Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tolerance and Compassion

I just don't understand the hypocrisy of some people with their guilt-trip memes of "please have compassion for whatever cause" or have tolerance to whatever cause," etc., but when it's negated in anyway, for whatever reason, they unfriend or ostracize.

Because a flaw was presented for discussion?

Even when I share my personal experiences, done with kindness, I've been met, at times, with such anger and hostility that's it's shocking. I've questioned myself many times: where did that come from?

Did they not understand that by sharing their idea, even if it's a meme, it may reap contradiction?

Is it the mentality of: you don't agree with me so you must not be my friend?

I think: hmmm, where's the tolerance and compassion now?

Many times, I choose not to say anything because my intuition tells me it will be met with hate and prejudice. Sometimes I venture forward, hoping I won't get blasted for sharing my feelings. It still happens because I know I'm dealing with their prejudices.

They're not open to suggestions.

They only want compassion and tolerance ... not give it.

Yet, shouldn't social media help with perspectives, to see another side to a situation, open doors to our minds, so we're not left with just our thoughts ... just our opinions?

Many times I've said: ah-ha, I never thought about that -- or -- thanks for sharing.

As a Facebook friend said once: It's important that we have a free discussion on topics like this. Solutions are possible when thinking people exchange ideas and not fists.

Compassion and tolerance shouldn't be lip service. We don't have to agree with everything everyone does or says. No one should expect that. However, if we shut the door to another's opinion, we may close off our minds to a deeper self-awareness, or internal growth, because of something that is triggered within us.

If I don't necessarily agree, I politely leave the conversation or don't choose to get involved, especially if I see hate. To each their own. However, a few times of practicing compassion and tolerance, by not unfriending someone, I saw a dramatic change in opinions ... an awakening within both sides. Mutual understanding and respect bloomed.

It's not about sides. Tolerance and compassion is about understanding and respecting ... or trying to.

Sadly, it isn't always to be though. If they're stalkers and vulgar haters, then sure ... delete and block ... for peace of mind ... for self-respect.

I do what I can to be respectful ... agree to disagree. Move on and away. But as long as people are being polite in sharing their opinions, to unfriend them or send invisible daggers through the universe is immature.

It's also intolerant and lacks compassion.

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