Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Robots and Psychic Attacks

In January 2016, I blogged about mind power with humans versus androids. It was in regards to people being under psychic attacks and hearing that one source may be robots.


Today, I noticed something I also wrote about it, on social media, back in February 2012, which I thought I'd share too.

For anyone hearing that psychic attacks are from robots, first they would need to know how to manipulate energy using minds or equipment and second they would be going against Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics" if programmed with said laws (I, Robot).

1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2) A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Saying that, one might think a future world could create such a being to go against those laws, however we would also be creating ones that obey them and possibly creating a war of robots and also possibly with humans (Terminator).

And we may wonder where one gets these outrageous thoughts which seed our consciousness. Could Isaac still be planting thoughts in our minds ... from another dimension? Or are we tapping into past or current movie ideas flying around in the universe? Or both?

Could humans still be creating future weapons of mass destruction in this manner? If so, one might ponder that even with all the "warnings" we have received via many forms of media, why humans still do stupid things ... being so intelligent? Hmmmm ...

In addition to what I shared on my social media, I'd like to add that we can only hope all our current robot builders are keeping with Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics." After all, science fiction of today can be a reality of tomorrow. Let's also hope we don't allow it to go to our heads with more glory for power and control. We may live to regret it.

Of course, my sister did suggest that this idea of robots psychically attacking humans, could be a subjective idea due to fantasy television that permeates into our subconscious. Things like the popular Dr. Who show, with their Daleks and Cybermen characters, besides what I mentioned above with the I, Robot or Terminator characters.

Then there is the scenario of it only being desensitized, humanoid entities who are lost souls and using mind power to attack others, because of it. Similar to the reasons I mentioned in another blog about it.


However, while fantasizing all these current and futuristic ideas, let's keep the end results of any psychic attacks very real. Regardless of who is doing what to whom, don't forget that if they bleed and die: humanoid. If you pull the plug and they die: robotic. Either way, death could be the end result and, hopefully, that keeps us all humble.

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