Monday, September 29, 2014

Vaccines: Damned If We Do - Damned If We Don't?

Recently, some friends and I were discussing vaccines. After reading and hearing about the fears of vaccines over the last few years, and giving more thought on it, my overall current feelings about it is what one friend said ... it's a "pick your poison" kind of thing. This is why I decided to share my personal experience about vaccines, along with some things I discussed with them. 

Let your conscience be your guide. 

Yes, vaccines are giving you a modified "poison" on a miner scale to help you fight it off on a bigger scale ... to build up immunities to it ... or to destroy it if you already have it ... like rabies for instance. I understand that concept because a snake bite is treated with snake venom. However, what else is put in the snake or rabies serum, among other vaccines, to sustain it or control it; which we may consider questionable? Is it worth fighting over that substance and letting a patient die? Or knowing a serum could have additional chemicals or minerals that overall save a life? Do we become so paranoid and argumentative over the additional components and allow deaths to escalate or do we hope to stop something with minimal damage to human life?

The outcome is to save lives but I do understand completely that if it causes permanent, serious damage then we should go back to the lab and redesign our formulas. If this WAS the cause and not another human error elsewhere. We're only human and we make mistakes. We humans become the mistakes in our quests for perfection as well as due to ignorance. People who don't make mistakes, as far as I'm concerned, aren't doing anything ... that means we will all make mistakes in our lives ... including scientist in labs.

Maybe more mistakes could be made against us in epidemics. In an epidemic we don't always have the luxury of a lot of lab testing; humans may become the guinea pigs needed to discover what works or not. A good point to consider is how much serum should anyone have at one time? If we don't know, we are subject to the professionals that hopefully do know, yet who are still capable of error in our sometimes trial and error society.

All I can use is my personal awareness and that includes the knowledge of me and my siblings having vaccines along with my children. I, my siblings or my children had no issues. Are vaccines causing autism today when it hadn't in the past? There has to be other factors to consider. Things need to add up and they're still not. I, and my siblings, had twenty-six shots within three weeks. I was the oldest at the age of eight. We needed these vaccines in order to go overseas to live. I and my younger siblings had very minimal side effects for that many injections within that short period of time. The youngest was my sister who was a baby. I can't recall what all she had done but I do remember my mom being concerned about her running a slight fever right after we all has another set of shots, however nothing but a low fever or tenderness in any of the rest of us occured. The same for my children when they received their childhood vaccinations.

No, I'm not an expert, but that's my awareness and why I cannot add up what's going on today. What's changed?

Also, the fear mongering is outrageous. I cannot believe that every scientists is only thinking of deliberately harming mankind while working in their labs. They too may have family and friends that could need a life saving vaccine. They work everyday with the stuff that could kill them. Another incentive to discover the best means to saving lives ... their own life. We should all come down off our high pedestals and outrageous finger pointing and remember to walk a mile in their shoes.

As another friend said recently, who has a problem with people using the word natural, or organic, as a means to control others: "even mercury is natural." I agree with her. Peanuts are natural too, but many don't know they're allergic to them, or to what degree, until they're subjected to its natural or modified state. So you see, in nature there are things that can kill us but in nature there are things that can also cure us. Finding what counterbalances the other has been the quest of many past generations.

I often see comments about building up one's immune system as if that's enough to conquer everything. Even a strong immune system won't fight off something coming at us like the force of a semi-truck. We don't need to be ignorant or smug. We are not born perfect into this world due to genetics and we can aquire things due to environmental issues. Life has a plan to make sure we don't stay here in one body forever. When I learned that, I decided to just be happy the best I can. I find myself constantly amazed I'm still here after all I've been through but I'm appreciative that it wasn't worse. 

