Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's All About BS!

I posted a comment (below), about religious beliefs, on a friend's Facebook status update and thought I would share it here in my blog. Yes, I know I may be stepping on toes, but as I also said (agreeing with another one of her friends): bring on the vultures, I'm ready.

I'm just so disgusted with the hate, violence, indecency and disrespect of other's feelings that is created by people's BS (belief systems). What next, are people going to get violent and hate us for the clothes we have in our closets, just because we don't conform with another's style of clothing? Be respectful of one another's feelings and if you can't "do as the Roman's do," you have three choices: change the law legally, move on or conform. 

Hate just shows me someone is out of control. Why should I listen to someone like that? I don't believe in public nudity but I don't go around hating or hurting someone if they choose to and aren't breaking any laws. Personally, I think public nudity should be outlawed because there are those that should keep their clothes on ... the view hurts my eyes. ;)

Yes, that may sound like BS but it is my belief system.

--------My Comment on Facebook

I believe that everything that has been created in history - whether that be bad or good (based on individual opinion) - has had a place in it for a reason.  Understanding the reason, and determining if the reason is no longer needed (in order to stop keeping something that no longer serves), is the real issue. 

It's not so much that we have things we argue over but why we argue over them. We hang onto old ideas as if our very foundation (life) depends on it. We refuse to change because we fear change. Wouldn't it be so much nicer if we could appreciate what served us and move on when it no longer does, without retaliation or condemnation from another ... because they haven't gotten what we did and still need their comfort area? I don't want to remove someone from what makes them happy anymore then I want them to do the same to me. 

In other words, stop bopping me in the head with your BS (belief system), lay out your cards on the table and if I find credibility in what you offer, I will accept it. If not, I will reject and move on as anyone should be allowed to do. 

Personally, I'm disgusted with the quote of "more wars have been fought over religion then anything else." Isn't it time to grow up and put the historical, and not always valid, beliefs behind us? 

One cannot advance into the future if they keep living in the past. 

We cry out for the gods and goddesses, saints and angels from the past to save us, without realizing that they too could be incarnated in the body of a friend or family member just trying to make ends meet. They could be a soul that shared the life of Mohammed (or whoever) and now incarnated and getting his ass kicked in because of who he was and not for who he (or she) is today. We stir up their energy with our demands and they retaliate with anger because we won't let their souls "rest in peace" and think we are the only ones allowed a life. 

To think they are only out there for our beck and call is incredibly ludicrous as well as seriously selfish on any human being who feels this way. 

That's why I said it's time for us to grow up. 

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