Sunday, March 10, 2013

Unique: I Am What I Am

I am not my parents even though I come from my parents, they and I are not the same. I can choose to be like them by being aware as they, if I choose, but we will never be one in the same.

We are not God, even Jesus said this: John 14:28. Even though we come from God, we are not the same. We are all unique fingerprints from one another. We can bask in His light, we can be "connected to the universe" and be "as one" all we want, but we will never be what we are not; no more or less then we may be with our physical fathers/mothers. We will still and can only be who we are: souls on different levels of awareness.

If you need proof of this wisdom, look at the truth of the universe: no two fingerprints are alike, no two snowflakes are alike and no two souls are alike.

We judge someone when we compare them to us and forget to understand they are not us just as we are not our Creator in "Heaven" or our parents on earth.

Why do you think we were advised to judge not lest we be judged? Because we are to understand that they are not us, they may not know as we know, they may still be learning. They can "look within" all they want but they will only see what is within for them. They can only learn from others as we all have done. If we are busy condemning, mocking, or finger pointing, we may still be teaching, but what message are we teaching?

When you use negative teaching, you can expect the same in return. Don't become what you hate: if ridiculed and you ridicule back, that is what you do. When you condemn, slander or become condescending, you lower yourself, negatively, to their level. Yes, you can lower yourself, in a manner of speaking, but only to, hopefully, raise them up to your level.

This would be paramount to going into hell in order to save the devil with love. Get it? Think you can? It takes strength, courage and love of self. I know, it sounds like too much trouble. Right? Thank goodness our prophets/prophetess didn't feel that way and thought we were worthy of being taught with love.

If we teach with love and understanding, then we will reap what we sow, even if not immediately. I was once told by a guide that when we have negative feelings for another and lose control of our feelings because of it, we are under their control. In that moment, we are in their power; possessed or owned by them ... screaming at them as they are us ... just as designed. We are still reaping what we sowed.

This is why there is so much hypocrisy in faiths around the world. People profess to be following their prophets (religion), by following their teachings, but they are not them either and they twists their teachings when they choose. Yes, these prophets, or even prophetesses, taught these exact things that are in this blog, and they are always pushed aside whenever it suits our purposes. We have lost our way and do not want to look at this truth. However, what child, doing any misdeed and knowing it, does?

So, again, we are not God/Goddess, Prophet/Prophetess, or our father/mother, we are ourselves - in this day - in this moment. A unique being of the universe and we forgot to honor this within us.

We are constantly giving our power away to another, or others, because we have not learned our own self worth. We attack others due to self loathing and feeling impotent in how to remove it.

We also forget that there are those that like it this way, for how else will they continue to control what is, apparently, so easy to control. Those same ones that look at people with distain thinking they are above another. They make them feel they are unworthy of love or choose not to show someone how they can love themselves.

These people, who are undermined like this, will be gobbled up and used against us each and every time. We have no one to blame but ourselves because we allowed it, due to many reasons within each of us, but mostly due to us possibly feeling the same condescending attitude toward them because we haven't learn to love ourselves. Learning to know and love oneself may not always be easy, but by doing so and taking this journey, it will teach you to know and love others.

We may not always like everyone, in every moment, but we will know how to know them, and to know them is to love them ... even when they err against us ... because you may see in them what you hide from within yourself ... and there may be your reaction, your revulsion, your true judgment.

A difficult pill to swallow. How can we love someone when we cannot love ourselves? How can they love us if they don't know how to love themselves? It is no different in what we would want "God/Goddess/All That Is" to do the same for us. To love us the most when we are the least lovable. To understand us when we do not even understand ourselves. To forgive us even when we find it difficult to forgive another.

It doesn't matter how many teachers are sent and in what form they take, you will push away what frightens you. However, can you even grasp this fact ... ever? There are teachers here today to help you remove the fear that controls you, but your fear is so strong you hide behind current faiths gone astray which are allowing current crucifying of your prophets/prophetess, as well as the ones they sent to help you understand who you are.

They are here to show you who you are. Not them, not faith gone astray, not others, but you and how to love and understand you. To gain your power of self and to learn how to stop giving it away.

I am not my parents ... I am me and I am what I am.

I love my parents ... but I love me more.

I am not God ... I am me and He knows I am what I am.

I love God ... but I love me more.

No true greatness would want less for their child.


  1. This is a good entry :) I sometimes find it difficult to live with my sister due to her different living style and the way she let's hate rule her life. But at the end, I always love her, even if we are apart. If people knew how simple it would be to love each other by loving ourselves, imagine what the world would be like.

    1. I agree, there are so many more things to do in the world then let negative thoughts rule us. I don't have to be you or you me but we can agree to disagree and move on instead of fighting. I think the Universe creates scenarios to test us - to see if we have "grown up." I just wish those "experiences" were kinder. ;)
