Here's a "what if" for you. Let me tell you about an epiphany I had a few days ago. It was while my husband and I were watching an old TV show about a conspiracy to depopulate the planet through medication... among other things it was purporting.
As we were both putting our two cents in about it being so blown out of proportion... another show to induce fear and make money off of people... here came my epiphany; an emotion I felt that gave me an ah-ha moment.
In this blog, I will do what I can to put into words what I felt in that instant moment of time.
My epiphany occurred while the show was talking about vaccines and these vaccines were capable of breaking down our immune system to kill us; which was a diabolical and seriously inhumane way to create a mass epidemic to decrease population... deliberately.
The conspiracy was too outlandish to consider that our, or anyone's, government wouldn't take into consideration that any scientist would even allow this to happen to anyone, including their family and friends, without a mass whistle blowing, and not just a handful of people that could possibly have gotten their facts wrong or have their noses out of joint for some imaginary injustice they felt may have been perpetrated against them.
In other words, instead of hype, where's the paper trail? List the people, places and facts and let the facts add up instead of hearsay.
So, here comes the emotion I received: what if the fear mongering, conspiracy theorist were being used to do the opposite of what they are trying to do... unconsciously? What if placing fear in people actually creates the scenario they are trying to prevent? A mass epidemic is actually created due to some type of weird psychological manipulation.
For instance, we are warned not to take that pill or we'll die. However, we don't take the pill, out of fear, yet death still occurs, because we did what they said (didn't take it) instead of the opposite (taking it - as in reverse psychology) and the opposite wasn't the real threat.
To elaborate, we are being told to fear flu shots (for instance - as one scenario) because they will kill us; no one wants to get one. A major flu epidemic occurs. No one wants to be inoculated, due to the fear programming that it's a setup to depopulate the planet. They believe the flu running rampant is also a setup. They don't want to believe the media because the media can't be trusted.
Bam! Death and depopulation!
The fear along with an actual virus is creating the mass deaths that we were warned of IF we took the medicine. We outsmarted ourselves and another one bites the dust. Have we become victims of our uneducated beliefs, some weird psychological manipulation, or both?
What do you really think? Is the world being designed to eradicated the populace or are we playing Chicken Little again with the sky is falling scenario and allowing ourselves to be a victim of our ignorance?
Meaning, we listen to one side only and worship these fear mongers and conspiracy theorists without understanding there is another side to listen. We forget about weighing both sides, as well as listening to our intuition... that little voice of reasoning... and we fall victim again.
We seem to be continually creating these realities of negativity and density which creates stress: a real undermining situation to our immune system. We literally kill ourselves from worry, fear and stress.
Of course, this is still one side of the coin because there may forever be very real concerns to overcome.
However, to continue, whose hands are we playing into? Whose hands are the conspiracy theorist playing into? This feeling I got does sound like a plot to me... a plot of common sense. Maybe not quite what we may have imagined but still worthy of thought.
Can't fix stupid, or can we? What do you think? Are we really a lost cause? Are we going to keep allowing it? Why, with all this enlightenment, do we continually fall victim to someone's truth without thoroughly checking both sides of a scenario.
Is this just another thrill ride for an adrenalin rush?
I recently mentioned, to a friend, that as long as I've been on this planet, one thing I have discovered from our "peers" is that when we are told something is wrong or right for us, give it time and another set of "peers" will tell us the reverse. It's almost a battle of who is right as opposed to what is really good.
I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to start thinking and living healthy by doing what I feel is good and right for me. Isn't that why we were given a sixth sense? To do what feels right?
The soul can't feel truth if mired in negative emotions. Got to let that soul breathe in truth and common sense.
Unless, someone or something is blocking you from doing so... to promote their agenda... their conspiracy... preventing the truth from being felt.
Hmmm... but wouldn't you sense that too... maybe with your own epiphany?