No surprise to me either, that when people pray to God for help, and He sends a messenger, they are ignored, ridiculed or persecuted ... and we wonder why our prayers aren't answered.
And so, the battle of wills continues and this blog will explain why.
All Master Metaphysicians, Prophets, Psychics, throughout history, knows this fact: every thought/emotion (good or bad) is in the universe, book of knowledge, Akashic Records (etc.), from every part of life that emits these.
Think about it: if our mind can think back upon a past thought in our current life, whether it be good or bad (depending on our feelings of good and bad), our emotions will react to that moment in time due to the feelings we have placed on that thought. Whether that be a birthday gift, giving birth to a child, an illness that we recovered from or any number of things ... it's in our cellular memory.
However, there is the "God" (universal) mind that can tap into any thought/emotion from anyone, anywhere at anytime.
Throughout history, a person who has paid their dues, by walking through the fires of an intense universal training, will develop this universal mind and can utilize the records of current and past information to guide, counsel, or heal. They can see the path one is on and advise of the pitfalls or benefits. They can see forks in the road and advise what's on each path.
Hopefully, it will still be our free will choice to take whichever one we wish, based on the information shared and based on each person's awareness.
This is the training that historical or religious people had to learn in order to become who they were, including Buddha, Abraham, Jesus and Muhammad, among many ... as well as the numerous men and women who came before and after them. They could see and communicate with the unseen and remove any entities due to their negative influences over the "living's" life.
Due to this awareness, it also caused them to be severely attacked, maligned and persecuted in their messenger/healing capacity.
They were sent here to do these great deeds for humanity, not because of unconditional love, but because of their desire (conditions) to create a better world ... to teach how to continually change out our dark age thinking and prevent evil thoughts from attacking us ... to move us forward with a more loving and compassionate nature ... a nature that is self-healing in itself.
However, those that got into the dark side of said power fought back for all the opposite reasons. They wanted control and power. They did not want humanity to be self-aware and self-healing. They wanted sickness: mentally and physically. They wanted people to fear, so that control over them would be easier.
They devised ways to subject and project our, or another's, thoughts/emotions to our body and mind, to create negativity, sickness and, yes, even death.
They place, or use, "puppets" around people to have them be naysayers when anything of positive or a helpful nature was presented to the one needing a message from God ... because the receiver's mind was either being blocked or they didn't know how to hear it themselves.
They can use these thoughts in the universe to create disease and sickness whenever it suits their purpose, through astral projection or subjection and held thoughts into another's energy.
That's what these past messengers/prophets dealt with and why they were crucified. That's why the current messengers/prophets get crucified still today ... mankind's diligence in maintaining ignorance from what they are here to teach; not necessarily for our welfare but for their welfare as well, because they know the energy of all souls are eternal ... and diseased souls are destroying our planet.
They come back over and over again to teach and one can tell the difference in the good or bad messengers based on what they may demand from another. Is their ego self-serving or for the good of all?
Most wouldn't know, based on my current awareness, if Jesus did return and was standing in front of them today. Most wouldn't know if he decided to send many instead of returning himself, in order to prevent limited thinkers crucifying him again. Most wouldn't know who he sent either. Would he send anyone to do a job that he wouldn't do himself?
Would God do that either? Would God send many to earth to enlighten mankind without taking on his own tasks? What do you think? How would anyone know if He is walking this earth right now or ever has? How would anyone know if he (or she, if incarnated in a female body) is being crucified by us because of it? Could we get our ego out of the way long enough to know the truth?
So, when a current, experienced, universal messenger comes to you with a message that relates to something they are asked to share with you, for whatever reason, will you crucify them too? Will you allow the naysayers around you to think for you or will your thoughts be blocked from thinking for yourself? Will you go the distance by seeking counsel from others, even if that's outside your "circle," who could be unbiased and have your best interest at heart instead of only what they can do to line their pockets?
That's not saying that metaphysicians don't need resources to survive, if you choose to seek their counsel, but are they living in ivory castles, trying to serve two gods?
To continue, will you hush the naysayer's negativity and seek with all your heart until you "feel" the truth vividly and strongly? That's the true power of God and His guidance ... seek and you shall find.
Why is it that we can get a comment from a doctor who says we're going to die, here's the lab report, and yet, we constantly give our power away to that comment so easily, yet refuse to believe the messengers truth of the power of healing is within us all? That we can believe we are dying - seeing is believing - but we cannot believe that even lab reports can be tampered with based on projected thoughts in the universe?
Is this thought that our lab results can be tampered, or maligned, too science fiction for us? Since all thoughts/emotions are in the universe, wouldn't those thoughts/emotions be in the universe too? Wouldn't a metaphysician be able to interpret that based on their training?
After all, there are those who believe in mythological and invisible fairies, dragons, mermaids and unicorns, however cannot believe thoughts can destroy, as well as create, and there are "invisible" beings (to our physical eyes) who know how to do this? That all these historical stories of things of this nature were written by senseless, ill-minded people on earth? Really? Every single one of them?Or ... are our thoughts being blocked from believing and we still do not feel worthy of this ability or awareness?
Do we fear it because it is unknown? Why is it still unknown?
How many more divine messengers, teachers, wayshowers is it going to take for us to understand ... for us believe ... for us to know ... or will they finally turn away and say: figure it out for yourselves?
Think before reacting ... do so only after considering everything possible. Someone might just be trying to help and you could be aiding and abetting someone who doesn't want you to be helped. This is why we still don't get it.
Just something to think about.