Thursday, January 31, 2013

Perceiving the Truth

I have been thinking about putting a few of my notes that I have on another social media under my blog here. This one is on Perceiving the Truth which was originally published on June 15, 2011 and I posted it here back in April 2012, but I decided to add some comments made by a few people and deleted the other entry.

This is what I've been doing for years on my Atomarane YT channel, through personal emails, as well as answering comments on videos ... with a lot of help from guidance:

SUBSCRIBER: I mean no disrespect, but how do you perceive the truth; how reliable are the answers to the all questions you get from either the spirit world and/or your extraterrestrial guidance?

ATOMARANE: None taken. How do I perceive the truth? Just like anyone … by sensing it. It’s like when you get the impression someone is being deceptive to you, or you sense that they may not really understand what they are telling you … possibly perpetuating non-truths/gossip; it may create feelings of doubt within you or coming to you from universal guidance.

What's more, some people think their “guidance” is perfect, I do not. I feel they are capable of error as we are; for many reasons that I have learned and will endeavor to explain. To begin with, that’s when I learned to sense if any doubt was being felt and why that was. Feeling doubt, in my opinion, may be important and necessary for people to have. I believe that this helps us make our own decisions based on what we feel … to discern the truth for ourselves. Of course, discerning truth should be aided by knowledge and wisdom.

Furthermore, when people tell us things, and we sense doubt, we know that there are times that we may not be able to prove what they are saying, in that moment. With me, I could be blocked: the answer is not being allowed. It’s then that we learn to accept or reject it depending on the importance of the subject. I may back away until I know more, if I want to know more, or if it is allowed. I do my best to keep my empathy vigilant, because I have learned that it’s when you think you know all the answers that it will be when you find out you don't; never assume … never be arrogant. This is what makes me dig deeper if it is allowed.

To explain allowed: I know the difference in emotions coming from someone that is guiding me to back away because of the love they have for me and wanting me to remove myself from the energy being presented or someone that may be subjecting hate or deceit to me, to keep me from knowing something. As I said before, that’s when I back away until the time is allowed … the time is right … if it is allowed … if I have permission. Also, allowing doesn’t mean putting up with but that’s a different topic.

To continue, this knowing comes with time and learning. An empathic person tends to see, feel and know the truth when it's presented and when clarity is there. Clarity is very important … it’s the difference of swimming in a clear pool compared to a murky pond.

I have learned not only to heighten my empathic abilities but my telepathic abilities due to all that I've gone through in life; this helps my perception. If I feel any uncertainty, I may ask them to find out why this is, to please rectify it for me, or to see if I’m being blocked. After all, if I'm going to have this many beings around me they have to work too … I'm not doing it all by myself.

Regarding blocking the truth, I have learned that not always is it someone being deceitful. It could also be the “universe” holding things back from me … as a parent may do to a child … allowing for the proper time to open that door … waiting for permission … waiting for the right time … providing protection. Being a knowledgeable adult, we can understand that a toddler will not understand the “facts of life” as we do and it will be difficult for them to comprehend what we are saying if they are not ready to hear it. Also, a “wise” adult wouldn’t put a weapon in the hand of a toddler because we have learned that with knowledge there should be wisdom and responsibility. I am not saying they think I am unwise or irresponsible to have this truth, but there are other things to be considered. As I said before … maybe for protection … or the timing is off. Even timing is important in searching for answers.

Which is why I have also learned that some answers are not for me; there are others here to do things too. As I have been told, no one person on this earth will be setup to have all the answers on every topic. No one person will “play” God for mankind. Call it an ego stabilizer but I like to think of it as … God only knows and He’s not talking … yet.

Anyway, this is how I do things. I hope this helps.

Note: Asking permission was taught to me in order to show respect and privacy for others, just as I would want from others. There are only a few exceptions where this will be overruled. This is true divine guidance and everything else is ego oriented.


A few comments made on my social media about this, which I thought would be nice to share as well. For everyone has a truth - has a perspective:

1) It always helps to hear a different perspective than our own. We are only blessed and more learned to have this message from you TEACHER. Thank you so very much.

2) Fantastic I completely agree. We are not always ready to know the truth because we may not be advanced enough to know what to do with it or to even handle it. I admit many times I have the truth shoved at me yet I choose to ignore it because I don't want to deal with it. It niggles in my mind, forcing me to give it some attention but I always think...nothing is written in stone. The truth may be the truth now but it can morph into something else, change completely. So it's a catch 22...I listen to the truth and act upon it and then disallow it to maybe change into a different truth, or I wait and sometimes risk in case it changes. How many intuitive people do not know a secret yet all the people around them do? Some may have 'guessed' it...yet they know and the intuitive doesn't..because it is not time for them to hold that truth. They are not ready

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