Thursday, January 31, 2013

An ET/UFO Story - Is Seeing Really Believing?

I'm always wary of projected thoughts to my mind while meditating but, many months later, I keep getting a feeling of something going on with this one. Which is why I thought I'd finally share this incident of what I saw and heard one night.

I think the reason I rejected all this was because it was too Saturday Night Live for me. However, at the same time, not much at all.

I'll start from the beginning. I was helping a Florida woman, that I knew only on Facebook, who was going through a psychic attack and, as she said, she felt were extraterrestrials. All I could do is ask my guides for help as well as teach her all I knew about protection.

One night, I was awakened by a friend, an androgynous, reptilian extraterrestrial, that I knew and felt I could trust due to the many years of helping me: Ladoarona. Why should I judge anything coming from him? Yet, afterwards I kept receiving so much doubt, and blocking me, on what I saw and heard that I backed away. However, like today, I was reminded again of this incident as if it should be shared.

Maybe the doubt and block was coming from those who did not want me to share, but for what reason? Maybe they played on my time being consumed with my father's illness and eventually crossing over, along with handling his will among other personal things. Several personal life events had my time taken elsewhere; keeping me sidetracked and not allowing me to further investigate or even caring to investigate. Was this done on purpose?

If so, why the nagging to report this? Curious. Why would anyone care and for what reason? True or not, one would think it would have passed if it wasn't important for some reason and I can still feel, even while typing this, the urgency to see this through.

To continue on with what happened: as I said above, I was awakened in the middle of night, as often happens, and as I was lying in bed I had this intense and very vivid picture sent and held briefly to my mind ... similar to when meeting Zabrona. This entire scenario may have taken a minute if not less.

What I saw was two ET, uniformed beings, standing inside a UFO. I could see, through the huge craft's window, the pair standing behind a panel that looked as if it was used in flying the machine ... sensing this as I looked at them. One was a male that was talking to a female as if he was directing her to do something. She appeared to be the one controlling the panel.

As he was speaking to her, I noticed it was not in any language I could recognize but I was more fixated on their looks. They had heads similar to the Coneheads on the SNL show but they were not pointy. They were the same circumference from forehead to the top and rounded, with the top of their head nearly as tall as this picture below that I found to give a reference. At the time, curious enough, I even wondered how this much weight could be carried on their necks, as their bodies, from the chest up, (because that was all I saw) appeared similar to ours.

As I watched the male giving the female orders, someone sent me strong emotions that these were the beings messing with this woman. Another younger, male ET entered the "cockpit" and said something to the first male and, at this point, the projection being held was released and things went dark. I fell asleep shortly afterwards with no more communication.

They were definitely having a conversation and nothing I could interpret. The only thing I felt was orders were being strongly given and they were to be followed. Not enough time in all that energy to interpret more and afterwards, as I said, I decided to move away from it all. Until today.

Also, just now, I realized that I do not believe I have had any information from Ladoarona since this occurrence. Very curious.

Coneheads on the Saturday Night Live


  1. This is really interesting. Have you talked to your guides about these beings?

    It is also very interesting how some ETs from old shows may have resemblance to actual beings.

    1. We haven't really been able to discuss it due to so many other things that keep coming up. I sense a lesson in this though. A lesson in getting things like this and having a support council to discuss the truth (or not) behind it. I sense many have been placed into delusions to teach lessons in regards to not everything being as we see it. I've been asked to put this out to others to get their feelings. Kind of like - the TEACHERS are having me awaken the teachers in others. ;)

    2. I also feel this is why I get blocked - it is not for me to answer but others. To test the truth within them and their guidance. We are only as good as our teachers and what our mind is capable of receiving.
