Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fair or Equal?

In 2014, I wrote a blog called Life is Unfair: http://atomaraneadvice.blogspot.com/2014/08/life-is-unfair.html?m=1

Today, I came across something I wrote on social media, on February 9, 2012, about this same subject. I discovered I hadn't shared this on my blog site and wanted to rectify that. Thank you for reading. 


So, life's not fair or equal? When has it ever been or ever will be? It's reality - like it or not - it is what it is and has been since the beginning of time. There will always be those that have more or even less then what you do.

If someone takes from you to give to another, when you feel you don't have much to give, you will scream your head off. Just as loudly as those that have more, then you feel you have, and you want some of what they have. Will you give your heart to another when they are dying of heart disease? Most likely not, because you want to still live. You may also add that it is their karma.  But, if the tables were turned you might think differently. Life isn’t fair! Life isn't equal! That’s karma! That’s life!

A young teen, that I know, and who has both parents (divorced) pretty much handing her everything she could want, within their budget, screamed at her mom that her life is "f*****g hell." When I heard that, I thought: really? Ask her to go live in Haiti in a tent and then talk about hell or go live in Syria right now. Now that’s hell! She could be living where women are treated with a lot less respect then they are here. Compared to what she has now, that would be hell.

This is what happens when too many things are allowed and too many people say life isn't fair or equal. What you’re really saying is, it isn’t fair or equal to you. Let's put it in perspective, look around and ask yourself, is my life really hell or do I have more then most? Maybe the whining for more has led up to this. Selfishness and greed is on many levels. Even though we complain about not having everything we want. Who made that law that everyone should have everything they want?

Next time anyone feels that they aren't being treated fairly or equal, take a good look around the world and then count your blessings. Ask yourself, what gives you the right to have what you have when others don’t? Why should your life be any more important then another's? Why should your desires supersede another’s just because it’s not equal or fair? Who are we to decide what is fair or equal? 

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