I'll leave you with this one last thing. One of my blogs was about Marie Swingley, a survivor of polio and a dear friend. She worked for Easter Seals and was always warning people not to become complacent with discontinuing the polio vaccine because it might lead to sad consequences. With this latest virus that is giving similar symptoms to polio, that's been reported in 40 states now, I think she may have made an accurate prophecy, especially if polio is resurfacing. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Cell Phone Making A Call On Its Own?

Not that strange things don't happen around our home but nothing phenomenal in quite a long while; which is why this occurrence was baffling and interesting enough to share. 

I was in my kitchen, yesterday afternoon, and my husband had just walked into our bedroom. Suddenly, I heard this distant voice saying something like: "wait for the beep, then leave a message." It sounded far away so I thought it was coming from our office answering machine or my husband had left the house phone off the hook.

I was calling out to him as I made my way to our house phone in the living room. I had heard the announcement again and I was still calling out to him as I picked up the phone and hit the end call button just to see if that would work. He finally came into the living room as we both heard it again and I asked him where was his cell phone.

Since we were getting ready to leave the house, he had laid it on the bench by the door leading out to our garage. He picked it up and opened the cell phone cover. We both could see his cell had been calling my youngest brother. He hit the end call and shut the phone case, turning to me asking me how did that happen?

I asked him if he had been calling my brother? He has never called him ... ever. He hardly calls anyone but his son or me. He told me no, why would he? Then he said: all I did was open my phone case, look at the screen, closed it and laid it on the bench then walked toward our bedroom.

I was looking at him like: right, you had to touch something. Yet, his look was just as puzzling as mine. I knew he was being sincere because my intuition was on high alert, yet suddenly I started feeling blocked ... still do. Why block me? Protection for me ... for another?

These are the steps he would have had to do in order to call my brother:

1) open the phone case (see picture/not his phone but the "orange contact" location is similar to his).
2) tap on the contact icon to open up his phone contacts.
3) locate my brother's name.
4) call the number.
5) close the case and lay the phone down and walk away.

I know he didn't do it. I know my husband like the back of my hand. All I can wonder is: how else would this happen? Since I still feel blocked from "receiving an answer" ... giving it some time to resolve itself ... then I don't think it's accidental. Science states there's an explanation for everything. They're more than welcome to explain this. How does a cell phone call someone on its own?

Why call this particular person? Someone my husband has never called. A universal message? Mischief?

Maybe it's not for me to know, in this moment in time. I'll just go with what my common sense tells me: no harm done ... move on. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

What's Up Global Warming?

This is a picture of me during my visit to Mendenhall Glacier, a glacier currently 12 to 13 miles outside of Juneau, Alaska. This picture was taken in mid-summer 2001. It was my second visit. The one before that was in the mid-nineties in the middle of May. I hadn't noticed any major glacier shrinkage from one visit to the other.

I was interested because on my first visit I was told the glacier visitor center was right on top of the glacier when it was first built in 1962 but the glacier had shrunk so much that now it wasn't. The tour guide also said that the glacier was once a couple of miles closer to town when he was a child. Was this really factual information being given? It's why I've been interested in glacier melting ever since and why I couldn't understand the controversy over global warming. Is it or isn't it? So many opinions via our science world.

Lately, with the recent media coverage about it, due to the UN Climate Summit, I started "hearing" the words "Mendenhall Glacier" with this feeling about shrinkage but at the same time I was given feelings as if it's being overstated. Hmmmm. Was guidance trying to make a point about something? I also kept hearing "ice age," with regards to the amount of shrinkage that we have had in our glaciers over the last ten thousand plus years. That without this ice shrinkage we wouldn't be living where we are today. Very true. As they say, good and bad in everything.

Anyway, I kept feeling that something was going on. That we tend to promote something without realizing things that can go on behind close doors. For example, when we had a sugar shortage many, many years ago, supposedly, and then suddenly we had a sugar substitute to help us. Wasn't that convenient? Is there something being promoted behind closed doors for global warming advocacy?

