Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Wish

Anyone can wish for people to have good health or prosperity. However, my New Year's Wish, to all my family and friends, this holiday season, is for clarity and understanding in YOUR wishes. This means, it is to have any veil lifted, and eyes opened, in order for the universe to bare witness to the real truth within your heart's desire.

Hopefully, this will insure that what you wish for is what you really get, if at all possible, and not a whim of another's malefic behavior. Mainly, because I grow weary of hearing: "be careful what you wish for." Why is that necessary? We know that our emotions speaks the truth and should never be twisted to mean something else by another.

Also, the "understanding" part is to help us know why our wish may not be granted at that time or at all. I've learned, over the years, that clarity and understanding often helps in having peace within. Peace within leads to peace without; something we all wish.

Blessings on your wishes and have a happy new year!

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