Thursday, January 31, 2013

Time and Dimension - Time Travel

Originally posted on my social media page on May 6, 2011
Time and Dimension - Are you ready??

I know this is long but I have been nudged to share - so here goes - again.

Also, as I heard someone once say: "It's not the questions we are asking. It's the questions that we don't ask."

That is until someone comes along and gives us an ah-ha moment.

Some may read this and say: Yes! Others may say - Who Cares? Then there may be those that scratch their head and say - Huh? But reading it, I hope, may "open" a door of new awareness.

I just posted some recent websites about time and dimension due to the lack of understanding I have been hearing that some still have due to past ideas. I have been "hearing" for a long time that time is in all dimensions. Actually, it was Albert Einstein that first told me this years ago and, I guess, "time" as they say will tell. ;-)

Apparently, what was known yesterday (even to him or what he was allowed to share during that time) is not what is known now. This is the way it had been throughout history – taking us out of dark age thinking – but it has always been a fight to get us to move on from those past thoughts due to proof. We all desire proof – as it should be.

The problem with education is that we learn something and stand on it's principles without opening the door to new or better ideas - we get stuck in a rut of old truths that may not even be truth. How do I know this? I have been beaten up over old truths most of my life - especially these last 20+ years of being a conscious telepathic empath.

I had someone tell me once that I was years ahead of my time. I told her that it really was the other way around: people were years behind the time due to an inherited (genetic) fear of the unknown (at least unknown to most). Think of that first time doing anything and how you felt. The more you did it the easier it got to do it. No more fear of it - generally – depending on the subject matter. Yes, there are exceptions to most rules.

To continue, there are many areas of newer understandings but most don't take the time to investigate and they perpetuate the old ways (or current non-truths) due to their lack of allowance (stubbornness- indifference) or unawareness (busy in other areas) until someone tells them otherwise. I too have been guilty of this.

Also, most metaphysical people don’t want to correct anyone. We've been told that we may be judging someone. Is it a judgment or is it allowing someone else’s freedom to being more open to new ideas as we have had ours - by sharing? With my guides they allow an emotion of truth - it frees me of my confusion. In freeing me it allows me to help others – if they want to be helped.

I like open minded people – they discuss a subject in order to fine tune it – to free it – without judgment, name calling or childish and boring behavior. No - this is not a judgment. It's what I call - "calling it as I see it." ;)

That's what being open-minded means - accepting that a particular way may be a stagnation of a deeper truth – let’s discuss it let’s get it out into the “open” - air it out. With guidance around me, I am always asking - is this the truth? Even if it is the truth of the moment - I have learned to accept that the next moment the truth may have changed due to new awareness.

There is a truth of the past - regarding time and dimension - that has always been the ultimate "truth" – because the past cannot be changed - only the future. At least that is what we have been led to believe because time cannot go backward only forward. That is until recent awareness about possible time travel may not be possible but a reality.

So, who is to say that our past has not been changed due to time travel and what impact it can have - if this deed is/has been done – impacting our current now? We wouldn’t know anything changed – we would still be in our moment – including our past moments leading up to today’s moment?
Again – how would we know?

Well – I know! Watch this video about what I say about time travel and multi-dimensions, etc. I've shared it before but hopefully it will be more understood. It's what my guides shared with me some time ago.

I cannot take credit for this – it has come from many sources (including some of the highest science minds in the universe). Why? Because I’m always asking for the truth!! And as MLK, Jr. said – the truth will set you free.

My video - Parallel Universe - Multi-Dimensions Plus -

Perceiving the Truth

I have been thinking about putting a few of my notes that I have on another social media under my blog here. This one is on Perceiving the Truth which was originally published on June 15, 2011 and I posted it here back in April 2012, but I decided to add some comments made by a few people and deleted the other entry.

This is what I've been doing for years on my Atomarane YT channel, through personal emails, as well as answering comments on videos ... with a lot of help from guidance:

SUBSCRIBER: I mean no disrespect, but how do you perceive the truth; how reliable are the answers to the all questions you get from either the spirit world and/or your extraterrestrial guidance?

ATOMARANE: None taken. How do I perceive the truth? Just like anyone … by sensing it. It’s like when you get the impression someone is being deceptive to you, or you sense that they may not really understand what they are telling you … possibly perpetuating non-truths/gossip; it may create feelings of doubt within you or coming to you from universal guidance.