Furthermore, over the years of reading about this subject, I kept feeling that some of the pictures, which were presented for proof, for making a point, could be deceptive, especially if taken out of context of seasons involved or altered. Is it necessary to alter anything to make a point or promote one's agenda? All I can say is: yes, it can happened. I've seen and heard a lot of what we can buy into, due to another's propaganda, over most of my adult life. Things we believe today can and will change tomorrow, especially when we know more or know better.

So, what was guidance telling me ... without telling me?

Then my training hit me. Could we be promoting much of it by our thoughts? Our thoughts can be and have been powerful forces. Collectively, we can do much for good or bad. Could we, in our "the sky is falling" mentality, seek to be right even if wrong? We want to be right so we can say: see, I told you so! No matter how destructive our thoughts are. No matter what is produced to cool things down. We just want to be right.

Or, are we on an earth cycle that's been going on for thousands of years? Can we change it? Are we being duped into believing we have control over something to promote another's agenda? Even if we buy into it, will earth obey us? Thousands of years of glacier melting have some say we may be heading into another ice age. Could it be a natural cycle of our planet and we, as mankind, may not be able to do anything? 

Yet, if we want to see how fast a cool down can occur ... due to nature ... check out the "little ice age," which was proportedly created by volcanic eruption (among other speculative causes). Are we to blame the actions of that populace back then for causing it? Is it possible that nature could "adjust" temperatures once again?

Besides, many things I've read stated their beliefs are based on speculation and theory. Some are honest enough to report that by saying they are scientifically unsure because their theory isn't exact science due to how far back they can go in documented history. Even then they state it's theory. How can we know anything, if science can't get it together in their arguments? The little ice age, like the medieval warm period just before it, is still being debated over the cause or causes. Yet, we are to believe the theories that created those periods in time are generating our current issues that we are to now believe is fact.


Furthermore, aren't we taught, metaphysically speaking, that we draw to us what we fear? Aren't we promoting fear? Fear is a very powerful emotion. Are we fearfully allowing our planet to go into another ice age over concerns for global warming?

Read the below Wikipedia excerpt, especially about the stabilization or advancing glaciers. 

"Mendenhall Glacier: The Juneau Icefield Research Program has monitored the outlet glaciers of the Juneau Icefield since 1942, including Mendenhall Glacier. The glacier has also receded 1.75 miles (2.82 km) since 1958, when Mendenhall Lake was created, and over 2.5 miles (4.0 km) since 1500. The end of the glacier currently has a negative glacier mass balance and will continue to retreat in the foreseeable future.

Given that average yearly temperatures are currently increasing, and the outlook is for this trend to continue, it is actually possible that the glacier might experience a period of stabilization or slight advance during its retreating march. This is because increasing amounts of warm, moist air will be carried up to the head of the icefield, where colder ambient temperatures will cause it to precipitate as snow. The increased amount of snow will feed the icefield, possibly enough to offset the continually increasing melting experienced at the glacier's terminus. However, this interesting phenomenon will fade away if temperatures continue to climb, since the head of the glacier will no longer have cold enough ambient temperatures to cause snow to precipitate."

This excerpt makes me feel I'm reading something that says: this is what we've been seeing ... this is what we speculate ... but this can be changed all based on whatever. I feel like I'm being given something but it's being taken back at the same time. No wonder many are confused over this issue. 

Yet, maybe we're underestimating "mother nature" or the power of our collective desires in keeping balance. Last winter was pretty cold. This winter is predicted to be colder. Is this a clue?

Anyway, after the many debates, of pros and cons I've read over the years, it just makes me wonder: what's up global warming?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Balance: Think and Feel First

I saw this picture, that I'm using on my blog today, and it made me think of how fast we can be out of balance with our mental programming, which may have changed since we last investigated something, versus the guidance of truth from our heart (aka soul or feelings).

