Monday, January 23, 2017

God's Truth

I love those who guide me. People use many names, like spirit guide or guardian angel, but I refer to them only as guidance, because I have a few. It can be educational, as well as entertaining. Never a dull moment. 

For example, about a year ago, I was advised to correct a social media friend's comment about polar bear extinction and climate change. I also shared some links for her to read; one link was from a well-known polar bear scientist. Shortly after, her guide projected to me calling me a know it all. As my eyebrows raised, from what I had heard, guidance stepped in and calmly, but sternly, corrected him saying: "she's not a know it all, God is."

I was reminded of this, because, yesterday, a dear friend mentioned that people like to skew the truth in their favor. I said: "True, but I've learned that the truth in the universe is more powerful then any skewed truth." To me, that's the absolute truth. It's not skewed truth or my truth, it's God's Truth.


  1. I know this might seem strange, but could I get the links you sent to your friend? I am interested in that field of study, that's all.

    1. Not sure about what global warming sites I shared as it was about a year ago but I still get this blog about polar bears and ice. Very informative. Backs up her stuff too.

    2. This is the blog I first wrote about misleading media and I her website.

  2. Thank you. I felt it was important as I am studying environmental sciences. It's sad that people have to amount to lies for their personal agendas.

    1. You're welcome and I agree. Good luck with your studies. ❤