What's more, some people think their “guidance” is perfect, I do not. I feel they are capable of error as we are; for many reasons that I have learned and will endeavor to explain. To begin with, that’s when I learned to sense if any doubt was being felt and why that was. Feeling doubt, in my opinion, may be important and necessary for people to have. I believe that this helps us make our own decisions based on what we feel … to discern the truth for ourselves. Of course, discerning truth should be aided by knowledge and wisdom.

Furthermore, when people tell us things, and we sense doubt, we know that there are times that we may not be able to prove what they are saying, in that moment. With me, I could be blocked: the answer is not being allowed. It’s then that we learn to accept or reject it depending on the importance of the subject. I may back away until I know more, if I want to know more, or if it is allowed. I do my best to keep my empathy vigilant, because I have learned that it’s when you think you know all the answers that it will be when you find out you don't; never assume … never be arrogant. This is what makes me dig deeper if it is allowed.

To explain allowed: I know the difference in emotions coming from someone that is guiding me to back away because of the love they have for me and wanting me to remove myself from the energy being presented or someone that may be subjecting hate or deceit to me, to keep me from knowing something. As I said before, that’s when I back away until the time is allowed … the time is right … if it is allowed … if I have permission. Also, allowing doesn’t mean putting up with but that’s a different topic.

To continue, this knowing comes with time and learning. An empathic person tends to see, feel and know the truth when it's presented and when clarity is there. Clarity is very important … it’s the difference of swimming in a clear pool compared to a murky pond.

I have learned not only to heighten my empathic abilities but my telepathic abilities due to all that I've gone through in life; this helps my perception. If I feel any uncertainty, I may ask them to find out why this is, to please rectify it for me, or to see if I’m being blocked. After all, if I'm going to have this many beings around me they have to work too … I'm not doing it all by myself.

Regarding blocking the truth, I have learned that not always is it someone being deceitful. It could also be the “universe” holding things back from me … as a parent may do to a child … allowing for the proper time to open that door … waiting for permission … waiting for the right time … providing protection. Being a knowledgeable adult, we can understand that a toddler will not understand the “facts of life” as we do and it will be difficult for them to comprehend what we are saying if they are not ready to hear it. Also, a “wise” adult wouldn’t put a weapon in the hand of a toddler because we have learned that with knowledge there should be wisdom and responsibility. I am not saying they think I am unwise or irresponsible to have this truth, but there are other things to be considered. As I said before … maybe for protection … or the timing is off. Even timing is important in searching for answers.

Which is why I have also learned that some answers are not for me; there are others here to do things too. As I have been told, no one person on this earth will be setup to have all the answers on every topic. No one person will “play” God for mankind. Call it an ego stabilizer but I like to think of it as … God only knows and He’s not talking … yet.

Anyway, this is how I do things. I hope this helps.

Note: Asking permission was taught to me in order to show respect and privacy for others, just as I would want from others. There are only a few exceptions where this will be overruled. This is true divine guidance and everything else is ego oriented.


A few comments made on my social media about this, which I thought would be nice to share as well. For everyone has a truth - has a perspective:

1) It always helps to hear a different perspective than our own. We are only blessed and more learned to have this message from you TEACHER. Thank you so very much.

2) Fantastic I completely agree. We are not always ready to know the truth because we may not be advanced enough to know what to do with it or to even handle it. I admit many times I have the truth shoved at me yet I choose to ignore it because I don't want to deal with it. It niggles in my mind, forcing me to give it some attention but I always think...nothing is written in stone. The truth may be the truth now but it can morph into something else, change completely. So it's a catch 22...I listen to the truth and act upon it and then disallow it to maybe change into a different truth, or I wait and sometimes risk in case it changes. How many intuitive people do not know a secret yet all the people around them do? Some may have 'guessed' it...yet they know and the intuitive doesn't..because it is not time for them to hold that truth. They are not ready

An ET/UFO Story - Is Seeing Really Believing?

I'm always wary of projected thoughts to my mind while meditating but, many months later, I keep getting a feeling of something going on with this one. Which is why I thought I'd finally share this incident of what I saw and heard one night.

I think the reason I rejected all this was because it was too Saturday Night Live for me. However, at the same time, not much at all.

I'll start from the beginning. I was helping a Florida woman, that I knew only on Facebook, who was going through a psychic attack and, as she said, she felt were extraterrestrials. All I could do is ask my guides for help as well as teach her all I knew about protection.

One night, I was awakened by a friend, an androgynous, reptilian extraterrestrial, that I knew and felt I could trust due to the many years of helping me: Ladoarona. Why should I judge anything coming from him? Yet, afterwards I kept receiving so much doubt, and blocking me, on what I saw and heard that I backed away. However, like today, I was reminded again of this incident as if it should be shared.