Many times, I see people caught in the trap of their mental programming without listening to their heart or, more importantly, the universal heart for guidance when it comes to truth. I have been seeing this more frequently lately, with many people, as if their thinking and feelings were mired with what may have become false programming. As if they're not into constant verifying/validating but just reiterating their programming. Even that programming could be false due to the source in which it was acquired.

Anyway, after seeing this picture,  I started wondering if the universe was telling me something. I felt as if an imbalance was being done from some universal flow of distortion or confusion. Maybe a lesson due to not listening to the many instructions that have been delivered by many teachers over many years. As in: shouldn't they know better by now? Is this a stronger lesson perhaps?

I know how this can happen, based on personal experience. For instance, once, a long time ago, my youngest daughter said something and I started to reply, "that's not true." My mental programming had taken over my instincts. What I had always thought was the truth was now being challenged. Suddenly, based on my training, I felt something was off. I was able to instantly back away from that mental conditioning and seek further awareness ... feel for the truth. That's when I sensed doubt in my awareness. At this point, since I allowed my ego to be removed from this scenario, I was able to discern something was amiss. I ask her to hold on and then asked guidance for the truth off the universe. I heard: "your daughter is correct." It wasn't just words heard, but the feelings felt right too.

In that moment, I had allowed my feelings to guide me and then guidance help with the rest. I was able to relay to her that my programming had been off and thanked her, and guidance, for helping me know more.  As always, they never allow me to take their word for anything. I was later asked to look it up myself. Yes, they and my daughter were right. Verified.

This taught me to guard myself, because I'm not always "attuned" to the universe in my everyday physical life. It reminded me to never assume. Things change all the time. Things we may hear could be false due to deliberate means to distort truth or innocent means of those unaware.

It's important not to suffocate our instincts, because of our wants, when gathering facts too. When I hear or read something now, that goes against something I feel is true, I back away and allow the truth to enter my mind. Sometimes, I don't have to ask for help because I sense it's being given without asking. It's that fast. However, I'm on alert to it being the truth and not just my truth.

I felt another reason I was to write this blog today was because of what I've also been seeing a lot of lately. People are not reading everything correctly, maybe they're in too much of a hurry to do so, yet they may misinterpret something because of it. They're interjecting their feelings into something without validating more and sometimes the feelings are due to the intense programming they've experienced ... which influences their emotions ... sharing their feelings irregardless of the topic ... or universal truth.

Could this be deliberate to teach a lesson too? Slow down and pay attention more? I think the message for today and always is not only to think before we speak or write but stop and feel too. It's something I try to remind myself often.

For instance, am I sensing doubt? Maybe I would have if I hadn't been too hasty in a reply. Is there a message that my truth may no longer be the truth? Maybe I forgot to ask for it.

Am I taking the time to feel as well as think?

Am I asking for the truth or am I going against it because my truth serves my purposes better ... even if it's wrong?

Am I making more of something then I should?

Am I balanced in thought and feelings that all is well?

Thursday, September 18, 2014


I read once that life is B (birth) and D (death) and between B and D is C (choice).

This morning, while meditating, I was brought into a Council All Call with the universe regarding choices. It was the first time in a long time that I felt the power of that particular energy and not just normal guidance. I felt they were presenting, to many minds, a very strong message. I also felt that something major must have occurred for this all call to be created. 

Maybe it was to fine tune a nearly similar message I had received earlier this year, because guidance asked me to share the link to it as well.

Anyway, I'll do my best to share their message from this morning.

We are raised to believe our path is based on our free will choices ... sometimes choices made before we're born. We are taught this at an early age: the decisions we make define us and we are to be accountable for them. Making choices builds not only our foundation but what we build on it.

We already know that we have physical attributes that can be depleted or enhance based on choices. Choices that can lead us into injuries or surgery ... each which can create a change in our physical looks.

Many know we also have a soul, that can give us emotions, which can also be depleted or enhanced based on choices. Choices that can be difficult at times but must be made.

