Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Words Will Never Hurt Me? Really?

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Really? 

Even Jesus taught the meaning behind words. Matthew 15: 16-18 "...Are ye also yet without understanding? Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man."

I may have blogged about this topic before, regarding the negative effects on our emotions behind certain words (as well as deeds), but it bares repeating.

Also, could someone's words, even spoken across our planet, have an effect on anyone ... even if unaware of them being spoken? Absolutely!

Can anyone think of a few times where this may have happened?

Furthermore, words that are judge by some as "bad," yet still spoken, may possibly have a stronger effect to those that hear them then they do the speaker. This then would be based on the hearer's judgment of the words. In that case, it would be the hearer's emotions creating more of the negative emotional energy and possibly without the speaker being aware if it. 

For instance, this would be similar to creating an accident but not being personally involved in it. Hmmm ... something to think about. How could someone create an accident but not be involved in it?

To continue, we have all been raised to speak kindly, but as we start becoming adults, or act like we are, we tend to forget this "lock on our lips" of social etiquette. Social medias tend to help in the "loose tongues" department, albeit written and not spoken. My mom use to say, "watch your words and keep them sweet, as you might have to eat them." Eating them as in apologizing. Do that a few times and it should make one humbly think twice before offering to put their foot in their mouth. Should ... because some take longer to learn this simple lesson of respecting to get respect.

Anyway, words thought of as "bad" and projected verbally or astrally (yes even astrally) in any negative attitude can have an effect on the emotional energy of a person, a home, a community, a country ... ad infinitum. Just as the opposite can ... positive attitude.

However, I will stick to the negative aspects in this blog.

Negative energy can have a domino effect creating more negative energy, and on and on it goes. Eventually, this negativity can "beckon" those "sticks and stones" that can "break our bones." This can be anything from a slap in the face, a battle, a war or even natural disasters ... throughout the universe.

Yes, I can hear it now. Natural disasters?No way!

However isn't that what you are doing when you "curse" someone or something? Our thoughts/emotions do create "good or bad." They created us, our families, homes, planets and the universe. They can even create that "bigger picture" we feel powerless to control including "natural or unnatural" disasters.

Yes, most look at the bigger picture as outer circumstances, out of our control, and in most cases a very real impotent feeling when it occurs. Yet, we still allow it, generally speaking, because we have given up our awareness of this power within to clean up any negative energy ... as if it cannot be done.

However, science has proven that this is not the case, because mass meditations/prayers have created remarkable changes in many situation.

It is within us and more then we realize ... and easier then we think.

Of course, no one wants anyone to feel overwhelmed with the family, world or universal problems, especially if feeling this is too much to do. "I'm only one person!" However, if each individual took care of their own thoughts it should have the same chain reaction, yet this one will be positive.

Negative words are from the heart of negative (hurt) people. Just as a child that hurts and may be out of control; adults hurt too. We will feel this emotional density when these words are spoken or yelled. These words spoken can "defile" us; more so when our "inner child" is already suffering. When we are saying them, striking out, we lower ourselves to another's standards; we lower our energy and create more hurt ... more density. On and on it goes. "As you sow, so shall you reap."

We all have choices. We all make choices. Yes, there are many reasons for what we do but deep down inside we've no excuse. We know better. We really do.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Isn't that what they say?

Unless we don't mind destruction and chaos and truly believe it's not our words/thoughts/emotions that are creating our realities.

It has to start somewhere ... let it start within us ... by rethinking our reactions to another's actions.

When someone calls you a name, uses profanity or is being vulgar when verbally attacking you, don't respond in kind. Just look them in the eye, smile sweetly, and sincerely say: I'm sorry you're having a hurtful day; I hope it improves so you don't get ill.

Say it and mean it ... then walk away saying: Feel better soon.

Hopefully the message will set a positive example or give them something to think about other then attacking you.

Yes, there will be those that take "positive lessons" unkindly but never give up. Who knows, you might make a new friend ... after they pick their jaw up off the floor. ;)

I will be off, now, to hopefully practice what I preached. God give me strength and remembrance. :) 


  1. This is a beautiful message. I should start meditating again:) This is an eye opener!

  2. Thanks. Someone once told me that prayer is asking and meditating is listening. That people pray all the time but they don't sit still long enough to hear the answer. ;)