Maybe the doubt and block was coming from those who did not want me to share, but for what reason? Maybe they played on my time being consumed with my father's illness and eventually crossing over, along with handling his will among other personal things. Several personal life events had my time taken elsewhere; keeping me sidetracked and not allowing me to further investigate or even caring to investigate. Was this done on purpose?

If so, why the nagging to report this? Curious. Why would anyone care and for what reason? True or not, one would think it would have passed if it wasn't important for some reason and I can still feel, even while typing this, the urgency to see this through.

To continue on with what happened: as I said above, I was awakened in the middle of night, as often happens, and as I was lying in bed I had this intense and very vivid picture sent and held briefly to my mind ... similar to when meeting Zabrona. This entire scenario may have taken a minute if not less.

What I saw was two ET, uniformed beings, standing inside a UFO. I could see, through the huge craft's window, the pair standing behind a panel that looked as if it was used in flying the machine ... sensing this as I looked at them. One was a male that was talking to a female as if he was directing her to do something. She appeared to be the one controlling the panel.

As he was speaking to her, I noticed it was not in any language I could recognize but I was more fixated on their looks. They had heads similar to the Coneheads on the SNL show but they were not pointy. They were the same circumference from forehead to the top and rounded, with the top of their head nearly as tall as this picture below that I found to give a reference. At the time, curious enough, I even wondered how this much weight could be carried on their necks, as their bodies, from the chest up, (because that was all I saw) appeared similar to ours.

As I watched the male giving the female orders, someone sent me strong emotions that these were the beings messing with this woman. Another younger, male ET entered the "cockpit" and said something to the first male and, at this point, the projection being held was released and things went dark. I fell asleep shortly afterwards with no more communication.

They were definitely having a conversation and nothing I could interpret. The only thing I felt was orders were being strongly given and they were to be followed. Not enough time in all that energy to interpret more and afterwards, as I said, I decided to move away from it all. Until today.

Also, just now, I realized that I do not believe I have had any information from Ladoarona since this occurrence. Very curious.

Coneheads on the Saturday Night Live

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blaming Gives Your Power Away!

I wanted to share this excerpt below because of something that happened to me today regarding people dealing with so much inner turmoil from outer circumstances. It is what I learned from my guide, Boyaed, in October 1987 regarding blame, allowing and power. It is in my true story book: GREAT FLAME WITHIN, The Story of a Forgotten Master.

I did another blog on blame in August 2012 with another excerpt from my book if you want to read that too. Click on the link below.

To me, there will be exceptions to this rule due to certain circumstances. There will be those that do not know how or want to maintain their power. As my husband said, there are those that do not want to lead and only wish to follow.

_______October 1987________

"They don't understand. How can I make them?"
Quietly, as if Boyaed felt I was just talking out loud, he answered. "Charlene, they don't want to understand. Sometimes, people need an excuse to rebel or sabotage others; you're giving them one. Something they have been looking for, apparently. Don't let it worry you.
For you see, they all want to see the blame in everyone but themselves. A responsible person puts the blame, if you wish to call it that, within their own realm, themselves, and then they set about to rectify the error that was created.
It will give you more peace of mind, if you just allow the truth within yourself that you are the director of this play and are in full responsibility. You will then see how much you maintain your power and be in full control of your life. Try to be more allowing in their truths, as well, and they will come along, in time."


Ebook 6.99  -

Paperback 14.95 -

Can also be found on other sites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.

Negative? Just Shake It Off!

Ever hear the expression - just shake it off?

I was reminded about it this morning and the mental image made me laugh.

One thing we need to remember, regarding empathy, is being able to shut down (on the most part) our empathic nature when we need some "me" time, as well as shaking off any negative energy that can appear with no warning and start affecting our emotions.

Teaching people about shaking off negative energy can be done with humor. The mental image I got today would be similar to what a dog does when it shakes off water from its hair. See what I mean? Can you image the chuckles from doing this, even if it's just in your mind?

Can you also image instructing people to see themselves mentally shaking off water (negative energy) from their body? It should make them laugh, which is the real point, because it raises our energy to a better place.

Next time a child is feeling down, ask them to do this and do it with them. Watch as the negative attitudes start changing out to a more positive one.

Try it by yourself sometime, even if you don't try it physically, the mental image will still make you smile. Everything helps with the right attitude.

Sure there are exceptions to any rule, but I like to see anyone doing this and still frowning afterwards.

