Sunday, January 27, 2013

Negative? Just Shake It Off!

Ever hear the expression - just shake it off?

I was reminded about it this morning and the mental image made me laugh.

One thing we need to remember, regarding empathy, is being able to shut down (on the most part) our empathic nature when we need some "me" time, as well as shaking off any negative energy that can appear with no warning and start affecting our emotions.

Teaching people about shaking off negative energy can be done with humor. The mental image I got today would be similar to what a dog does when it shakes off water from its hair. See what I mean? Can you image the chuckles from doing this, even if it's just in your mind?

Can you also image instructing people to see themselves mentally shaking off water (negative energy) from their body? It should make them laugh, which is the real point, because it raises our energy to a better place.

Next time a child is feeling down, ask them to do this and do it with them. Watch as the negative attitudes start changing out to a more positive one.

Try it by yourself sometime, even if you don't try it physically, the mental image will still make you smile. Everything helps with the right attitude.

Sure there are exceptions to any rule, but I like to see anyone doing this and still frowning afterwards.

Shake that body ... shake it hard! Shake off the negative stuff!
Be the dog and ... shake ... shake ... shake! :-)

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  1. I started to move my head from side to side and ended up doing a weird little dance while sitting on my chair XD

    Then I laughed for a while and almost had tears in my eyes. It works!

  2. That's funny and made me laugh. :)

    A friend sent me a picture of a bear shaking water off of it. Cracked me up. :)
