Friday, October 31, 2014
Mother Nature (Earth): Serial Killer
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Positive Reacting to Bullying
Teach your children how to react better to bullies and bullying. There's a better way to stop being a victim so they won't feel compelled to bring guns to school.
I raised my daughters to laugh back when people laugh at them. To return a mean tease with a humorous tease or agree with them by laughing and/or pointing out another flaw of theirs the aggressor may have missed. Not to add to the hate but to stop hate by being humorous. Not to fear it but to respond with a positive attitude, especially if you can't ignore it.
One: it diffuses any chance of inciting more bullying or a fight.
Two: it keeps you from taking yourself so seriously or being too sensitive.
Three: you may make a friend and not an enemy.
You're their parent and their teacher; help them learn what to say by having practice sessions. Include the entire family ... siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents. Besides you might learn something in the process too. Also, they won't believe you if you don't show by example and they will be watching.
It can be difficult to learn better ways, to change something within us, but it needs to start somewhere. Teach them young and they'll grow up to teach the same to their peers or when they're adults teaching their children. Hopefully, it won't be necessary because it will have stopped. Yes, it may not stop everything, or work for everyone, but it's better than doing nothing at all.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Do you want your children reacting like the top picture or the bottom?
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Timing: A Necessary Importance
Regardless of age, we have to understand that some minds cannot always comprehend what's being taught, no matter how much one explains.
They're either not willing, able, or ready.
It would be similar to describing color to a blind person or the facts of life to a toddler.
During the conversation, one should realize it's best to stop explaining and move on. Not with an attitude of being superior or arrogant but that you're being sympathetic and understanding.
They will understand when their mind allows more ... even if that's another or many other lifetimes. Why get frustrated or angry? Is it really worth it?
I understand about timing because I couldn't grasp algebra in high school; barely passing. Was my mind being blocked from learning? However, in my twenties, I helped someone study algebra, as well as geometry and calculus. I couldn't understand why I had so much difficulty in school; it seemed to flow much better in my mind afterwards.
This taught me a valuable life lesson. Timing is important and necessary.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
A.D.D. ~ Yesterday and Today
When I was younger, we said that we got sidetracked when something distracted us from a task. It happens. We were told to get our head out of the clouds, if we were caught daydreaming instead of completing a task. If it happened often, we were reprimanded and ask to change our behavior.
Today science has deemed this a serious psychological problem ... a stigma to society. They decided to give it a diagnostic name along with creating medication to hopefully correct it. Sometimes, making someone mildly comatose in their behavior.
In my youth, I was pushed, with positive reinforcement, to change or modify my programming.
Today, it seems that people readily accept it. Many times using it as an excuse (as oppose to a reason) to maintain the programming.
In my youth, I was asked to strengthen my character by working on changing my behavior.
Today, we are led to believe we have a weaker character. We have a disorder which gives many permission to remain in a negative behavior.
I am by no means a doctor but I have been an observer of people all my life. I know there's exceptions to every rule ... a reason for everything. However, my feelings, after thinking about all this, is that I would prefer yesterday's concepts, that I had, than what I observe today. I'm thankful I grew up then. With firm parental and society guidance, I learned to grow out of my programming, without acceptance, excuses, stigma or medication.
Yes, those were the good old days.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
It Isn't Race, Religion or Country!
I've said it before, I'll keep saying it over and over and over again. It isn't race, religion or country!
When it comes to the troubles in this world, try removing the idea of race, religion and country from our vocabulary and what will be left is the real truth; those who give these subjects a bad name. They would be the instigators, the trouble makers, lower-lifes, punks and thugs who are egotistical, self-serving war-mongers ... including any self-serving leaders of the same ... doing the same. Those that use the above subjects as their excuses to manipulate and destroy ... as well as using anyone that can be pulled into their schemes to divide and conquer. Those who could care less about any of those subjects, as they are only used to justify an end to their means.
