Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Is it Jesus We Need or What He Taught?

Below is a recent conversation I had on my Beauty and Beast True Story video. I responded in order to help someone break through what I feel is antiquated programming.

I hope it helped, because I'm always amazed that people still don't get it. We keep hearing we need Jesus but it is really what he, and others like him, taught that we need. After all, if Jesus said that the "word" is not from him but his Father that sent him, wouldn't it only be logical that our Creator can impart that wisdom on anyone to teach ... before or after Jesus? Think about it.

So, if you comment on my videos, in this manner, be prepared to receive my point of view; which I received through a ton of metaphysical education and by questioning everything. Here is the discussion ... as it was written.

Comment: yall need jesus, just saying cuz all this past life stuff is just another way to keep ur believe out of Jesus, not saying that their anit, but to be sure u need to worry more about ur afterlife.

Response: I asked Jesus about that and he told me to get off our butts and learn to take care of ourselves. He didn't teach his disciples what he knew for nothing. He didn't send them out to teach others for nothing. Get with the program. We've become very lazy and demanding over the last 2000 years. We don't have children just to keep them ignorant. Same thing.

Comment: I'm not saying not to learn about these spiritual stuff but to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior.

Response: I don't think you truly understand God's way. He sent many spiritual teachers to help us. Why would He pit one sibling against another or hold one higher than another? He would know that even you could walk in the same footsteps as they. Why would He deny you that? Whenever you hold yourself beneath another, you stop trying to reach that same level. Do you really think a great master such as Jesus would want that for you? No, he wouldn't and neither would God. 

Comment: Jesus is God he is the son of God. and I don't see how I'm putting myself beneath, can u explain cuz I didn't mean to come out like that. I'm very into spiritual stuff and learning about other species, like from other life forms or w.e. I'm open but not a fool to accept any doctrine.

Response: First Jesus isn't God, he says this in the bible that he is not his father. But yes he is the son of God just as you are. It would be no different if your physical father held your sibling in higher esteem then you, for example. I'm sure you wouldn't like it. Well, Jesus must not either or he wouldn't have taught his disciples to be like him and ask them to go out and teach. Think about it. Why would he do that if he wanted followers to him and not his teachings? It's his teachings he wanted people to follow, not him. It's the same way with all good prophets/teachers that came before and after. 

Comment:  um no, Jesus is God,, John chp 1 vs 1..in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, AND THE WORD WAS GOD...John chp 1 vs 14..and the WORD became flesh and lived among us...u need to get it straight. it's the trinity the father, son, and holy spirit.

Reply:  It might help if you actually read the Bible and what Jesus was purported in saying. I did and have a degree in it. In Matthew 24:36 it states: "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the Son, but the Father only." Here Jesus makes a distinction between what he knows and what the Father knows. 

There are more Bible verses on this link. http://www.interfaith.org/community/threads/11508/

Comment: Jesus is the word of God.. and just because the father knows something that the son doesn't don't mean that he is still not God. u just ignored the scipture that I told u like it didn't even say what it said.. John chp 1 vs 15 John testifies about Jesus, he states that; he (jesus) that is coming ranks ahead of me because he was before me.  and in vs 18 says; no one has ever seen God. it is God the only Son, who is close to the father's heart, who has made him known. read that passage carfully it says that "IT IS GOD THE ONLY SON",,that clerly states that the Son (jesus) is God.. who do u think jesus is?

Reply: Are you looking at what you're writing? Because you're not making sense. What it looks you're saying is God made Jesus and gave him his knowledge and now Jesus is God. Seriously? Would that mean that your father made you, gave you his knowledge and now you are your father?

You are no more your father than Jesus is his physical father Joseph or his spirit father God. Just because Jesus was created in the image of his human father and imparted wisdom from God and other sources, doesn't make Jesus any of them. See? Jesus is Jesus with the wisdom from many sources just as you are you because of the same reason. You are not others who showed you the way. You are you. Jesus is no different.

Even if God incarnated into that body during that period of time, God would become Jesus not the other way around. That's how it works. An incarnated soul becomes the physical being. Look around you. See all these unique people in the world? That's why they're unique, because their past life soul incarnated into a new body and they became the new life.

The new physical body and mind may not know anything about this spirit (soul) within it until it's awakened to it as I was. It's what I teach and what Jesus taught. If you want to know if anything I've said is true, ask God the Father or Jesus the son yourself. I also teach people how to do that too.

As far as the "holy spirit," that is the wisdom that has been imparted to many and not just Jesus. I know this because it was imparted to me and it's what I teach. Check out my other videos to find out yourself. Go ahead. They don't bite - unless you think education is harmful. 

In addition, I can say you ignored the scriptures I shared with you. I'm done explaining. 


My video, where the discussion took place: Beauty and Beast - A Reptilian Encounter True Story pt 1 - https://youtu.be/QZ6DdrqbzKo

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