Saturday, September 17, 2016

Human Suffering

Some time ago, I had a friend ask about human suffering and why we have these hateful attacks including psychic attacks. She suggested that we shouldn't return the hate, to anyone that causes us harm, in order to keep from causing more of it. She added, "some people are constant instruments of hurt and pain, how do we prevent them from hurting us all the time?"

My reply: To be aware, educated, and intuitive are all instruments to help us avoid most of this hate, hurt and pain. You would think humans would be empathic enough, from all the eons of suffering, to understand it without having to keep living it over and over again.

Hate, hurt and pain may still happen, but, hopefully, we will see the karma in it and rise above it faster - instead of brooding or resenting. We can also learn to be stronger and hopefully present a "bigger picture" to those that care enough to improve their lives.

Yes, when it comes to why things happen, I've learned that there is, generally, a bigger picture involved. I don't often understand the full meaning behind it or may never know. Many times, in my life, I've looked back over something that I felt was bad and realized something good was created over it. That proverbial hindsight.

What amazes me about people is their need to fight instead of talk and reconcile. I suppose that some programming goes too deep to resolve. It's like this planet is in a constant, hateful turmoil and we can only hope something good will occur, eventually. However as long as people have hate in their hearts, are trained to fight, then the need to release those emotions, in an animalistic way, may be forever with us.

That's why teachers come back to ask us to reconsider our programming of violence and show us ways of bettering our lives. They must be wore out by now. However, when I see the hate of people slamming someone of something they did 20 or 40 years ago, or slamming people of our history with hate, those lives that are no longer physical, I seriously doubt very few have gotten any message from any teacher. 

Also, we may not be the instrument to help someone. I've learned that if I'm not helping someone, I could be inadvertently hurting them. I've gotten smart enough to let them go and move on. This creates a need for them to look elsewhere for help and maybe be directed to the right person to do it. In doing this, we also release our own hurt.

In this case, it's a win-win situation but only if both parties understand. Normally, people don't want to understand and only want to hate in return. This hate creates the need to attack, including these psychic attacks, which perpetuates our human suffering - ad infinitum.

Picture: Tragic mask on the façade of the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm (Holger Ellgaard -Wikimedia Commons)

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