Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ruminating Thoughts! Argh!

"Why Ruminating is Unhealthy and How to Stop It."

This article (below website link) headline states it is unhealthy, but I would like to change it to - "it may become unhealthy."

There is good and bad in everything, including in this area. Some obsessions could lead us into a healthy solution.

Ruminating thoughts kind of reminds me of the movie Ghost where Patrick Swayze kept singing to Whoopie Goldberg until she did what he wanted her to do. Some recurring thoughts could be a message that something hadn't been resolved.

Including, but not limited to, when we are sick with a cold and treating it, we may discuss it with others, because it is prevalent in our minds. We are still feeling unhealthy and reaching out to loved ones to help us move into being heathy. Our trials are not over and the negative occurs because we become too fixated on the subject and began to "bore" those around us.

Of course we would be fixated! We want answers! We want to move on! We want to be well! We want our family and friends advice! We want to really be done with it and we're not. Frustrating.

However, the answers may not only be coming from the physical people in our lives. This is when we need to quiet our minds and listen to universal and divine wisdom for guidance.

I would also like to included that a friend posted this word yesterday on his Facebook. I felt compelled to investigate further, because something made me feel as if I knew it but it was more then a "cow chewing it's cud." This is what I must have learned many years ago, what I had in the recesses of my mind.

I decided not to assume and I learned something new. We are never to old to learn more. ;)

It is a very good article to read. One that makes us go .... hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. The PsychCentral link is invalid but I found it again.