Shake that body ... shake it hard! Shake off the negative stuff!
Be the dog and ... shake ... shake ... shake! :-)

Printmaster Free Photo

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Out on a Limb

Sometimes I feel that the things I do, to help people, has me being precariously out on a limb; barely clinging to the branch wondering how much longer I can hold on.

I even told my dad once that: it seems like every time I help someone I get hurt. In which he replied: then stop helping people.

He was smiling because he knew, as I did, that we all help (or hurt) people, even inadvertently from every action we do ... like the ripple effect of a pebble in a pond

Also, I am constantly reminded that in order to get to the fruit of the tree (what one desires), one must go out on a limb. Something I learned from Shirley MacLaine's movie of the same title. That title has stuck in my head ever since.

I feel that was the reminder I got again this morning. As I sat down to eat breakfast, my husband noted a small bird at the very top of our bare leaf, Red Maple tree. I decided to take a picture of it.

Afterwards, I couldn't take my eyes off of it because the wind picked up, briefly, and it clung to the limb holding on without hardly an effort, or it appeared that way from my end. While the wind blew, it never let go or flew off, facing our house as it was some kind of bird sentry.

As I ate, I watched it. It appeared to be watching our surroundings: our sentry. I watched off an on. A few times it would fly away but came back to the same branch. One time it flew off and came back to a lower branch and once with a lizard in it's mouth. I would think it was gone for good but it returned.

Maybe it is telling me that if this tiny being can do it so can I. I can do what I can, to be what I am, yet come and go at will. I have that freedom to decide even while being like that bird out on a limb.

I looked up just now and it is gone again. Will it be back or has the job been done here and it's now off to other areas to conquer ... off to conquer another limb at the top of another tree?

We are all just doing our thing, all going out on whatever limb we imagine in our lives, inadvertently making ripples in our surrounding energy by being who we are. It wasn't even aware of this reminder it left me this morning.

Maybe. ;-)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Uncluttering: Facebook and Ourselves

Is Facebook losing it's original meaning? That is: keeping in touch and offering support, advice, or an occasional rant between family and friends.

Has it become a somewhat faceless business of promoting self or mucked up with nonsensical trivia and games or worse... bashing behind a page to protect oneself against doing something they wouldn't do or say to another's face because retaliation could be severe?

Or just another excuse to add on to one's life that... I'm too busy?

The reason I mention this is because I have been getting messages off the universe for some time that people put comments on Facebook for others to read (and some barely do) but they are not taking the time in reading anyone else's comments. They do not have to comment or like a status - that is not what was said - because sometimes, no matter what we say or offer will never be good enough. There are times where people are just ranting and no amount of advice or suggestions will work. I go with the thought: if they are not asking don't give or give little. My/their two cents has blown up in my face only a few times, albeit more for the best, as it lets me know who needs to be part of my life or not.

However, to continue, those around us that are more enlightened/aware here on earth have other ways of handling a crisis without saying a word, yet how will those around us know anything, if we are too self-absorbed and those "around" us are too self-absorbed in us?

I can see their perplexity in this: are we just being a bulletin board of our own trivia (ego) or a community of sharing and caring of ideas and support. I am constantly reminded to take time to scan the thoughts of others and guided to comment whenever necessary... as if it's a gentle reminder for me to keep it real within me and don't get too big for my britches. We seem to be sharing a lot of trivia and not more meaningful moments to help one another. Maybe they feel we are allowing more destruction and less construction.

I even had someone come to me today and ask me if I would consider not reading some things they feel are trivia: as if I am wasting my time in another's ego, of posting said trivia, while there are those that care more about receiving as well as giving. I feel those that are guided to read this entire blog will know what they mean.

I also was told, if their lifestyle is that busy (wrapped up into themselves) then maybe they need to consider why that is. Are they reaping what they are sowing? Is what they are doing that important that they cannot see what is going on around them? How will they know these answers to their questions being so self-absorbed? Self absorbed can also mean: are they investing so much time in helping others, due to their ego (yes, that's what they said), that their own light dims because of it?

I think this Sandy School massacre has stirred up the question of why we are too busy to see signs or why are we ignoring signs that are right under our noses... because of being "too busy"? How can we see signs or play on them if we are too much into ourselves or not observing? Is that really why we came back... to be like this? I think that is the question presented to me today.

No, I am not without fault either, and it's not just about Facebook, but any social media which can consume one's time like a new drug on the block. Is it time for reflection, re-evaluation, and possibly uncluttering time? Only you can answer this for yourself.

Is it really wasting people's lives?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Second Chances: Pete Rose

I was watching Pete Rose's reality tv show and, so far, it is "real" and a little funny. Love his fiance.

