Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Expectations: Musing About God

Sometimes I wonder why we say the things we do today about God, especially based on our current awareness. In fact, do we really believe what we say? If so, why is that? Is it fear of knowing more or a lack of common sense? Maybe we don't want to hear it, because we already know it, and we're not ready to accept it.

Similar to a relationship gone bad.

Six thousand years ago the amount of people on this planet were extremely minimal compared to today. Telling people, back then, to give God your problems (including your sickness), because He can handle it, seems somewhat easier for Him to do back then (even if He didn't), compared to handling the troubles of the nearly 8 billion people we have today on this planet.

Even with delegating responsibilities, it would seem logical that the amount of earth's issues could still be overwhelming to anyone at anytime ... even with help.

Maybe that's why our prayers aren't answered because we expect too much. Maybe that's why we've gotten use to blowing it off by saying: "sometimes the answer is no."

Whatever works to protect our fantasy.

With the amount of people today, it would seem that His priorities may be more overwhelming than any particular country's leader's priorities. As anyone would know, that's had any managerial or leadership position, those responsibilities can be overwhelming compared to just running a household.

So, as I was musing over this line of thought, I wondered why we still say: give it to God, He will take care of it. In fact, why do we turn any of our problems over to any God/Goddess as if they are at our beck and call ... like some servant?

Think about it.

Today, I was reminded of our outrageous expectations on having all our troubles sent to God ... having all our negativity projected to Him. The mental image I received was of Him literally being attacked from all corners of the world with sickness or negativity. Can you imagine spending every day, all day long, protecting yourself from this?

It's depressing.

It's unbelievable.

Can you imagine any parent not wanting us to learn how to take care of ourselves ... especially as adults. To expect that no matter how many times we fall, His hand will be there to help us up time and time again.

It's illogical.

It's selfish.

I knew this over twenty years ago when I was told by a family member to put my troubles in God's hands. My reply was based on my "awakened" awareness when I said: nearly two hundred thousand people just died in Bangladesh from a typhoon, do you really think God has time for me right now?

No expectations.

No disappointments.

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