Sunday, March 24, 2013

Psychic Attacks - Teaching Lessons Learned

Many times, I have heard that things happen to people in their life, over and over, because the lesson hasn't been learned. However, I have also learned that things may still happen to us because we "already got it" ... whereas others are "still working on it" and we are helping them learn. We can get the fallout like collateral damage.

We can get caught in the onslaught of their learning and since, psychically speaking, there is no place to hide, we can get caught in another's lessons; sometimes painfully so. I've learned this due to my psychic attacks, some pretty serious which I share in my true story book, and the many reasons and excuses I've heard off the universe.

Hence, some attacks are not only from those trying to understand, but of what some say of not letting go of things that no longer serve a purpose.

This is why I decided to teach others to empower themselves instead of doing it for them. Hopefully, this will help everyone in the long run, especially due to the serious amount of money I was also hearing people were paying and most had little to no relief.

In teaching, I still learn; I say this quite often because I learn new things often even under attack, because the attacker tells all without possibly knowing it. Their energy gives me clues.

During any attack coming my way, I have learned to remain as calm as I can due to what else I learned many years ago ... someone may be set up to attack me and if I get angry and attack back it could be an innocent person ... and with either gender or any age. I do not want my mind or energy being manipulated that way ever.

This brings me to why I decided to do this particular blog. I have people emailing me all the time, people asking for help about their psychic attacks, and dealing with their fears and frustrations. I see comments on Facebook or YouTube, about someone under attack and what to do about it. Sometimes, I feel I repeat myself and wonder who may know what in taking care of themselves. I even wrote a book to help others learn what I did.

The other day, a friend on Facebook was lamenting over a recent attack and all these things that people say to use, including prayers, which never seems to resolve a thing. Well, that's because some beings don't believe that smudging works and laughs at our belief systems. After all, they have to believe in order to fear or move on and even ignoring may not work because of their obsessive compulsive behavior.

When I saw her post, about not knowing what else to do and nothing works, I decide to post my feelings - again - on why these things continue to occur and what I do; not just for her but all her friends lamenting with her.

This was my response: I ignore or use it's (spirits) energy whenever I want. I haven't had any one leave me alone, in over 25 years of consciously knowing of them and most of my life before I knew of them, due to the fact that I do not allow their truth to become mine, which pisses them off. I told them many times that I will stand my ground and help whomever I choose. Yesterday, I helped someone and got attacked last night after I went to bed. I'm still here, and been through this so often, that I've become the calm within a storm. I tell them often that they are more afraid of me then the other way around. The reasoning behind this is that they are hanging around me ... I'm not hanging around them. This tells me that I have something they want or I would be left alone ... or I wouldn't be here anymore. This allows me to feel free and it tells them that they are not. They should consider this - anyone around any of us - we own (possess) them - not the other way around. We don't fear them - they fear us. This concept keeps them in possession to us - ownership to us - which is why they attack due to their impotence of dealing with us. With this truth, it frees me and keeps them from being free until they understand who is really being possessed. Once they understand, they are allowed to leave with love or learn to be part of my support. It's their choice because I don't make demands on them as I don't want them to make demands on me.

So you see, it is no different then any mentally disturbed or bully personality. You have to be in control - fearlessly and patiently so. You have to set the example.

As I said earlier, these answers are always within them. Their weakness will show you the information that you need to handle the situation. You cannot find those answers if you are too busy fighting back angrily and not listening to what you need to know to fight back smartly.

After I put this information up on Facebook yesterday, things were very quite around me and many lessons were shown last night after I went to bed. I could here the conversations around me each time I was awakened so I could listen to what was going on ... to know and to see that they were still talking about how I, and others, "owned" those that did not "behave" based on what I had shared on Facebook.

They were not happy but many understood. They were finally getting "their lessons learned" and most of my night was fairly peaceful because of it.

Removing fear of this unknown is my goal. Thanks for reading.

If you, or someone you know, needs more information on what I've learned and teach, I also have a download version on my book: Ask Atomarane - Psychic Possession or Attacks. Here is the link on Lulu but you can Google it for Amazon or others sellers.


  1. I needed this!

    Seriously, there are lessons I seem to understand but I keep making the same mistakes(procrastination). Maybe I haven't learned them yet, maybe I don't fully understand. But I really liked this message because it tells me 'maybe it's not always me', but I let it happen anyway.

    Every time I come here I learn something new. Time to understand what I learned.

  2. I know we draw things to us, however I was taught we are all teachers and students. Figuring out which one it is, in each moment, is the challenging part. ;)

    Good luck - glad it helped.
