Monday, September 15, 2014

Healing With Nature

"The art of healing comes from nature, and not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind." ~ Paracelsus
Recently, I watched a few videos showing male teens having serious, angry meltdowns, aka temper-fits, over their video or internet games being denied them by their parents. I'm not alluding to this being just a male problem. These were the only videos I watched, that were shared on Facebook, and one of my reasons for this blog.
Many times, over the years, I've received messages from guidance that certain "mental issues" are not from playing a minimal amount of video games, but the excessive, addictive amount of time in playing them, and the types that are played. Also, these issues are partly due to the amount of indoor time versus outdoor time ... not being in harmony with nature and ourselves. This disharmony has been documented; where people suffer with winter blues mainly due to being shut in too much.This would make sense with anyone that is housebound for any reason ... maybe too much television, or internet, and little outdoor time. It has been proven many times to be unhealthy ... mentally and physically. This is not to state that no one should ever watch television, be on the internet, or play video games, but to be mindful of the amount of time one is spending doing anything.
Doctors must have known the power of nature when I was very young. My doctor told my mom that I needed to get outside and play more, in order to build up my immunities. Once again nature to the rescue, as I had been a sickly child. Eventually, I became well adapt at tree climbing. However, even with nature, one must me prudent. Too much of anything may have sad consequences, as well as too much of one thing: as in a black widow spider I saw in a tree I climbed once. That experience taught me how to be very agile, as I hurriedly climbed back down the tree to avoid the spider. It also taught me not to take nature for granted. Yet, it didn't take away my love for being outdoors.
Anyway, to continue, I saw the above quote recently and again I received this same subtle message of addictive behavior and the ability that nature has in healing. This prompted me to share what I had heard and felt. Is the universe guiding us to pay attention? Giving us an answer to our prayers? Helping us heal ourselves and loved ones?
Yet, I'm puzzled over something. By now, we should all know about balancing our lives with moderate indoor and outdoor activities. We've had many examples to prove the value that nature has for us, as well as knowing that we should do things in moderation. 
So, I ask these questions.
What power would want us to go against nature, to not be in harmony, possessing us to avoid this knowledge, and possibly causing a lot of our mental or physical health issues that even Paracelsus knew from his time period?
Could this be a lesson we were to learn the hard way, so we would never forget it?

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