Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hypocrisy: Globalization and Diversity

Does anyone else see the hypocrisy that's been going on? Honestly, it's insanity when you think about it. Many leaders, and public figures, praise diversity of people and cultures around our planet, but in the next breath they are saying quite the opposite by trying to homogenize everyone. 

What does globalization and open borders mean to you? To me, it's the mixing of cultures and people to the point we may, eventually, lose that diversity, unless people struggle to keep it. However, how long would that struggle last before people start giving up? Think about it. 

And while you're thinking about it, think about all those people who are condemning it and why. Maybe they saw the hypocrisy too. Maybe, they're struggling to preserve their identities, their race, their culture, and their countries, which so many are applauding, but are, actually, promoting their eradication.

In fact, I, seriously, don't know how anyone can say globalization and diversity without feeling like a hypocrite.

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