What's worse is that we, as long as we keep binding ourselves to these subjects, will keep allowing it, because we keep wearing those blinders to avoid seeing this truth. When we point fingers at race, religion or country (which is so far from the truth, I cannot understand why no one has gotten this), we play into their scheme of manipulation due to our need for loyalty to a person, place or thing. This is then turned against us and we are trumped as they keep stirring that pot.
It's no different than any loyalty we give to family or friends. When someone once asked me why I turned against a family member for something I felt was wrong, I told them that my loyalty ended right after their's did. Why should I be loyal to someone who only wants to destroy everything around them for self-serving purposes?
So point away, if you will, but point at a person or persons. Judge, if you will, but judge appropriately and with facts. When does one person, or any handful of people, represent the entirety of any race, religion or country? Never!
I don't judge your race, religion or country. I judge you. I judge your attitude. I judge your behavior to me or others ... for whatever your reasons. I do this based on educated observation.
What? I'm not allowed to judge? Please!
If judging someone for what I consider is harmful, or inappropriate misbehavior, means I'll be judged for the same ... if I do the same ... then so be it! Bring it on!
If using the Golden Rule, in making my decision, will also make another do the same ... treat others as you would want to be treated ... then so be it. Bring it on!
I just believe in calling it like I see it. If you want to invade my home and harm me, was it due to your need to promote your race, religion or country? Was it?
Isn't it time to remove those shackles that keep us locked into false truths? Don't know who to trust? Develop your intuition. However, don't let those shackles bring you down.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Alaska Walrus Haulouts: Media Hype Misleading
I don't know why I'm still stunned when I see and hear blatant deceit being reported by the media. When will the media stop promoting lies? I thought they were to investigate everything and report actual facts. Guess not! Here's the latest of media misleading reporting due to placating big money/big names for advertising funds.
The other day, I was watching CNN who interviewed a guy from the Columbus Zoo. In the interview, he mentioned that 35,000 Walrus had haulout in Alaska, claiming it was due to ice melting from global warming. Even convincing photos were shown. During the interview he mentioned the amount of money that was made, with corporations like WWF, which was in the millions of dollars, to help their causes.
However, once again, I received feelings that I needed to investigate further ... dig deeper ... something wasn't adding up. I started out with a Google search of the information I needed and sure enough, in my searching I found a site that stated: "Blatant nonsense: Media hyped walrus climate scare stories debunked – Claims recycled year-after-year – A Climate Depot Rebuttal."
There is a lot of information to read on this link:
In reading it, I notice another person, a Zoologist, Dr. Susan Crockford, was being used as a reference. So I decided to go to her blog. She stated that: "Mass haulouts of Pacific walrus and stampede deaths are not new, not due to low ice cover." She shares very convincing data to support her statement.
Her blog site:
Another site I found stated that: There normally isn’t any sea ice within 100 miles of Alaska this time of year, and this year isn’t much different from the 1981-2010 median.
Here's the link: A Beached Climate Scam
This made me wonder: why do some corporations feel they have to lie to make money? Is their desperate behavior to really help wildlife or to feed their pockets? How much advertising money is received by the television media to help promote their scams?
Lastly, I appreciate the guidance I receive. I'm thankful for their being ever vigilant in keeping me informed with truth and not being misled by self-serving fear-mongers. It reminded me, once again, to think (research) before reacting.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Silent Sufferer - Strong Will
There are far too many silent sufferers. Not because they don't yearn to reach out, but because they've tried and found no one who cares. ~ Richelle E. Goodrich
I had this revelation the other day, which I thought I'd share. Sometimes, when we feel we aren't rewarded for our kindness, the universe may send us a subtle message to help put things in perspective. Allow me to explain.
I was called a silent sufferer recently. Even though I've shared my life with blogs, videos and books, I tend to keep my daily pain and suffering mostly to myself. I've been this way nearly all my life. I would hold back my tears when I was spanked as a child. I couldn't bring myself to scream or cry while in heavy labor or delivery. I can recall many times during my life that something would happen and I didn't publically make a scene or cry uncontrollably, including at funerals where tears were minimally shed, if at all. It's just something within me to not do this, unless pushed too far.
