Thursday, September 8, 2016

Personality Changes

Has anyone ever experienced this? Let me explain something I've been noticing for some time.

We often think we're guided by higher beings: guides or angels. I've discovered that this isn't always the case. Sometimes, we may not have anyone around us. Sometimes, we can have our ancestors, current family or friends doing the guiding, even creating problems.

For instance, have you ever had a change of direction, good or bad, after a loved one, family member, or even a friend crossed over? I've been reflecting over my life and the many changes of family and friends attitudes. I thought most of it was just our moving on, which can happen. Sometimes, it can be a gentle separation or an angry attitude when it occurs.

However, I didn't put any common denominator onto it ... until recently.

Now, this isn't with everyone, or every situation, but I did find it uncanny when I started seeing spirit interference more often then necessary. I first noticed this particular situation when a friend had a grandmother cross over and within a few months she became argumentative which was definitely out of her normal character. It escalated to the point of having a falling out. Since then, I've noticed this with some other family and friends.

I've also experienced friends, who were once considered very close, becoming indifferent after family or a friend had crossed over. I noticed a family member just shut me out after a parent crossed over. One friend suddenly unfriended and blocked me within a few months after her dad crossed over but not before noticing her personality becoming more angry. Another friend became estranged after losing a couple of loved ones within several months of their crossing over.

These are only a few examples of what I've experienced over the years, so I decided to meditate on it to see if it was just coincidence. It wasn't and it's also why I started having these feelings to investigate. The "invisible world" can have an impact on our personalities, especially when we don't know they're around. They can be living out their physical life fantasies by attaching themselves to another in order to do so.

This isn't a problem if you start feeling you need to take up sewing or cooking, for instance, when you've never been inclined before. However, what if they didn't like someone that you did? What if they thought you shouldn't be around another due to that person's ideology that didn't fit in with theirs? What if you started having religious or social beliefs that you never had before? What if you started having unexplained feelings of doubt, mistrust or anger towards another?

As you can see, a crossing over, of someone you knew in the physical world, can start creating possible possessive influences depending on your strength of character. A big clue would be a sudden battle of wills within you and how you felt about someone, or something, as opposed to how you're now feeling. Another would be a significant personality change that others may notice or mention. Did someone familiar recently cross over?

These are questions we should consider. Not to blame but to be more aware of what else could be influencing us. From what I've been encountering, there are things that can create personality changes other than mind altering drugs, disease, or brain injury.

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