Friday, February 5, 2016

Marijuana Lowers Libido?

A few times of being hurt over my youthful gullibilty has helped save me in later years. I developed an instinct to be suspicious of anything sounding too good to be true. This, often, has me searching the universe for answers when I hear of quick cures for whatever ails us. As they say: if it's too good to be true, it normally is.

Today, I came across a website stating certain foods could curb the libido. Now, you would have to understand that my biggest complaint, when communicating with the universe, is the extreme high amounts of hormonal activity in our youth, which can carry over into adulthood with some. Meaning, it doesn't slow down in order to bring about balance. Yet, it seems it's more out of control today than ever. More rapes reported. More violent crimes. What can be done? Yes, I am aware that "more" can be attributed to a much larger population, but that doesn't answer my prayer for help in this area. What can be done?

However, maybe my prayers are being answered. We do say that the universe works in mysterious ways. Maybe this push for legalization has a deeper meaning, because that website listed Marijuana as one of the libido lowering items. Now, that got my attention! I'm not a proponent of marijuana, but I do wish for more research on medical cannabis, because, to date, I'm not feeling the same as some who feel it's a cure all for everything. Maybe it's not even for this. But, if I felt it really could help, I'd be asking to have it in a lot of thing we eat or drink. Who'd want to wage war, or anything, then? Right? ;)

Yes, I thought this was very, very interesting. But than the skeptic in me starting researching more and I found another website that gave me more insight. It's results are a mixed emotions based on the results of several studies.

I soon discovered Dr Marcola's site and he lists several drugs that can lower one's libido. He states that: "Medical marijuana is legal in 20 states, where it is commonly used to treat pain, nausea, and other conditions. It may dampen your libido and ability to perform in men."

Hmmm. It looks like it's something to consider. I also read where men can get moobs because of it. Be careful. Of course, the effect may depend on each individual. That would make sense too. Oh well universe, I guess it's back to the drawing board. ;)


  1. Blessings.....

    Yes Marijuana does have an impact on the libido. Yet for some, it is the lesser of two evils.

    The legitimacy of something does not mean it is without problems. Regardless to the benefit of marijuana, it is still a drug and all drugs whether "natural" or synthetic has side effects. It comes down to the lesser of two evils for those suffering from debilitating illnesses for which cannabis seem a better solution than over proliferation of synthetic fillers and chemical additives that do irreparable damage to the body’s vital organs which further compounds the issue thus becoming more a problem than a solution.

    The ability to function, to lead a semblance of a “normal” life is no small matter, it is something the able bodied take for granted and never give a second thought.

    Of course there is always the flip side, the Ying to the Yang of the matter, the potheads who cheer loudly, march and support wholeheartedly the legalization of marijuana because it makes accessibility easier and legitimizes their excuses for smoking and is less hassle because they no longer have to duck and hide to light up.


    “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence”-Rabindranath Tagore

    1. Yes,so's the good or bad in everything. Thanks for sharing.
