Thursday, December 31, 2015

Incubus or Succubus Attacks

I wanted to share my email reply to a young man who's been writing me and who's under sexual/psychic attack. This is probably the fifth or sixth reply I've given to help him. If anyone even thinks for one moment that things like this aren't real - walk a mile. Succubus or Incubus attacks have been a reality throughout history. We cannot continually sweep it under the carpet because it's an unpleasant subject. I'm not sharing his name became I protect people's privacy but I do share in order to help others. Please keep in mind, the next time a person says they hear voices and does a heinous crime, remember that not all who are attacked are strong and are often used to do another's bidding. You may have to be stronger for them. I can't tell you how often I heard my attacks would continue until I killed myself. I won't tell you my replies - I'll only say they weren't kind and I'm still here.


I feel you've become a mental victim not just a physical/sexual one. You're obsessing over the whys or whats but not cutting the cord to release your tormentors. In other words you draw them back to you with their help. 

Please understand that I'm giving you the best advice of over 25 years of my awareness. None of what you shared is of any importance. These are traps to keep you chasing your tail and to have those around you come up with a myriad of reasons/excuses to keep you at their beck and call. To keep you attached to them. I've been there. None of it will add up. None. It's not supposed to. It's supposed to have you fishing for truths in a sea of lies, just to keep them in your energy field to torment you, while at the same time they profess their love and support.   

I posted this blog yesterday due to helping a few others recently. Please take time to read it. 

Psychic Attacks: Victim or Victor?

After reading this blog, I would like you to make a new year's resolution. Write your feelings about releasing anything from you that is not of your best interest - to clear your path of all harm and hate. Remember - release with love not hate. Then take the paper outside and safely burn it, releasing your desires to the universe, and ask the higher knowing ones, who have your best interest, to oversee the release of these dark ones from your soul. 

Then, afterwards, you may need to fight like a soldier to thwart anything that tries to enter your space until they get the message that you're done with their hate, painful or sexual attacks, and deceit. 

If you can't do this, then I'm not able to help you. 

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