Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Meditation: Blending Knowledge and Wisdom

Without wisdom, knowledge is either useless or destructive. - Unknown

Many times, when asked, I've explained the importance in the need to calm one's energy to many who are so wired and out of control but say they are looking for answers.
It's so bad, sometimes, that I'm concerned their brain will explode due to the static of depression, hate or confusion going through it. Yet, they won't listen because they know everything about everything. Wired with self-indulged intelligence, yet lacking the importance of wisdom that would help them in many areas.
Many times, they're too impatient for answers because the answers have to be now and waiting, apparently, isn't an option. Or, they may not like the answers that will calm them due to the negative feelings they prefer to maintain ... the only side they wish to see.
Learning to meditate not only helps calm one's energy but to balance knowledge and wisdom. When one is too impatient the results are going to remain unbalance and many times disastrous.
This is one reason we have internal strife which bleeds into our external conditions ... the people around us. It's so much easier to point fingers instead of looking within or seeking a higher guidance.
It's been my biggest wish that it was mandatory to teach meditation in our public schools. Taught by teachers who know how and have the wisdom to guide correctly.
Of course, I'm reminded of something my mom used to say: discipline begins in the cradle. She meant a good foundation starts at an early age.
Some countries seem to understand this already ... maybe one day America will too.

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