Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Out on a Limb

Sometimes I feel that the things I do, to help people, has me being precariously out on a limb; barely clinging to the branch wondering how much longer I can hold on.

I even told my dad once that: it seems like every time I help someone I get hurt. In which he replied: then stop helping people.

He was smiling because he knew, as I did, that we all help (or hurt) people, even inadvertently from every action we do ... like the ripple effect of a pebble in a pond

Also, I am constantly reminded that in order to get to the fruit of the tree (what one desires), one must go out on a limb. Something I learned from Shirley MacLaine's movie of the same title. That title has stuck in my head ever since.

I feel that was the reminder I got again this morning. As I sat down to eat breakfast, my husband noted a small bird at the very top of our bare leaf, Red Maple tree. I decided to take a picture of it.

Afterwards, I couldn't take my eyes off of it because the wind picked up, briefly, and it clung to the limb holding on without hardly an effort, or it appeared that way from my end. While the wind blew, it never let go or flew off, facing our house as it was some kind of bird sentry.

As I ate, I watched it. It appeared to be watching our surroundings: our sentry. I watched off an on. A few times it would fly away but came back to the same branch. One time it flew off and came back to a lower branch and once with a lizard in it's mouth. I would think it was gone for good but it returned.

Maybe it is telling me that if this tiny being can do it so can I. I can do what I can, to be what I am, yet come and go at will. I have that freedom to decide even while being like that bird out on a limb.

I looked up just now and it is gone again. Will it be back or has the job been done here and it's now off to other areas to conquer ... off to conquer another limb at the top of another tree?

We are all just doing our thing, all going out on whatever limb we imagine in our lives, inadvertently making ripples in our surrounding energy by being who we are. It wasn't even aware of this reminder it left me this morning.

Maybe. ;-)


  1. There's a lot we can learn from nature. This story is very touching!
    But I think it's just not right that you have to get hurt from helping people. :/ Why people would want to hurt you, I have no idea. But maybe it is to test your strength or something.

    Anyways, just remember you do have people who appreciate you a lot! There are people who appreciate your help. ^__^

    1. Hurt because I normally offend someone because of helping another - whether it is mild or strong. Standing strong in one's convictions isn't always pleasant but someone has to do it. Thank goodness for those that do - military, police, firemen/women, etc. :)

  2. don't let the goofs get you down, keep hangin on

  3. Beautiful picture in my mind and in the photograph! We are all really helping each other, really, whether we are hurting them or helping them in a way. It's hard to see all the stories being played out in result of one simple action as you mention in the ripple effect. Eventually, things turn out good. Maybe some people aren't ready and resistant to outside help? You should definitley keep doing what you are doing unless it is completely emotionally exhausting. I don't think that you could stop helping other people anyway; it is your nature, lol! ;)

    1. Thanks, I agree, we are all here to do what we can whenever we can.

      Yes, it is in my nature to help others and to know when to pull back to help myself. ;)