This is why I don't often discuss my pain and suffering today. It's not to under play it, but I know that way too many of those I care for also suffer, and I choose not to add to their burdens. Maybe it's my way of not owning it too. To walk away from it. To give it over to a greater power.
So far, it seems to work and it's this attitude that I share with others during their trials. Many times, people tell me that they appreciate my compassion and help during their suffering. It can be a fearful path they're on; I've been there. I know how that feels on both ends of the spectrum: to suffer with pain and have a helping hand, or suffering without help. At least, without conscious help that I could see.
Which is why I choose to comfort another whenever guided to do so. I feel it may be part of the universe's divine guidance plan; sending them to me (or another) to help them learn how to help themselves.
While helping others get through their suffering and teaching them what I've learned, I've discovered that, occasionally and inadvertently, I've helped myself. I've often forgotten my own troubles. I've learned to minimize my life's trials due to another's. I've also turned acquaintances into dear friendships.
It's made me realize that many times we do reap what we sow. Even if it's not immediately. Even if tilling the soil, so to speak, took more effort than I felt like doing at the time ... for me or another. Even if I felt unappreciated because they wanted me to do it for them instead of learning. Even if I had to back away from helping another in order to help myself.
It's all the same: what goes around comes around.
Of course, I'm not saying everything I do is perfect or painless every time, for me or another, but I honestly feel that all effort (sowing) is rewarded (reaping) ... eventually. I realized that all my efforts have not gone unnoticed, "someone" is listening to my unspoken thoughts. I realized that I have been rewarded often for my kindness to others.
How so? Well, I look around me and feel comfort surrounding me in my home, as well as love from my husband, along with the love from my family and friends. I still have many painful and hurtful experiences, which can cause me suffering. Sometimes, it's from helping others: getting in the way of someone not wanting them to be helped. However, by putting my feelings aside for another's needs, not overly complaining, practicing what I preach, it has been noted by the "powers that be." This caused them to help me; even while I was unaware.
That was my revelation. When I notice other's lives and their hardships, I feel that "without God's grace go I." Every now and then we all need that reminder to keep things in perspective.
I still have my everyday trials but I have learned to count my blessings, including the ones that have been bestowed by those in the know. Yes, those that say I'm a silent sufferer, at times, but they also know that what sees me through it all is my very strong will.
Friday, October 3, 2014
George Takei: Projected Emotion Dream
I had a dream this morning that was short but diverse. I call these types of dreams a mind cleansing dream which I've blogged about before. The only thing different was that the dream's randomness suddenly changed out toward the ending, and became more vivid, which is why I remember it the most. This ending part included the actor George Takei, but a younger version of him, as in this blog picture.
He was carrying a baby up the stairs of an apartment building. We just looked at each other and smiled. I noticed the baby was sleeping. I continued down the stairs into a small apartment entryway when I noticed a baby carriage; somewhat similar to the blog picture. Inside was another baby. About that time, George came down the stairs and reached inside to pick up the other baby. I asked if they were twins. He smiled as if he was acknowledging that they were. My sixth sense was telling me that both babies were females. He turned around and went upstairs. I left the building and that's when I woke up.
Now, here's the part that had me perplexed. I looked up some dream symbols: actor, baby, and stroller, for instance. These symbols were no where near explaining my feelings. Far from it. Even if I pushed at it, some things may have related but I kept feeling doubt off the universe.
That's when I got this epiphany of "projected emotions."
If we can have projected emotions during our waking state ... which can be astrally projected from another source during their waking or dream state ... why shouldn't we be able to receive projected emotions in our dream state as well?
Now things were adding up. I wasn't being told of my emotions, revelations about me within the dream, but of another's ... George Takei.
Anyone can look up the dream symbols, if they wish, to see what's being said about them. However, the main point I'm making is that when we are interpreting dreams, we are not to stop at our emotions, especially if things aren't adding up. The message may not be for us. Who is standing out the most in your dream? The message may be for or about that person. Underlying hidden emotions within another and not our subconscious emotions at all.
This is why some cannot relate to their dreams and the dream symbols when doing their interpretation.
It may be a projected emotion dream.