Saturday, December 5, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

I've been seeing those ridiculous "war on Christmas" memes again. There's no war on Christmas. Isn't it time to move on?

As far as I'm concerned, I say Merry Christmas when I mean Merry Christmas. I also say Happy Holidays or Season's Greetings for Christmas or any other holiday that's celebrated in December, including New Year's Eve. Why not?

It isn't out of "political correctness," because I've been saying these phrases since I was younger, before political correctness became a "thing." Brenda Lee sings happy holiday in the song "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" which came out in 1958. My favorite, though, would be Bing Crosby singing Happy Holiday from the 1942 movie Holiday Inn. As you can see, it's been around for quite awhile. 

Furthermore, now that I've discovered these other December holidays, I also feel like being considerate and respectful, something many are forgetting. I may even say those too. Why not, if I feel like it? After all, isn't it supposed to be peace on earth, goodwill to men?

In my opinion, it's just as rude, besides being a bully, to insist someone only say Merry Christmas, as it is to insist they shouldn't say Happy Holidays, etc. We all need to get a grip, get a life, stop the whining, stop the pouting, and understand something that I learned a long time ago ... not everything is about me or revolves around me.

Saying all this, I wish to add: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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