In this Council All Call, I was advised about our choices creating excuses. To be careful of the words we use as they can be used against us. For instance: "I was born this way and cannot change the way I am." As I mentioned above, and as I was reminded this morning, many things can be changed based on our choice and emotional choices are easier to change than physical choices.

If this is not true, that we have no ability to change our feelings because we were born this way, than we have to understand that others may used that same reasoning for what they do in their life.

In other words, if we are to be forgiving of one set of emotional paths, than we need to be forgiving of other's emotional paths. If someone is "emotionally" born a certain way, and chooses not to conform with laws because of it, shouldn't they be forgiven their path as well?

There are people born into this world that are murderers, rapists, robbers, terrorists, pedophiles, sexual and physical abusers that are considered repulsive to mankind. They are breaking laws and we judge it as unforgivable.

Where do we draw the line in forgiveness if they too were born this way or using it as an excuse to do what they choose to do also? 

When does choice deny rights of another? 

Whose rights are more important than another's? 

Whose choices are more forgivable than another's, especially if we are all born the way we are and have no choice?


Monday, September 15, 2014

Healing With Nature

"The art of healing comes from nature, and not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind." ~ Paracelsus
Recently, I watched a few videos showing male teens having serious, angry meltdowns, aka temper-fits, over their video or internet games being denied them by their parents. I'm not alluding to this being just a male problem. These were the only videos I watched, that were shared on Facebook, and one of my reasons for this blog.
Many times, over the years, I've received messages from guidance that certain "mental issues" are not from playing a minimal amount of video games, but the excessive, addictive amount of time in playing them, and the types that are played. Also, these issues are partly due to the amount of indoor time versus outdoor time ... not being in harmony with nature and ourselves. This disharmony has been documented; where people suffer with winter blues mainly due to being shut in too much.This would make sense with anyone that is housebound for any reason ... maybe too much television, or internet, and little outdoor time. It has been proven many times to be unhealthy ... mentally and physically. This is not to state that no one should ever watch television, be on the internet, or play video games, but to be mindful of the amount of time one is spending doing anything.
Doctors must have known the power of nature when I was very young. My doctor told my mom that I needed to get outside and play more, in order to build up my immunities. Once again nature to the rescue, as I had been a sickly child. Eventually, I became well adapt at tree climbing. However, even with nature, one must me prudent. Too much of anything may have sad consequences, as well as too much of one thing: as in a black widow spider I saw in a tree I climbed once. That experience taught me how to be very agile, as I hurriedly climbed back down the tree to avoid the spider. It also taught me not to take nature for granted. Yet, it didn't take away my love for being outdoors.
Anyway, to continue, I saw the above quote recently and again I received this same subtle message of addictive behavior and the ability that nature has in healing. This prompted me to share what I had heard and felt. Is the universe guiding us to pay attention? Giving us an answer to our prayers? Helping us heal ourselves and loved ones?
Yet, I'm puzzled over something. By now, we should all know about balancing our lives with moderate indoor and outdoor activities. We've had many examples to prove the value that nature has for us, as well as knowing that we should do things in moderation. 
So, I ask these questions.
What power would want us to go against nature, to not be in harmony, possessing us to avoid this knowledge, and possibly causing a lot of our mental or physical health issues that even Paracelsus knew from his time period?
Could this be a lesson we were to learn the hard way, so we would never forget it?

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Black Hole: Fanatic and Terrorist

Fanatic: a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.

Terrorist: a person who uses fear, submission, violence and threats to coerce in the pursuit of their aims.


I was having a discussion with my husband, about using a particular religion, race or political party, as if one, or a few, represent the collective all. This is very far from the truth. A handful of those "going rogue" does not represent any totality ... no more than one person representing their entire relatives. 

I don't even like the expression of radical Islamic as it still points to more than an individual,  or individuals, and starts programming us as if all Islamic people could become radical. It puts fear in the multitude that all Muslims could be potential terrorist which is just as bad as the historical witch hunts we have had in America's past. 