Love Pete Rose too. Met him years ago (over 40 years ago) in person when I had to serve breakfast one morning to the Cincinnati Reds at the hotel where I worked. He saved my hurt feelings by giving me a big tip after breakfast one morning (long story that involves Johnny Bench being a royal pain in the ass over his breakfast I was serving) along with a small pep talk and a pat on the shoulder. He didn't have to do that. He could have had a big ego too, but chose to take me aside and let me know all was well.

He was one hell of a baseball player. He got a harsh penalty back in the late eighties (then decisions made in the early nineties) - too harsh. I felt that way then and I still do. Sure he screwed up - big time. Everyone makes mistakes and some more so then others - we are all human. Life doesn't always deal the best of hands and it's difficult to improve without help and support.

Isn't that what we, as a civilize society, have learned? Everyone should be allowed a second chance to redeem themselves? At least a second chance, but maybe not third or fourth; even though I have allowed second, third and fourth to family and friends because I know we can only do what we have within us to do.

However, that doesn't mean we cannot learn - even a old dog can learn new tricks - yet I've learned that there is a difference, because some don't want to change. Knowing the difference can save you heartache. It took me awhile to accept that fact and now with all of what I know today I can move on and away faster.

To continue, I don't think I have ever felt anything but remorse and regret with Pete Rose, albeit a few feelings from him of a "protective edge" he's developed due to the cards he was dealt and his now bigger ego being busted. Yes, I am an empathic psychic - so I would sense those feelings - read them like a book.

"A man thinks in his heart and so he is." I admire a person who turns their life around from negative circumstances instead of succumbing to it.

What gets me is our society's double standards. Why do actors get oscars with the skeletons they have in their closets that have been exposed to the public, but baseball players that are "chastised" for doing a wrong are barred from the sport and later the baseball hall of fame - forever?

The punishment seems to outweigh the crime. It kind of reminds me of those who cut off the hand of someone who steals. Ouch! Yet, isn't this the same thing? Was a life taken? Then why is a life (his life) taken?

My children know I don't reward bad behavior. Please don't get me wrong, I am a strict disciplinarian, but I don't believe in eternal punishment. I see a wrong and choose to right it by having a mutual understanding. Show remorse, clean up your act and lets move on. If you don't choose to - then just move on. We don't need to be a part of each other's life if we are being like oil and water; not mixing. However, people need hope for survival. Eternal punishment does not allow hope.

Now, I will not talk about heinous crimes, that is another topic for another time. What I have learned about this would take awhile and tons of controversy.

Continuing onward, one thing I used to tell my kids about rules is that the rules I make will not be broken, but I'm flexible enough to bend them if need be. Bending or being flexible would be based on weighing everything from everyone's feelings at that moment. I feel enough moments have passed for Pete Rose and collective thought is in his favor - maybe always has been.

As Jesus taught: He who is without sin cast the first stone. Native Americans teach: Walk a mile in their shoes before you judge someone.

Does the punishment of never being in the baseball hall of fame really fit the crime? Something that's determined after an initial punishment? Wouldn't that be like me telling my children you are grounded for disobeying and then adding more punishment to it whenever I saw fit?

To me, that's eternal punishment.

Picture from Wikipedia:

Sunday, January 13, 2013


While watching a small bird flitting around our nearly, leaf bare tree today, I noticed a small private plane flying overhead and thought about the wonders of humanity's creativity.

Flight: What was yesterday's dream is today's reality and it's anyone's guess where our heart's flight will take us in the future. The sky is the limit.

Friday, January 4, 2013

I Believe

I Believe
That just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other.
And just because they don't argue, 
it doesn't mean they do love each other.

 I Believe
 That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
That my best friend and I, can do anything, or nothing and have the best time.
 That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
 Same goes for true love.

 I Believe
That you can do something in an instant
That will give you heartache for life.
That you should always leave 
loved ones with loving words.
It may be the last time you see them.

I Believe
That we are responsible for what we do, 
no matter how we feel.
That either you control your attitude 
or it controls you.
 And that money is a lousy way 
of keeping score.

I Believe
That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had
  and what you've learned from them
and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

I Believe
That it isn't always enough, 
to be forgiven by others.
 Sometimes, you have to learn 
to forgive yourself.
That no matter how bad 
your heart is broken 
the world doesn't stop for your grief.

 I Believe
That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are,
  but, we are responsible 
for who we become.
That you shouldn't be so eager 
to find out a secret.
It could change your life forever.

 I Believe
Two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
  they just make the most of everything.