Sunday, September 7, 2014

Reflections: Teachers and Students

Alan Cohen stated: "Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us."

Throughout life, I've heard the constant battle cry from parents that it's the teachers fault a student doesn't learn. Yet, I've also heard the teachers complain that students don't try to learn.

Generally, teachers teach what they've been taught to teach. They do all they can to give their students all the tools to learn. These tools are used by students in different ways.

Some tend to excel more because of utilizing those tools to give them the most benefits. They may even excel beyond the teacher.

Some have less will power or mental power to excel more. They may choose to remain less than the teacher in knowledge. It may not be as important for them to be on the same level.

Some will stay parallel to the teacher's knowledge. They may choose to utilize this awareness in everyday life or put it aside never to be used again. It's their choice.

Whatever the path a student takes, it's still their path based on their will, support from family and peers, along with their mental and physical abilities. It's unreasonable to blame a student for not being as good, if not better, than a teacher, due to their path, as well as blaming them for the obstacles on their path; such as any lack of special tools needed for learning or possibly a poor early foundation.

It's also unreasonable to blame a teacher when students take their own path. It's not always the teacher that's not teaching properly but a student unwilling to learn due to a lack of interest, among other things.

A student is not a reflection on a teacher ... a teacher is not a reflection on a student ... they are a reflection of themselves.

For instance, when Jesus taught his disciples, they were taught things he knew, but some learned more or less based on their needs or wants. When they went out to teach, they were using the lessons taught to them along with their inner growth or awareness. They used their teacher as an example but they were not "this teacher" ... they were themselves. A reflection of all they were ... all they had learned from everything around them ... not just from Jesus.

This is why I've repeatedly stated that Jesus' followers are not/were not Jesus. Not then ... not even now. No more then any prophet and their followers then or today. Their soul paths are all unique and different, even if there's similarities in character.

With all the variables that life gives us, it's illogical to think any other way. It's also illogical to blame. It's more logical to understand and correct or adjust. Did one teacher of any mass murderer create that person? Definitely not! Did one teacher create a genius? Absolutely not!

I'm a metaphysical teacher but I consider myself a student constantly learning and changing. Everything has a reflection on my character ... not just one thing ... not just one person ... not just one teacher.

Blaming anything or anyone, for who one becomes, is a waste of time. It won't solve any issues; it won't change anything.

Whatever reason anyone would want to use to blame or accuse, by looking at yourself, in your mirror, it will only show a reflection of your character.

What will you do with it?

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