It's illogical finger pointing. 

Just as illogical as the media hype on race as if blacks are the only race that's been persecuted. Obviously, they failed or didn't take history while studying broadcasting. 

That's why, in my opinion, these people should not be classified under a race, religion or party, especially when they act as the above definitions state. When you're dealing with anyone who is a fanatic, or using terrorism as a means to an end, then that, and only that, should be our definition.

Can you imagine if we stop saying "why are you a racist" and start saying "why are you a fanatic?" I wonder how that would help a person's mind, in order for them to keep from hiding behind something other then this truth. 

Can you imagine if we stop saying "he did that because he's a (place your word here)" and start saying "he did that because he's a terrorist" (or fanatic)? In other words, call it for what it is ... a fanatic or terrorist.

After all, a dog is a dog. There may be a variety of dogs but they are still classified as a dog. When any act up, we say they're rabid, or whatever, but we don't say all dogs are the same because of one or a few dogs that act up. We don't go out and eliminate all dogs because of a few that are not doing the same thing as the others.

In fact, should we eliminate all sports because a few fans are fanatical?

So why crucify the collective all because of a handful that use their race, party or religion to justify the ends to their means?

That's lunacy!

Why do we continually buy into that mentality? Why do we help them beat their drum of insanity? If we change the words we use, maybe it will help change more than words later.

It just might make them think. Maybe even speak the truth. 

For instance: no, I'm not racist, I hate the world and I'm using race as an ends to my means because I'm a fanatic.

For instance: yes, I'm a Muslim but I'm using that as an end to my means because I'm really a terrorist and don't care who I hurt on my fanatical path.

For instance: yes, I am a bible beating Christian, using my faith as an ends to my means because I'm really a fanatic and I don't care that it hurts my fellow Christians.

For instance: I'm a political terrorist and will use my party to hurt my government and my country because that's what fanatics do.

These are only minimal examples that I used above, you can use any religion, political party, or race the same way.

Try it.

Single out the fanatics or terrorists and call them for what they really are. Stop allowing them to use any party, religion or race against us. Stop allowing it to crucify any "collective all" when it's not the case.

After all, someone can be a fanatic without being a terrorist but I don't think we can separate a terrorist from a fanatic. In that case, we should be stating they're a fanatical terrorist, with no association to anything but that. 

Either way, they are individuals acting on their desires ... not for an entire religion, race or political party ... or any other subject.

Let's call it for what it truly is. They can be like a black hole of the universe that can pull you in and destroy everything around them, but they're not the universe.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why We Should Never Forget 911

To me, saying "never forget 911" is the same sentiments of saying "remember the Alamo." It's to remember those that lost their life over their beliefs. In both cases, inadvertently or advertently, it was for freedom.

Freedom doesn't enslave. Remembering those who lost their lives is a tribute to this and a warning to those who want to imprison under a suffocating idealogy that takes away freedom.

Freedom doesn't sit back and watch as people's homes or countries are invading by other people or other countries.

Freedom doesn't segregate ... it's an umbrella that covers all. All but those who wish to use terrorism against it.

The enemy of freedom is terrorism and fanaticism, not any particular religion, race, or country. It's the "out-of-control" thug mentality that wants to destroy peace of mind for self gratification ... for the good of one or few and not all.

Never forget and always remember freedom. The same freedom that gives us the right to speak our mind. The same freedom that gives us the right to ignore those who speak their mind.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Let It Go: Releasing Blame, Expectation and Disappointment

Recently, I posted this picture on Facebook that said: Don't blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself from expecting too much from them.

Along with the picture I commented: Don't curse anyone you give your power away to, because of something that's gone wrong in your life, or you feel you didn't get your way. Maybe you expected too much.

