Saturday, December 12, 2015

Muhammad and Self Defense

This might knock your socks off as it surely did me. I'm still shaking my head over it all. This morning, a male spirit showed up in my home and I received this incredulous message from him. I didn't recognize his energy and only felt he was a higher knowing being associated with the Muslim faith before crossing over. Someone who may have been well received by those in the Middle East a long time ago. Of course, why would I recognize this? I'm not Muslim and don't live in the Middle East. Even though I felt it was a sincere message, that he wished to share with me, I pushed it aside not knowing what else to do. However, now I've been guided to share what happened. So here goes.

Spirit: I've been watching you for some time and you remind me of him (meaning: the prophet Muhammad). The real him and not what you hear today from the unknowing (meaning: self-serving, hateful people).

Me: Why is that?

Spirit: Your ability to seek peace before retaliation. He was a man of peace and only felt pushed to fight back by his followers out of self-defense. It took a lot to push him. He wasn't spiteful. I was shown numerous times in your life where you have done the same. I wish to add that I respect you and what you're doing.

Me: Thanks.

Our conversation occured using emotions and visions. During his telling me this, I was shown a few things about my life; one vision was where I was eleven and took on a fourteen year old but only after she threw the first punch and only after I spent time trying to reason with her, to no avail. What's a person to do? Was I to turn the other cheek or kick her butt. Never found out. A police officer separated us first. ;)

To continue, guidance helped me recall this conversation so I could write it with accuracy. In doing so, they reminded me of a few of his emotions, which I had felt during it. I sensed that he didn't want me to know who he had been recently, as if it was immaterial. I did feel strongly that he had walked with Muhammad, and his family, as a friend back then. To him that was more important. Also, one strange feeling was to assure me that the prophet was above these vile people who abuse his name. They don't represent him.

As I said, I was a little taken aback by it all, but his feelings were completely respectful and sincere. I just didn't know if I was to do anything more with it. Was it just a message for me? Was there more? I guess I'd find out later.

Well, the "later" was a little while afterwards, when I was asked to look up Muhammed's belief on self defense and share it. Since I didn't want to spend too much time doing it, I decided to see what Wikipedia had on it and found this (first link). I read the entire thing and did see where some areas needed citations, but over all, it was pretty interesting. I could also feel the truth, on what I had been shown earlier, as I read it.

One vision, that I received from guidance, as I read it, was the prophet Muhammad pacing while suffering over having to make a stand on retaliating, as if enough was enough, but he was seriously burdened by it. It was as if he had no other choice and was pushed to the wall. Then guidance reminded me of something I said to my astral attackers nearly 25 years ago. I said: "if you push me to the wall, I have no place to go but around you or through you." Hmmm...

So, over all, I feel that I was only being complimented and reassured that the prophet isn't the monster some want to believe, in which I'm very grateful because, from what I've done in the name of self defence, some may think I'm not a nice person either. Depends on what side of the fence one is on. Two sides to every story. But it did get me thinking: are we in a perpetual self defense mode around our world? Everyone feeling they've been wronged and everyone wanting retaliation?

Military Career of Muhammad -

Here's another link I found and thought I'd share. It's a fact checker.

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