keep people humble.

I have also seen where people have been blocked (psychic/mental block) from receiving messages as if to tell them they are not the one to deliver the message. It has happened to me a few times, but I have also been told, at the same time, that I am not the one to do this job. I believe that this is also to assist in a universal endeavor to protect us from ourselves.

I, sincerely, believe it is what determines those that are good at what they do or those that are not because they have possibly abused their privileges ... no more or no less then in any profession. Yes, those that want to corrupt their profession or position may take the upper hand at times, but, eventually, their misdeeds come to the attention of others and they will and have paid for them.

Time and time again it seems to be a vicious cycle of greed and then repentance. History repeats itself due to our egos getting the better of us thinking wisely or from remembering past errors. Egos that, obviously, are all on different levels of awareness, yet still learning.

I say ego because we all have one. It is our persona, our mind and soul, albeit we are all connected to the universal mind/soul but our free will and actions provides our individual experiences and determines us from another ... and can even create our "disconnection."

Yes, our ego can remove itself from that wisdom of the universe, sometimes due to the density of taking a physical incarnation or sometimes due to our intense desires that lead us astray, which may make us seek help in many forms, including psychics/metaphysicians, at times, in order to help us find ourselves again ... among other things.

However, there may be times psychics may be blocked in receiving said universal knowledge, when seeking it for themselves, when asking for help to remove their own blocks. They too may seek psychic support from like minded people and who may have pieces (clarity) of their own puzzle. Another way of keeping our egos in balance? I believe so.

These aforementioned blocks may be for a number of reasons. For instance, a few reasons may be: 1) not ready to hear universal truth, 2) someone "out there" controlling them and not wanting them to know they are being manipulated (possession/attacks) so they will give them feelings not to listen to the psychic, 3) a karma lesson of sorts being established and carried out, or 4) your memory not allowing it.

I say "your memory" because I remember a story my father told me about seeing a psychic once and being told some things that at the time did not register. He said that it wasn't until he was home later that day that it finally made sense and he had a ah-ha moment. Maybe due to a "guide" sending a universal projected emotion (telepathy) from a distance, because of sensing dad's desire to understand ... to remember. That would be one reason.

So, as you can see, seeing a few psychics for help and not feeling you were convinced of their awareness to help you could be for a number of reasons. It doesn't mean they don't know anything but they may be young in their awareness or they may be only a few pieces of your puzzle solving.

Don't give up on searching for truth. Use your intuition for guidance in looking for any others that may hold more pieces of your puzzle.

It could even be you that holds the final puzzle piece.

Illustration Credit & Copyright: Lynette Cook


Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Truth?

We have all had similar experiences in life, if we've been around for awhile, wanting to know what is the truth in each situation. Some have learned that "collective thought" or "their truth," may not be any truth at all. Many people have been misjudged due to it and paid an ultimate price ... their life.

In Wikipedia it states: truth is most often used to mean in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an original or to a standard or ideal. Truth is also relative to some particular frame of reference, such as a language or a culture.

My understanding of truth is that it can become argumentative and normally does when challenged. If someone is going to put "their truth" out to the public, especially if vague or improvable, they should expect it to be challenged and should be prepared to honorably defend it or debate it, until the matter is peacefully resolved or tabled, hopefully.

Yes, I know, peaceful is not always the case because, sad to say, families fight, friends separate and wars have been fought over truths.

There may be times that you even feel threatened by another's truth and want to challenge it. It is okay to feel this way, as this may be necessary for self analysis and hopefully more understanding within both truths presented and within ourselves. It pushes us to think outside of our proverbial box of current awareness. It's part of growing up, even between adults.

Now, after any "healthy" discussion about someone's truth, your truth may then be to accept it (I understand) or reject it (that's not my truth). I say healthy, because name calling, swearing and/or pouting, because you didn't get your way, is normally seen as unhealthy (blood pressure).

Not counting seemingly immature, which may undermine your ability to make the point in your truth. In other words, you may be telling those "in the know" that you are not in the same league of another's awareness (their truth) and you are showing their rejection of your awareness (your truth) by throwing a childish temper tantrum - even if done quietly behind close doors (the universe has eyes and ears everywhere). Definitely not a good way to teach your truth, in my humble opinion.

Speaking of teaching, I have many things that define who I am in this life and one thing is being a metaphysical teacher. As a teacher, I do have the option of choosing not to teach my truth to anyone who comes at me with said above "attitude" because they may not understand the full impact of it, be ready to deal with it or may even abuse it. Sometimes this decision may be a difficult call, because as a teacher I am willing to share education to help others grow too and it can be disappointing when the teacher is ready but the student is not. Such is life.

Back to truths. A long time ago, one of my guides shared his opinion about truth. He told me: "my truth may not be your truth because you are not ready to understand it, or choose not to participate in it, but, either way, that doesn't mean I need you to accept it. If I tell you something, I should expect to be able defend it and reason it out with you because that is your right to know what I know - since you are questioning it. Even after explaining all this and you say okay but still don't want to accept it, that is your truth to do. However, maybe you might like to put this truth aside and every now and then look at it, because one day this may be your truth too. Anything is possible."

Yes, truth is relative depending on our reality. Anything is possible.

Within my universal training, I have also learned that no one has a right to demand anyone to accept another's truth, at least adult to adult. Yet one should be prepared to explain it, or teach it, when appropriately and sincerely asked. If they keep asking, keep answering, to the best of one's ability.
It should also be explain in a manner befitting the questioners' understanding. Similar to how an adult discusses the facts of life to a two year old, a teen or an adult: different levels of awareness. A "teacher" has to be prepared to teach on the level a person can understand, even if that means coming down to that level and sharing in a manner that is not condescending to the questioner.

Also, ignoring any inquiring mind's questions could be interpreted by the inquirer as saying that they are not worthy to understand ... to learn ... to change their truth. Disappointing.

However, this may be a misconception in interpretation because the teacher could be unworthy instead; unable to understand their own truth or be able to defend it much less teach it. I use to tell my children, when they were concerned about understanding a teacher in class: the flaw may not be with you but the teacher.

Teachers should remember to never lose their empathy of their own learning years and learning new truths.

To continue, please understand, that even when presented, debated or understood, it doesn't mean it is the only truth, or even the final truth, yet absolutely feel the right to decently defend your truth when challenged. You might possibly reject your opinion of something because of being challenged and move onto another truth and hopefully continue to mentally grow.

In conclusion, this particular blog subject is my truth and you don't have to believe any of it. Yet, I hope you keep yourself open to peacefully debating new truths, because another one of my life's truths is: we are all teachers, as well as students, in this journey called life.