I had someone ask me: "But... if you lower your expectations so as to avoid being disappointed by others, then what good does that do? I expect to be treated as an equal, or with respect, or whatever and if somone falls short of giving me those things, it's not my fault that they couldn't rise to my expectations. Or it shouldn't be."
I felt that was a very serious question that needed a very serious answer. Below is what I shared and thought I'd share it on my blog. This is what I've been taught over the years.


When you bring people into your life with the expectation that you're going to change them, to bring them up to your level, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. We have to understand that not everyone will be able to accomplish what we think they should... based on our abilities against theirs.

No one suggests that you lower your standards but you have to understand that sometimes we do need to come down to their level... somewhat... to teach them what we know. Just as a teacher has to be on the mental level of a first grader, it doesn't mean we stay there at that level always. Think in the terms of Jesus coming to earth to teach among the poor and needy but he never whipped them into submission. He taught with love to those willing to listen. Ok, so he did do a whooping on the money changers. He was still human. ;-)

Anyway, when we realize we are beating a dead horse, so to speak, we move on and away because we realize the timing is off due to whatever the situation that is going on. Maybe better luck next time.

We wouldn't expect a frog to fly. Yet, we expect humans to be human without knowing what's in their soul. What's the driving force behind them. Knowing that driving force can help us help them but they still need to be willing to help themselves. You can lead a horse to water... that kind of thing.

So yes, we may be placed on many people's paths to help one another but we have to get over our feelings that just because we lead them to water that we have a right to force them to drink. They may be waiting to see you drink first or may not feel right about the water.

You can't teach anyone anything until you know what you're up against. If you don't expect, you're not setting yourself up for disappointment.

There's also exceptions to every rule too. Each situation has a story to tell... to analyze... in order to understand.

When you reach a level of spiritual understanding, you start thinking on God's level. His level sees the capacity within someone. He would also see if someone's been dragging their feet, in learning something, way too often. Then He may feel it's necessary to send in a stronger person to teach or guide if necessary. In order to do that... He has to move us off the path so another can get the job done.

That's when we get our ego in the way... because we don't always move on or away easily. ;-)


I'll also conclude with some additional information.

Sure, we can expect anything we want from anyone... adults or children... however our expectations can be unreasonable without knowing more about the person or being able to assist them. Should we expect parents to work overtime to pay for our wants as well as needs? Can a wheelchair bound child get up and dance? Can an alcoholic stop drinking over night? Should we expect a child to excel in sports when he/she isn't interested. Should we expect more in a relationship, when another is unable or unwilling to comply? Are we projecting our wants onto someone without understanding theirs? Before we can change anything, if that's what we are trying to accomplish, and to repeat what I said above, we need to know what we're up against and if we can do it.

Furthermore, where is this particular flow of expectation taking us and why? Who does it ultimately serve?

Also, we should do all we can to treat others as we would want to be treated to the very best of our ability. If that means a stronger arm is needed to protect or guide us, as well as them, let that decision be made with love and wisdom... not hate and ignorance.

As far as the blame part, I never liked that word particularly. Unreasonable expectations can lead to disappointment and blame. Blaming isn't empowering us... it empowers them. The more we dwell on it... the more we accuse or blame... the more we keep giving our power away. The more we hurt, we want to blame because it's our way at striking back... making them suffer for our disappointment in their unwillingness to meet our expectations.
Sounds pretty unreasonable, as well as controlling, doesn't it?

Hopefully, this blog will help with releasing blame, expectation and disappointment. 

Let it go. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Expectations: Musing About God

Sometimes I wonder why we say the things we do today about God, especially based on our current awareness. In fact, do we really believe what we say? If so, why is that? Is it fear of knowing more or a lack of common sense? Maybe we don't want to hear it, because we already know it, and we're not ready to accept it.

Similar to a relationship gone bad.

Six thousand years ago the amount of people on this planet were extremely minimal compared to today. Telling people, back then, to give God your problems (including your sickness), because He can handle it, seems somewhat easier for Him to do back then (even if He didn't), compared to handling the troubles of the nearly 8 billion people we have today on this planet.

Even with delegating responsibilities, it would seem logical that the amount of earth's issues could still be overwhelming to anyone at anytime ... even with help.

Maybe that's why our prayers aren't answered because we expect too much. Maybe that's why we've gotten use to blowing it off by saying: "sometimes the answer is no."

Whatever works to protect our fantasy.

With the amount of people today, it would seem that His priorities may be more overwhelming than any particular country's leader's priorities. As anyone would know, that's had any managerial or leadership position, those responsibilities can be overwhelming compared to just running a household.

So, as I was musing over this line of thought, I wondered why we still say: give it to God, He will take care of it. In fact, why do we turn any of our problems over to any God/Goddess as if they are at our beck and call ... like some servant?

Think about it.

Today, I was reminded of our outrageous expectations on having all our troubles sent to God ... having all our negativity projected to Him. The mental image I received was of Him literally being attacked from all corners of the world with sickness or negativity. Can you imagine spending every day, all day long, protecting yourself from this?

It's depressing.

It's unbelievable.

Can you imagine any parent not wanting us to learn how to take care of ourselves ... especially as adults. To expect that no matter how many times we fall, His hand will be there to help us up time and time again.

It's illogical.

It's selfish.

I knew this over twenty years ago when I was told by a family member to put my troubles in God's hands. My reply was based on my "awakened" awareness when I said: nearly two hundred thousand people just died in Bangladesh from a typhoon, do you really think God has time for me right now?

No expectations.

No disappointments.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Reflections: Teachers and Students

Alan Cohen stated: "Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us."

Throughout life, I've heard the constant battle cry from parents that it's the teachers fault a student doesn't learn. Yet, I've also heard the teachers complain that students don't try to learn.

Generally, teachers teach what they've been taught to teach. They do all they can to give their students all the tools to learn. These tools are used by students in different ways.

Some tend to excel more because of utilizing those tools to give them the most benefits. They may even excel beyond the teacher.

Some have less will power or mental power to excel more. They may choose to remain less than the teacher in knowledge. It may not be as important for them to be on the same level.

Some will stay parallel to the teacher's knowledge. They may choose to utilize this awareness in everyday life or put it aside never to be used again. It's their choice.

Whatever the path a student takes, it's still their path based on their will, support from family and peers, along with their mental and physical abilities. It's unreasonable to blame a student for not being as good, if not better, than a teacher, due to their path, as well as blaming them for the obstacles on their path; such as any lack of special tools needed for learning or possibly a poor early foundation.

It's also unreasonable to blame a teacher when students take their own path. It's not always the teacher that's not teaching properly but a student unwilling to learn due to a lack of interest, among other things.

A student is not a reflection on a teacher ... a teacher is not a reflection on a student ... they are a reflection of themselves.

For instance, when Jesus taught his disciples, they were taught things he knew, but some learned more or less based on their needs or wants. When they went out to teach, they were using the lessons taught to them along with their inner growth or awareness. They used their teacher as an example but they were not "this teacher" ... they were themselves. A reflection of all they were ... all they had learned from everything around them ... not just from Jesus.

This is why I've repeatedly stated that Jesus' followers are not/were not Jesus. Not then ... not even now. No more then any prophet and their followers then or today. Their soul paths are all unique and different, even if there's similarities in character.

With all the variables that life gives us, it's illogical to think any other way. It's also illogical to blame. It's more logical to understand and correct or adjust. Did one teacher of any mass murderer create that person? Definitely not! Did one teacher create a genius? Absolutely not!

I'm a metaphysical teacher but I consider myself a student constantly learning and changing. Everything has a reflection on my character ... not just one thing ... not just one person ... not just one teacher.

Blaming anything or anyone, for who one becomes, is a waste of time. It won't solve any issues; it won't change anything.

Whatever reason anyone would want to use to blame or accuse, by looking at yourself, in your mirror, it will only show a reflection of your character.

What will you do with it?